It takes over the log files. So does the sync of
Change-Id: Ic5c3811bf8b03cd387a2790e4d6ab457f5288c57
The intent of the periodic jobs is to run with latest master. If
they get enqueued, then other patches land, they'll still run with
the value of the zuul ref from when they were enqueued. That's not
what we want for prod, as it can lead to running old versions of
We don't usually like doing this, but in this case, rather than
making us remember to add a flag every time a prod job gets added
to a periodic pipeline, how's about we just calculate it.
Change-Id: Ib999731fe132b1e9f197e51d74066fa75cb6c69b
We use project-config for gerrit, gitea and nodepool config. That's
cool, because can clone that from zuul too and make sure that each
prod run we're doing runs with the contents of the patch in question.
Introduce a flag file that can be touched in /home/zuulcd that will
block zuul from running prod playbooks. By default, if the file is
there, zuul will wait for an hour before giving up.
Rename zuulcd to zuul
To better align prod and test, name the zuul user zuul.
Change-Id: I83c38c9c430218059579f3763e02d6b9f40c7b89