Shut down openstack general, dev, ops and sigs mls

The general openstack, openstack-dev, openstack-operators and
openstack-sigs mailing lists have been deprecated since November 19
and are slated to be removed on December 3. Merging this on that
date will ensure any further replies to messages from those lists
are rerouted to the new openstack-discuss mailing list for the
foreseeable future.

The openstack-tc list is included in this batch as it has already
been closed down with a recommendation to send further such
communications to the openstack-discuss ML.

Additionally remove the Puppet mailman resource for the
openstack-sigs ML so it won't be automatically recreated after it
gets deleted (the other lists predate our use of Puppet for this

Clean up the corresponding -owner spam rejection aliases since these
addresses will no longer be accepting E-mail anyway.

Change-Id: I9a7fae465c3f6bdcf3ebbadb8926eb4feb8fad79
This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Stanley 2018-11-30 18:22:00 +00:00
parent cd9484cedf
commit e9d49b4839
2 changed files with 5 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -278,14 +278,6 @@ class openstack_project::lists(
description => 'Discussions around consuming the OpenStack REST APIs and development of API-consuming SDKs and frameworks',
mailman_list { 'openstack-sigs@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => '',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack SIGs discussions, gathering users, operators and developers of OpenStack into common groups.',
mailman_list { 'enterprise-wg@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,

View File

@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ mm_domains: '
exim_local_domains: "@:{{ mm_domains }}"
root: "{{ ','.join(listadmins|default([])) }}"
openstack: openstack-discuss
openstack-dev: openstack-discuss
openstack-operators: openstack-discuss
openstack-sigs: openstack-discuss
openstack-tc: openstack-discuss
ambassadors-owner: spam
community-owner: spam
edge-computing-owner: spam
@ -12,18 +17,13 @@ exim_aliases:
mailman-owner: spam
marketing-owner: spam
openstack-announce-owner: spam
openstack-dev-owner: spam
openstack-docs-owner: spam
openstack-fr-owner: spam
openstack-i18n-owner: spam
openstack-infra-owner: spam
openstack-ko-owner: spam
openstack-operators-owner: spam
openstack-owner: spam
openstack-qa-owner: spam
openstack-security-owner: spam
openstack-sigs-owner: spam
openstack-tc-owner: spam
openstack-vi-owner: spam
product-wg-owner: spam
superuser-owner: spam