The distbuild process checked .git/packed-refs instead of
.git/refs/heads/master. This file is required for triggering
automatic staging site rebuild.
Change-Id: I177dda27140ac6af7f3c94c9b161b5b24c4ba0c0
* modules/drupal/manifests/init.pp: Some of the deployment scripts
and related tooling use the command-line MySQL client, so install
Change-Id: I7f52f7a9b0d279fa5ead21313458053aeb16ac3c
Add a groups-dev node to openstack infra, based on drupal
environment. This node checks out the repository:
Build a new deployment from scratch, including drush make
distbuild and drush si auto-installation features.
Change-Id: I71eef1c14724ceb13a896ff768923148dedcc2ef