version: '2' services: mariadb: image: network_mode: host environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: "{{ gerrit_reviewdb_mariadb_password }}" MYSQL_DATABASE: "{{ gerrit_reviewdb_mariadb_dbname }}" MYSQL_USER: "{{ gerrit_reviewdb_mariadb_username }}" MYSQL_PASSWORD: "{{ gerrit_reviewdb_mariadb_password }}" MARIADB_AUTO_UPGRADE: 1 volumes: # NOTE(ianw) : mounted under /home/gerrit2 (rather than more # usual /var/ in our configs) to keep everything together on the # storage attached at /home/gerrit2 on the server. - /home/gerrit2/reviewdb:/var/lib/mysql logging: driver: journald options: tag: "docker-mariadb" gerrit: image: {{ gerrit_container_image }} depends_on: - mariadb command: ["/", "", "--", "/"] network_mode: host user: gerrit stop_signal: SIGHUP stop_grace_period: 5m volumes: {% for volume in gerrit_container_volumes %} - {{ volume }} {% endfor %} environment: JAVA_OPTIONS: >- -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -Dh2.maxCompactTime=15000 {% if gerrit_heap_limit is defined %} -Xmx{{ gerrit_heap_limit }} {% endif %} ulimits: core: 0 nofile: {{ gerrit_packed_git_open_files * 2 }} cap_add: - SYS_PTRACE # Utility "service" to allow us to run ad-hoc commands shell: image: {{ gerrit_container_image }} restart: 'no' command: /bin/true network_mode: host user: gerrit volumes: {% for volume in gerrit_container_volumes %} - {{ volume }} {% endfor %}