- hosts: review
  gather_facts: False
  remote_user: root

    - include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"

    - name: Stop Gerrit
        cmd: docker-compose down
        chdir: /etc/gerrit-compose/

    - name: Make organization dir
        state: directory
        path: "{{ (item[0] + item[1].new) | dirname }}"
        group: gerrit2
        owner: gerrit2
        mode: 0755
        - [ '~gerrit2/review_site/git/' ]
        - "{{ repos }}"

    - name: Rename git repos on gerrit
      shell: mv {{ item[0] }}{{ item[1].old }}.git {{ item[0] }}{{ item[1].new }}.git
        - [ '~gerrit2/review_site/git/' ]
        - "{{ repos }}"

- hosts: gitea
  gather_facts: False
    gitea_url: https://localhost:3000
    - include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"
    - name: Move gitea repo
      include_tasks: gitea-rename-tasks.yaml
      loop: "{{ repos }}"
        loop_var: repo

- hosts: storyboard-dev
  gather_facts: False
  remote_user: root

    - include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"

    - name: Rename projects in storyboard
      shell: echo 'update projects set name="{{ item.new }}" where name="{{ item.old }}";' | mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf storyboard
      with_items: "{{ repos }}"
      # We don't want to be blocked by errors on the dev server.
      ignore_errors: yes

- hosts: storyboard
  gather_facts: False
  remote_user: root

    - include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"

    - name: Rename projects in storyboard
      shell: echo 'update projects set name="{{ item.new }}" where name="{{ item.old }}";' | mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf storyboard
      with_items: "{{ repos }}"

- hosts: zuul02.opendev.org
  gather_facts: False
  remote_user: root
    - include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"

    - name: Backup the zuul keys before we modify them
      command: "docker exec zuul-scheduler_scheduler_1 zuul-admin export-keys /var/lib/zuul/zuul-keys-backup.json"

    - name: Copy zuul keys from old to new project
      command: "docker exec zuul-scheduler_scheduler_1 zuul-admin copy-keys gerrit {{ item.old }} gerrit {{ item.new }}"
      loop: "{{ repos }}"

- hosts: review
  gather_facts: False
  remote_user: root
  become: yes
  become_user: gerrit2

    - name: Make backup of gerrit index
      shell: cp -ax /home/gerrit2/review_site/index /home/gerrit2/index.backup.$(date +%s)

    # As an alternative we can simply delete the waiting queue. Previously
    # these were copied for debugging purposes but the problems are
    # reasonably well understood so we probably don't need to keep collecting
    # more data.
    # We use the tmp/ path because it is not backed up and we don't need to
    # preserve this information long term.
    - name: Create replication queue target location
        path: /home/gerrit2/tmp/replication_waiting_queues
        state: directory
        mode: '0755'
        owner: gerrit2
        group: gerrit2
    - name: Move the replication plugin waiting queue aside due to bugs
      shell: mv /home/gerrit2/review_site/data/replication/ref-updates/waiting /home/gerrit2/tmp/replication_waiting_queues/waiting_queue_$(date +%s)

- hosts: review
  gather_facts: False
  remote_user: root

    - name: Start gerrit
        name: gerrit
        tasks_from: start
        gerrit_run_init: false
        gerrit_run_reindex: false
        gerrit_run_compose_up: true

- hosts: review
  gather_facts: False
  remote_user: root
  become: yes
  become_user: gerrit2

    - include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"

    - name: Wait for gerrit ssh to be listening
        host: localhost
        port: 29418
        # Far longer than necessary
        timeout: 1800

    - name: Sleep a bit longer just to be sure it is up
        timeout: 30

    - name: Set base ssh command fact
        gerrit_ssh_command: ssh -p 29418 -i /home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_project_rsa_key openstack-project-creator@localhost gerrit

    - name: Rename groups in gerrit
      shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} rename-group {{ item.old }} {{ item.new }}"
      with_items: "{{ gerrit_groups|default([]) }}"

    - name: Start online reindex of accounts
      shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start accounts --force"

    - name: Start online reindex of groups
      shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start groups --force"

    - name: Start online reindex of projects
      shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start projects --force"

    - name: Start online reindex of changes
      shell: "{{ gerrit_ssh_command }} index start changes --force"

- hosts: zuul02.opendev.org
  gather_facts: False
  remote_user: root
    - include_vars: "{{ repolist }}"

    - name: Remove old zuul project keys
      command: "docker exec zuul-scheduler_scheduler_1 zuul-admin delete-keys gerrit {{ item.old }}"
      loop: "{{ repos }}"