Previously on Debian based machines we attempted to install bundler from apt and from gems. This worked on precise because the two package names are different. It does not work on trusty because the package names are the same and puppet complains that the namevar is duplicated and fails. Fix this by removing all apt based bundler instalations. We will install it only from gems and only on "thick" slaves. We do not need this on devstack slaves because devstack can install it for itself if it needs it. Note, this changes the path to the `bundle` executable. We were using it out of /usr/bin/bundle but a gem install will go in /usr/local/bin/bundle on ubuntu and /usr/bin/bundle on centos. To keep the chef jobs happy with this remove the explicit paths to bundle and rely on $PATH to find it for us regardless of the platform. Change-Id: Ic1f2158b923c5116f473f5d21250da69809b292d
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# == Class: jenkins::slave
class jenkins::slave(
$ssh_key = '',
$user = true,
$python3 = false,
) {
include pip
include jenkins::params
if ($user == true) {
class { 'jenkins::jenkinsuser':
ensure => present,
ssh_key => $ssh_key,
anchor { 'jenkins::slave::update-java-alternatives': }
# Packages that all jenkins slaves need
$packages = [
$::jenkins::params::jdk_package, # jdk for building java jobs
$::jenkins::params::python_netaddr_package, # Needed for devstack address_in_net()
$::jenkins::params::haveged_package, # entropy is useful to have
file { '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudarchive.list':
ensure => absent,
package { $packages:
ensure => present,
before => Anchor['jenkins::slave::update-java-alternatives']
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
exec { 'yum Group Install':
unless => '/usr/bin/yum grouplist "Development tools" | /bin/grep "^Installed [Gg]roups"',
command => '/usr/bin/yum -y groupinstall "Development tools"',
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Fedora') {
package { $::jenkins::params::zookeeper_package:
ensure => present,
# Fedora needs community-mysql package for mysql_config
# command used in some gate-{project}-python27
# jobs in Jenkins
package { $::jenkins::params::mysql_package:
ensure => present,
} else {
exec { 'update-java-alternatives':
unless => '/bin/ls -l /etc/alternatives/java | /bin/grep 1.7.0-openjdk',
command => '/usr/sbin/alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/bin/java && /usr/sbin/alternatives --set javac /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/bin/javac',
require => Anchor['jenkins::slave::update-java-alternatives']
'Debian': {
# install build-essential package group
package { 'build-essential':
ensure => present,
package { $::jenkins::params::maven_package:
ensure => present,
require => Package[$::jenkins::params::jdk_package],
package { $::jenkins::params::ruby1_9_1_package:
ensure => present,
package { $::jenkins::params::ruby1_9_1_dev_package:
ensure => present,
package { 'openjdk-6-jre-headless':
ensure => purged,
require => Package[$::jenkins::params::jdk_package],
# For [tooz, taskflow, nova] using zookeeper in unit tests
package { $::jenkins::params::zookeeper_package:
ensure => present,
# For openstackid using php5-mcrypt for distro build
package { $::jenkins::params::php5_mcrypt_package:
ensure => present,
exec { 'update-java-alternatives':
unless => '/bin/ls -l /etc/alternatives/java | /bin/grep java-7-openjdk-amd64',
command => '/usr/sbin/update-java-alternatives --set java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64',
require => Anchor['jenkins::slave::update-java-alternatives']
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily} The 'jenkins' module only supports osfamily Debian or RedHat (slaves only).")
if $python3 {
if ($::lsbdistcodename == 'precise') {
apt::ppa { 'ppa:zulcss/py3k':
before => Class[pip::python3],
include pip::python3
package { 'tox':
ensure => 'latest',
provider => pip3,
require => Class['pip::python3'],
} else {
package { 'tox':
ensure => 'latest',
provider => pip,
require => Class['pip'],
package { 'git-review':
ensure => '1.17',
provider => pip,
require => Class[pip],
file { '/usr/local/bin/gcc':
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/bin/ccache',
require => Package['ccache'],
file { '/usr/local/bin/g++':
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/bin/ccache',
require => Package['ccache'],
file { '/usr/local/bin/cc':
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/bin/ccache',
require => Package['ccache'],
file { '/usr/local/bin/c++':
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/bin/ccache',
require => Package['ccache'],
file { "/usr/local/bin/${::hardwareisa}-linux-gnu-gcc":
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/bin/ccache',
require => Package['ccache'],
file { "/usr/local/bin/${::hardwareisa}-linux-gnu-g++":
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/bin/ccache',
require => Package['ccache'],
file { "/usr/local/bin/${::hardwareisa}-linux-gnu-cc":
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/bin/ccache',
require => Package['ccache'],
file { "/usr/local/bin/${::hardwareisa}-linux-gnu-c++":
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/bin/ccache',
require => Package['ccache'],
file { '/usr/local/jenkins':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
service { 'haveged':
enable => true,
require => Package[$::jenkins::params::haveged_package],