- name: Install ansible pip: name: ansible - name: Install openstacksdk pip: name: openstacksdk - name: Ensure /etc/ansible and /etc/ansible/hosts file: state: directory path: /etc/ansible/hosts - name: Ensure /etc/ansible/inventory_plugins file: state: directory path: /etc/ansible/inventory_plugins - name: Ensure /var/cache/ansible file: state: directory path: /var/cache/ansible owner: root group: root mode: 0770 - name: Ensure ansible log dir is writable file: path: /var/log/ansible state: directory owner: root group: root mode: 0775 - name: Copy ansible.cfg in to place copy: src: ansible.cfg dest: /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg # NOTE(mordred) The copy of the openstack inventory plugin from 2.6 is busted. # It doesn't proerly deal with caching. A fix has been submitted upstream, but # for now this is a fixed copy. - name: Copy fixed openstack inventory in place copy: src: openstack.py dest: /etc/ansible/inventory_plugins/openstack.py