# Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

import os.path
import pytest

testinfra_hosts = ['borg-backup01.region.provider.opendev.org',

def test_borg_installed(host):
    f = host.file('/opt/borg/bin/borg')
    assert f.exists

    cmd = host.run('/opt/borg/bin/borg --version')
    assert cmd.succeeded
    # NOTE(ianw): deliberately pinned; we want to be careful if we
    # update that the new version is compatible with old repos.
    assert '1.1.18' in cmd.stdout

def test_borg_server_users(host):
    hostname = host.backend.get_hostname()
    if hostname.startswith('borg-backup-test'):

    for username in 'borg-borg-backup-test01', 'borg-borg-backup-test02':
        homedir = os.path.join('/opt/backups/', username)
        borg_repo = os.path.join(homedir, 'backup')
        authorized_keys = os.path.join(homedir, '.ssh', 'authorized_keys')

        user = host.user(username)
        assert user.exists
        assert user.home == homedir

        f = host.file(authorized_keys)
        assert f.exists
        assert f.contains("ssh-ed25519")

        f = host.file(borg_repo)
        assert f.exists

def test_borg_backup_host_config(host):
    hostname = host.backend.get_hostname()
    if hostname == 'borg-backup01.region.provider.opendev.org':

    f = host.file('/usr/local/bin/borg-backup')
    assert f.exists

    f = host.file('/root/.ssh/id_borg_backup_ed25519')
    assert f.exists

    f = host.file('/root/.ssh/config')
    assert f.exists
    assert f.contains('Host borg-backup01.region.provider.opendev.org')

def test_borg_backup(host):
    hostname = host.backend.get_hostname()
    if hostname == 'borg-backup01.region.provider.opendev.org':

    cmd = host.run(
        '/usr/local/bin/borg-backup borg-backup01.region.provider.opendev.org 2>> '
    assert cmd.succeeded

    cmd = host.run(
        '/usr/local/bin/borg-mount borg-backup01.region.provider.opendev.org')
    assert cmd.succeeded

    cmd = host.run('ls /opt/backups')
    # this directory should now have a directory
    #  borg-backup-test0X-YYYY-MM-DDT...
    assert 'borg-backup-test' in cmd.stdout

    # unmount it for sanity
    cmd = host.run('umount /opt/backups')
    assert cmd.succeeded

def test_borg_server_prune(host):
    hostname = host.backend.get_hostname()
    if hostname.startswith('borg-backup-test'):

    cmd = host.run('echo "prune" | /usr/local/bin/prune-borg-backups &> /var/log/prune-borg-backups.log')
    assert cmd.succeeded

def test_borg_server_verify(host):
    hostname = host.backend.get_hostname()
    if hostname.startswith('borg-backup-test'):

    cmd = host.run('/usr/local/bin/verify-borg-backups &> /var/log/verify-borg-backups.log')
    assert cmd.succeeded