The haproxy rsyslog config file was left in the cgit module despite
pulling the haproxy stuff out of cgit and putting it in
openstack_project. Move the rsyslog config file into the
openstack_project module where it belongs.
Change-Id: I0fc45f7497f0f2682bbc5c7ae0da546a71b67188
* Add puppetlabs-haproxy forge module.
* modules/cgit/manifests/init.pp: Add haproxy config to load balance
https, https and git protocol git access. Each git server will host git
http on port 8080, https on port 4443 and git protocol on 29418. These
endpoints will then be load balanced by a single haproxy instance
listening on ports 80, 443 and 9418. The use of haproxy and having
services listen on offset ports to accomodate haproxy is toggleable
using the $balance_git and $behind_proxy boolean flags.
Additionally, configure rsyslog for haproxy.
* modules/cgit/files/rsyslog.haproxy.conf: Enable syslog over UDP on
port 514. This is needed by haproxy to perform logging. Send local0
messages to /var/log/haproxy.log.
* modules/cgit/templates/ssl.conf.erb: Make Apache https listen port
configurable. Remove default virtualhost.
* modules/cgit/templates/httpd.conf.erb: Make Apache http listen port
* modules/cgit/templates/git.vhost..erb: Make Apache http(s) listen
ports configuruable. Allow http without redirecting to https as a
fallback option to accomodate CentOS clients.
* modules/openstack_project/manifests/git.pp: Pass load balancer
variables through to the cgit manifest.
* manifests/site.pp: Configure git.o.o to run the load balancer haproxy
and balance across the new gitXX.o.o nodes.
Change-Id: Icefc5923cff9a7c6ce62c1923ec2ea87ebc6474a
Add git-daemon init file to /etc/init.d and make sure the service
is started.
For transition, keep the git xinetd file and service defined but
switch git service to stopped, we can remove this later.
Change-Id: I0cf02c7292496e39695b80b00cdcb82ec7a61700
* modules/cgit/files/git.xinetd: Configure git xinetd
* modules/cgit/manifests/init.pp: Install git xinetd file and make sure the
* service is running.
Change-Id: I7686b1cacd257e2aa519885b969272055a74e48e
Update the cgit Apache config to make requests to be rewritten to go to /cgit
Change-Id: I3589868e9cb202f4d4b89378ca5e38ec57869b2c