Use puppet apply instead of puppet agent

At long last, the day of reckoning is here. Run puppet apply and then
copy the log files back and post them to puppetdb.

Change-Id: I919fea64df0fbb8681e91ac9425b4c43760bb3dd
This commit is contained in:
Monty Taylor 2015-11-24 19:18:47 -05:00
parent 6bcf9aea71
commit 4e62f20007
3 changed files with 64 additions and 73 deletions

@ -5,10 +5,11 @@
Puppet Master
Puppet agent is a mechanism use to pull puppet manifests and configuration
from a centralized master. This means there is only one place that needs to
hold secure information such as passwords, and only one location for the git
repo holding the modules.
The puppetmaster server is named puppetmaster for historical reasons - it
no longer runs a puppetmaster process. There is a centralized 'hiera'
database that contains secure information such as passwords. The puppetmaster
server contains all of the ansible playbooks to run puppet apply
as well as the scripts to create new servers.
At a Glance
@ -25,50 +26,59 @@ At a Glance
* `Puppet Language Reference <>`_
Puppet Master
Puppet Driving Ansible Driving Puppet
The puppet master is setup using a combination of Apache and mod passenger to
ship the data to the clients.
In OpenStack Infra, there are ansible playbooks that drive the running of
``puppet apply`` on all of the hosts in the inventory. That process first
copies appropriate ``hiera`` data files to each host, and when it is done
it copies back the JSON report of the puppet run and submits it to
The cron jobs, current configuration files and more can be done with ``puppet
apply`` but first some bootstrapping needs to be done.
You want to install these from puppetlabs' apt repo. There is a script in the
root of the system-config repository that will setup and install the
puppet client. After that you must install the puppetmaster and hiera (used to
maintain secrets on the puppet master).
You want to install these from puppetlabs' apt repo. There is a script,
`:file:`` in the root of the system-config repository that
will setup and install the puppet client. After that you must install the
ansible playbooks and hiera config (used to maintain secrets).
Puppet 3 masters can run on Trusty, Precise, and Centos 6.
Ansible and Puppet 3 is known to run on Precise, Trusty, Centos 6 and Centos 7.
.. code-block:: bash
sudo su -
git clone /opt/system-config/production
apt-get install puppetmaster-passenger hiera hiera-puppet
Finally, install the modules, fix your hostname and use ``puppet apply`` to
finish configuration:
.. code-block:: bash
bash /opt/system-config/production/
bash /opt/system-config/production/
echo $REAL_HOSTNAME > /etc/hostname
service hostname restart
puppet apply --modulepath='/opt/system-config/production/modules:/etc/puppet/modules' -e 'include openstack_project::puppetmaster'
Note: Hiera uses a systemwide configuration file in ``/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml``
Hiera uses a systemwide configuration file in ``/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml``
and this setup supports multiple configurations. The two sets of environments
that OpenStack Infrastructure uses are ``production`` and ``development``.
``production`` is the default is and the environment used when nothing else is
specified. Then the configuration needs to be placed into common.yaml in
``production`` is the default and the environment used when nothing else is
The hiera configuration is placed by puppet apply into common.yaml in
``/etc/puppet/hieradata/production`` and ``/etc/puppet/hieradata/development``.
The values are simple key-value pairs in yaml format. The keys needed are the
keys referenced in your ``site.pp``, their values are typically obvious
(strings, lists of strings). ``/etc/puppet/hieradata/`` and below should be
owned by ``puppet:puppet`` and have mode ``0711``. The actual ``common.yaml``
file should have mode 0600.
owned by ``puppet:puppet`` and have mode ``0711``.
Below the ``hieradata`` directory, there should be a ``common.yaml`` file where
settings that should be available to all servers in the infrastructure go,
and then two directories full of files. The first is ``fqdn`` which should
contain a yaml file for every server in the infrastructure named
``${fqdn_of_server}.yaml``. That file has secrets that are only for that
server. Additionally, some servers can have a ``$group`` defined in
``manifests/site.pp``. There can be a correspondingly named yaml file in the
``group`` directory that contains secrets to be made available to each
server in the group.
All of the actual yaml files should have mode 0600 and be owned by root.
Adding a node
@ -86,70 +96,48 @@ For manual bootstrap, you need to run on the new server connecting
bash -x
The node then needs to be configured to set a fixed hostname and the
hostname of the puppet master with the following additions to
.. code-block:: ini
The cert signing process needs to be started with:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo puppet agent --test
This will make a request to the puppet master to have its SSL cert signed.
On the puppet master:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo puppet cert list
You should get a list of entries similar to the one below:: (44:18:BB:DF:08:50:62:70:17:07:82:1F:D5:70:0E:BF)
If you see the new node there you can sign its cert on the puppet master with:
.. code-block:: bash
sudo puppet cert sign
Once the cert is signed, the puppet running orchestration will pick up
the node and run puppet on it as needed.
Running Puppet on Nodes
In OpenStack's Infrastructure, puppet runs are triggered from a cronjob
running on the puppetmaster which in turn runs a single run of puppet on
each host we know about. We do not use the daemon mode of puppet agent
because it experiences random hangs, and also does not allow us to control
sequencing in any meaningful way.
running on the puppetmaster which in turn runs a single run of puppet apply on
each host we know about.
The entry point for this process is ``/opt/system-config/production/``
There are a set of nodes, which are configured in puppet as "override" nodes,
which are run in sequence before the rest of the nodes are run in parallel.
There are a few sets of nodes which have their own playbooks so that they
are run in sequence before the rest of the nodes are run in parallel.
At the moment, this allows creation of git repos on the git slaves before
creation of the master repos on the gerrit server.
If an admin needs to run puppet by hand, it's a simple matter of either
logging in to the server in question and running
`puppet apply /opt/system-config/production/manifests/site.pp` or, on the
puppetmaster, running
`ansible-playbook --limit='$HOST;localhost' /opt/system-config/production/playbooks/remote_puppet_all.yaml`
as root, where `$HOST` is the host you want to run puppet on. If you are
working with git, gerrit or afs servers, you'll want to replace
`remote_puppet_all.yaml` with the appropriate specific playbook.
The `;localhost` is important as some of the plays depend on performing a task
on the localhost before continuing to the host in question, and without it in
the limit section, the tasks for the host will have undefined values.
Testing new puppet code can be done via `puppet apply --noop` or by
constructing a VM with a puppet install in it and just running `puppet apply`
on the code in question. This should actually make it fairly easy to test
how production works in a more self-contained manner.
Disabling Puppet on Nodes
In the case of needing to disable the running of puppet on a node, it's a
simple matter of adding an entry to the ansible inventory "disabled" group.
See the :ref:`disable-enable-puppet` section for more details.
Important Notes
#. Make sure the site manifest **does not** include the puppet cron job, this
conflicts with puppet master and can cause issues. The initial puppet run
that create users should be done using the puppet agent configuration above.
#. If you do not see the cert in the master's cert list the agent's
``/var/log/syslog`` should have an entry showing you why.
that create users should be done using the puppet apply configuration above.

@ -279,6 +279,8 @@ repository ````. This
tool is run from a checkout on the puppetmaster - please see :file:`launch/README`
for detailed instructions.
.. _disable-enable-puppet:
Disable/Enable Puppet

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
copy_hieradata: true
copy_puppet: true
manifest: /opt/system-config/production/manifests/site.pp
manifest_base: /opt/system-config