# == Class: openstack_project::single_use_slave # # This class configures single use Jenkins slaves with a few # toggleable options. Most importantly sudo rights for the Jenkins # user are by default off but can be enabled. Also, automatic_upgrades # are off by default as the assumption is the backing image for # this single use slaves will be refreshed with new packages # periodically. class openstack_project::single_use_slave ( $certname = $::fqdn, $install_users = true, $sudo = false, $bare = true, $python3 = false, $include_pypy = false, $automatic_upgrades = false, $all_mysql_privs = false, $ssh_key = $openstack_project::jenkins_ssh_key ) inherits openstack_project { class { 'openstack_project::template': certname => $certname, automatic_upgrades => $automatic_upgrades, install_users => $install_users, # Port 8000 from the devstack neutron public net to allow # nova servers to reach heat-api-cfn iptables_rules4 => ['-p tcp --dport 8000 -s -j ACCEPT'], } class { 'jenkins::slave': ssh_key => $ssh_key, sudo => $sudo, bare => $bare, python3 => $python3, include_pypy => $include_pypy, all_mysql_privs => $all_mysql_privs, } }