# Copyright 2018 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import platform import pytest testinfra_hosts = ['bridge99.opendev.org'] def test_zuul_data(host, zuul_data): # Test the zuul_data fixture that picks up things set by Zuul assert 'inventory' in zuul_data assert 'extra' in zuul_data assert 'zuul' in zuul_data['extra'] def test_clouds_yaml(host): clouds_yaml = host.file('/etc/openstack/clouds.yaml') assert clouds_yaml.exists assert b'password' in clouds_yaml.content def test_openstacksdk_config(host): f = host.file('/etc/openstack') assert f.exists assert f.is_directory assert f.user == 'root' assert f.group == 'root' assert f.mode == 0o750 del f f = host.file('/etc/openstack/limestone_cacert.pem') assert f.exists assert f.is_file assert f.user == 'root' assert f.group == 'root' assert f.mode == 0o640 def test_root_authorized_keys(host): authorized_keys = host.file('/root/.ssh/authorized_keys') assert authorized_keys.exists content = authorized_keys.content.decode('utf8') lines = content.split('\n') assert len(lines) >= 2 def test_ara(host): ara = host.run('/usr/ansible-venv/bin/ara-manage migrate') assert ara.rc == 0 database = host.file('/root/.ara/server/ansible.sqlite') assert database.exists def test_kube_config(host): if platform.machine() != 'x86_64': pytest.skip() kubeconfig = host.file('/root/.kube/config') assert kubeconfig.exists assert b'Z2l0ZWFfazhzX2tleQ==' in kubeconfig.content def test_kubectl(host): if platform.machine() != 'x86_64': pytest.skip() kube = host.run('kubectl help') assert kube.rc == 0 def test_zuul_authorized_keys(host): authorized_keys = host.file('/home/zuul/.ssh/authorized_keys') assert authorized_keys.exists content = authorized_keys.content.decode('utf8') lines = content.split('\n') # Remove empty lines keys = list(filter(None, lines)) assert len(keys) >= 2 for key in keys: assert 'ssh-rsa' in key def test_rax_dns_backup(host): config_file = host.file('/etc/rax-dns-auth.conf') assert config_file.exists tool_file = host.file('/usr/local/bin/rax-dns-backup') assert tool_file.exists output_dir = host.file('/var/lib/rax-dns-backup') assert output_dir.exists def test_ssh_known_hosts(host): f = host.file('/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts') assert f.exists assert f.is_file assert f.user == 'root' assert f.group == 'root' assert f.mode == 0o644 # Nothing special about this host, just testing it has an entry we # expect. assert b'bridge01.opendev.org,,2001:4800:7818:103:be76:4eff:fe04:48c1 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGG6WTR3dkhn766C69IRcLNN1Oxx7WMrcNsN03r+uZbU' in f.content def test_launch_node_venv(host): launch = host.run('/usr/launcher-venv/bin/launch-node --help') assert 'usage: launch-node' in launch.stdout assert launch.rc == 0 def test_osc_binary(host): osc = host.run('/usr/launcher-venv/bin/openstack --version') assert 'openstack' in osc.stdout assert osc.rc == 0