We're moving to OFTC and this tries to capture the various types of
updates for bots and docs we'll need to do. I don't expect this to
be complete, but adds some good reminder for a few things we don't
want to miss.
Change-Id: I09f4c7aa1a2eb8cd167439d58ab4222f5e63a4b1
This started with me wondering why gerritbot was putting all its
output into /var/log/syslog -- it turns out Xenial docker is
configured to use journalctl (which forwards to syslog) and Bionic
onwards uses json-file.
Both are sub-optimial; but particularly the json-file because we lose
the logs when the container dies. This proposes moving to a more
standard model of having the containers log to syslog and redirecting
that to files on disk.
Install a rsyslog configuration to capture "docker-*" program names
and put them into logfiles in /var/log/containers. Also install
rotation for these files.
In an initial group of docker-compose files, setup logging to syslog
which should then be captured into these files. Add some basic
If this works OK, I think we can standardise our docker-compose files
like this to caputure the logs the same everywhere.
Change-Id: I940a5b05057e832e2efad79d9a2ed5325020ed0c
Change restart mode to always instead of 'no' as testing shows we won't
restart in a loop in CI and we want production to restart automatically.
Also add ssh pubkey contents for completeness and simplicity if we need
to find those in the future.
Change-Id: I81573a1ad1574419194eb3088070dda95fb81fff
This new ansible role deploys gerritbot with docker-compose on
eavesdrop.openstack.org. This way we can run it where the other bots
Testing is rudimentary for now as we don't really want to connect to a
production gerrit and freenode. We check things the best we can.
We will want to coordinate deployment of this change with disabling the
running service on the gerrit server.
Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/745240
Change-Id: I008992978791ff0a38f92fb4bc529ff643f01dd6