#!/bin/bash -ex # Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ROOT=$(readlink -fn $(dirname $0)/..) MODULE_PATH="${ROOT}/modules:/etc/puppet/modules" export PUPPET_INTEGRATION_TEST=1 cat > clonemap.yaml <<EOF clonemap: - name: openstack-infra/project-config dest: /etc/project-config - name: '(.*?)/puppet-(.*)' dest: '/etc/puppet/modules/\2' EOF # These arrays are initialized here and populated in modules.env # Array of modules to be installed key:value is module:version. declare -A MODULES # Array of modues to be installed from source and without dependency resolution. # key:value is source location, revision to checkout declare -A SOURCE_MODULES # Array of modues to be installed from source and without dependency resolution from openstack git # key:value is source location, revision to checkout declare -A INTEGRATION_MODULES project_names="" source modules.env for MOD in ${!INTEGRATION_MODULES[*]}; do project_scope=$(basename `dirname $MOD`) repo_name=`basename $MOD` project_names+=" $project_scope/$repo_name" done sudo -E /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner -m clonemap.yaml --cache-dir /opt/git \ git://git.openstack.org \ openstack-infra/project-config \ $project_names if [[ ! -d applytest ]] ; then mkdir applytest fi csplit -sf applytest/puppetapplytest manifests/site.pp '/^$/' {*} sed -i -e 's/^[^][:space:]$]/#&/g' applytest/puppetapplytest* sed -i -e 's@hiera(.\([^.]*\).,\([^)]*\))@\2@' applytest/puppetapplytest* mv applytest/*00 applytest/head # These are the top-level variables defined in site.pp if [[ `lsb_release -i -s` == 'CentOS' ]]; then if [[ `lsb_release -r -s` =~ '6' ]]; then CODENAME='centos6' fi elif [[ `lsb_release -i -s` == 'Ubuntu' ]]; then CODENAME=`lsb_release -c -s` fi FOUND=0 for f in `find applytest -name 'puppetapplytest*' -print` ; do if grep -q "Node-OS: $CODENAME" $f; then cat applytest/head $f > $f.final FOUND=1 fi done if [[ $FOUND == "0" ]]; then echo "No hosts found for node type $CODENAME" exit 1 fi grep -v /etc/hosts >/tmp/hosts HOST=`echo $HOSTNAME |awk -F. '{ print $1 }'` echo " $HOST.openstack.org $HOST" >> /tmp/hosts sudo mv /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts sudo mkdir -p /var/run/puppet sudo -E bash -x ./install_modules.sh echo "Running apply test on these hosts:" find applytest -name 'puppetapplytest*.final' -print0 find applytest -name 'puppetapplytest*.final' -print0 | \ xargs -0 -P $(nproc) -n 1 -I filearg \ sudo puppet apply --modulepath=${MODULE_PATH} --noop --verbose --debug filearg > /dev/null