- hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Add bridge.o.o to inventory for playbook add_host: name: bridge.openstack.org ansible_python_interpreter: python3 ansible_user: zuul # Without setting ansible_host directly, mirror-workspace-git-repos # gets sad because if delegate_to localhost and with add_host that # ends up with ansible_host being localhost. ansible_host: bridge.openstack.org ansible_port: 22 # Port 19885 is frewalled zuul_console_disabled: true - hosts: bridge.openstack.org tasks: - name: Encrypt log when: infra_prod_playbook_encrypt_log|default(False) block: - name: Create temporary staging area for encrypted logs tempfile: state: directory register: _encrypt_tempdir - name: Copy log to tempdir as Zuul user copy: src: '/var/log/ansible/{{ playbook_name }}.log' dest: '{{ _encrypt_tempdir.path }}' owner: zuul group: zuul mode: '0644' remote_src: yes become: yes - name: Encrypt logs include_role: name: encrypt-logs vars: encrypt_logs_files: - '{{ _encrypt_tempdir.path }}/{{ playbook_name }}.log' # Artifact URL should just point to root directory, so blank encrypt_logs_artifact_path: '' encrypt_logs_download_script_path: '{{ _encrypt_tempdir.path }}' - name: Return logs synchronize: src: '{{ item[0] }}' dest: '{{ item[1] }}' mode: pull verify_host: true loop: - ['{{ _encrypt_tempdir.path }}/{{ playbook_name }}.log.gpg', '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/{{ playbook_name }}.log.gpg'] - ['{{ _encrypt_tempdir.path }}/download-logs.sh' , '{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/download-gpg-logs.sh'] always: - name: Remove temporary staging file: path: '{{ _encrypt_tempdir.path }}' state: absent when: _encrypt_tempdir is defined # Not using normal zuul job roles as bridge.openstack.org is not a # test node with all the normal bits in place. - name: Collect log output synchronize: dest: "{{ zuul.executor.log_root }}/{{ playbook_name }}.log" mode: pull src: "/var/log/ansible/{{ playbook_name }}.log" verify_host: true when: infra_prod_playbook_collect_log - name: Return playbook log artifact to Zuul when: infra_prod_playbook_collect_log zuul_return: data: zuul: artifacts: - name: "Playbook Log" url: "{{ playbook_name }}.log" metadata: type: text # Save files locally on bridge - name: Get original timestamp from file header shell: | head -1 /var/log/ansible/{{ playbook_name }}.log | sed -n 's/^Running \(.*\):.*$/\1/p' args: executable: /bin/bash register: _log_timestamp - name: Turn timestamp into a string set_fact: _log_timestamp: '{{ _log_timestamp.stdout | trim }}' - name: Rename playbook log on bridge when: not infra_prod_playbook_collect_log become: yes copy: remote_src: yes src: "/var/log/ansible/{{ playbook_name }}.log" dest: "/var/log/ansible/{{ playbook_name }}.log.{{ _log_timestamp }}" # Reset the access/modification time to the timestamp in the filename; this # makes lining things up more logical - name: Reset file time file: path: '/var/log/ansible/{{ playbook_name }}.log.{{ _log_timestamp }}' state: touch modification_time: '{{ _log_timestamp }}' modification_time_format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' access_time: '{{ _log_timestamp }}' access_time_format: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' become: yes - name: Cleanup old playbook logs on bridge when: not infra_prod_playbook_collect_log become: yes shell: | find /var/log/ansible -name '{{ playbook_name }}.log.*' -type f -mtime +30 -delete