James E. Blair 42574b2b37 Run ZK from containers
Migration plan:
* add zk* to emergency
* copy data files on each node to a safe place for DR backup
* make a json data backup: zk-shell localhost:2181 --run-once 'mirror / json://!tmp!zookeeper-backup.json/'
* manually run a modified playbook to set up the docker infra without starting containers
* rolling restart; for each node:
  * stop zk
  * split data and log files and move them to new locations
  * remove zk packages
  * start zk containers
* remove from emergency; land this change.

Change-Id: Ic06c9cf9604402aa8eb4bb79238021c14c5d9563
2020-04-17 08:43:09 -07:00
2020-04-17 08:43:09 -07:00
2020-04-17 08:43:09 -07:00