So that we don't end up in a position where we find a DISABLE-ANSIBLE file in place and wonder what it is or how it got there, ask the user for a comment to place in the file. Append to the file in case it already exists. Cat the file at the end to show the user all of the comments in case there was one previously. Include the date for even more clues. Change-Id: I9c22f94c5ea93452b2975d4aae3bf7fbd9c736d0
21 lines
501 B
21 lines
501 B
# This is a simple script but ensures we don't mis-type the
# file name.
if [[ "$#" -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: disable-ansible COMMENT"
echo "Please supply a comment to be placed in the disable file for the benefit"
echo "of other admins. Include your name. Don't forget to #status log."
exit 1
date -Iseconds >> $DISABLE_FILE
echo "$*" >> $DISABLE_FILE
echo "Current value of DISABLE-ANSIBLE":