# == Class: openstack_project::lists # class openstack_project::lists( $listadmins, $listpassword = '' ) { # Using openstack_project::template instead of openstack_project::server # because the exim config on this machine is almost certainly # going to be more complicated than normal. class { 'openstack_project::template': iptables_public_tcp_ports => [25, 80, 465], } $listdomain = 'lists.openstack.org' class { 'exim': sysadmins => $listadmins, queue_interval => '1m', queue_run_max => '50', mailman_domains => [$listdomain], } class { 'mailman': vhost_name => $listdomain, } realize ( User::Virtual::Localuser['oubiwann'], User::Virtual::Localuser['rockstar'], User::Virtual::Localuser['smaffulli'], ) maillist { 'openstack-es': ensure => present, admin => 'flavio@redhat.com', password => $listpassword, description => 'Lista de correo acerca de OpenStack en espaƱol', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-fr': ensure => present, admin => 'erwan.gallen@cloudwatt.com', password => $listpassword, description => 'List of the OpenStack french user group', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-i18n': ensure => present, admin => 'guoyingc@cn.ibm.com', password => $listpassword, description => 'List of the OpenStack Internationalization team.', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-ir': ensure => present, admin => 'Roozbeh.Shafiee@Gmail.Com', password => $listpassword, description => 'OpenStack IRAN Community Discussions in Persian/Farsi', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-it': ensure => present, admin => 'stefano@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Discussioni su OpenStack in italiano', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-el': ensure => present, admin => 'aparathyras@stackmasters.eu', password => $listpassword, description => 'List of the OpenStack Greek User Group', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-travel-committee': ensure => present, admin => 'communitymngr@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Private discussions for the OpenStack Travel Program Committee for Hong Kong Summit 2013.', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-personas': ensure => present, admin => 'pieter.c.kruithof-jr@hp.com', password => $listpassword, description => 'A group of designers, researchers, developers, writers and users that are creating a set of personas for OpenStack that are intended to help drive development around the needs of our users.', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-vi': ensure => present, admin => 'hang.tran@dtt.vn', password => $listpassword, description => 'Discussions in Vietnamese - please add Vietnamese translation here', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'nov-2013-track-chairs': ensure => present, admin => 'claire@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Coordination of tracks at OpenStack Summit April 2013', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-track-chairs': ensure => present, admin => 'claire@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Coordination of tracks at OpenStack Summits', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-sos': ensure => present, admin => 'dms@danplanet.com', password => $listpassword, description => 'Coordination of activities for Significant Others at Summits', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'elections-committee': ensure => present, admin => 'markmc@redhat.com', password => $listpassword, description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Foundation Elections Committee', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'defcore-committee': ensure => present, admin => 'josh@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Foundation Core Definition Committee', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'ambassadors': ensure => present, admin => 'tom@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Private discussions between OpenStack Ambassadors', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'openstack-content': ensure => present, admin => 'margie@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Content team', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'superuser': ensure => present, admin => 'lauren@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Discussions for Superuser editorial advisors to collaborate, and for readers to be able to contact the editorial team to make suggestions, provide feedback', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'enterprise-wg': ensure => present, admin => 'carol.l.barrett@intel.com', password => $listpassword, description => 'Collaboration workspace for members of the Win The Enterprise Working Group of the User Commitee/Board.', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'product-wg': ensure => present, admin => 'stefano@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Collaboration workspace for OpenStack-related Product Managers working group.', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'tax-affairs': ensure => present, admin => 'seanroberts66@gmail.com', password => $listpassword, description => 'board committee focused on tax issues.', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'third-party-announce': ensure => present, admin => 'anteaya@anteaya.info', password => $listpassword, description => 'Announcements for third party CI operators.', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } maillist { 'women-of-openstack': ensure => present, admin => 'claire@openstack.org', password => $listpassword, description => 'Women of OpenStack discussion list.', webserver => $listdomain, mailserver => $listdomain, } }