Following-on from Iffb462371939989b03e5d6ac6c5df63aa7708513, instead of directly referring to a hostname when adding the bastion host to the inventory for the production playbooks, this finds it from the first element of the "bastion" group. As we do this twice for the run and post playbooks, abstract it into a role. The host value is currently "bridge.openstack.org" -- as is the existing hard-coding -- thus this is intended to be a no-op change. It is setting the foundation to make replacing the bastion host a simpler process in the future. Change-Id: I286796ebd71173019a627f8fe8d9a25d0bfc575a
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- hosts: localhost
- add-bastion-host
- hosts: bastion[0]
- name: Run the production playbook and capture logs
- name: Get a current timestamp
_log_timestamp: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') }}"
# NOTE(ianw) : this gets parsed by the post playbook. If this
# is updated, that parsing should be too
- name: Log a playbook start header
become: yes
shell: 'echo "Running {{ _log_timestamp }}: ansible-playbook -v -f {{ infra_prod_ansible_forks }} /home/zuul/src/opendev.org/opendev/system-config/playbooks/{{ playbook_name }}" > /var/log/ansible/{{ playbook_name }}.log'
- name: Run specified playbook on bastion host and redirect output
become: yes
shell: 'ansible-playbook -v -f {{ infra_prod_ansible_forks }} /home/zuul/src/opendev.org/opendev/system-config/playbooks/{{ playbook_name }} >> /var/log/ansible/{{ playbook_name }}.log'
register: _run
- name: Send run stats
shell: |
# delta is in string format h:m:s.sss; convert to ms for statsd
{% set delta = _run.delta.split(':') %}
{% set delta_ms = ((delta[0]|int * 60 * 60 * 1000) + (delta[1]|int * 60 * 1000) + (delta[2]|float * 1000)) | int %}
echo 'bridge.ansible.{{ zuul.job }}.runtime:{{ delta_ms }}|ms' | nc -w 1 -u graphite.opendev.org 8125
echo 'bridge.ansible.{{ zuul.job }}.rc:{{ _run.rc }}|g' | nc -w 1 -u graphite.opendev.org 8125
executable: '/bin/bash'