Configure a Kerberos KDC server

All KDC servers (primary and replicas) should be in a common
``kerberos-kdc`` group that defines ``kerberos_kdc_realm`` and

The ``kerberos-kdc-primary`` group should have a single primary KDC
host.  It will be configured to replicate its database to hosts in
the ``kerberos-kdc-replica`` group.

Hosts in the ``kerberos-kdc-replica`` group will be configured to
receive updates from the ``kerberos-kdc-primary`` host.

The role should be run twice; once limited to the primary group and
then a second time limited to the secondary group.

**Role Variables**

.. zuul:rolevar:: kerberos_kdc_relam

   The realm for all KDC servers.

.. zuul:rolevar:: kerberos_kdc_master_key

   The master key written into the *stash* file for each KDC, which
   allows them to auth.