According to the docs [0] this shouldn't be necessary as performance logging only happens if a performance tracing plugin is installed. However according to this repo discuss thread [1] there is always a dummy performanceLogging instance installed. This same thread identifies this as a likely source for large increase in memory utilization by Gerrit when upgrading to 3.5. Let's explicitly disable this tracing due to the memory overhead in prep for our 3.5 upgrade. We can always flip the setting if we install a performance tracing plugin in our Gerrit. [0] https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/config-gerrit.html#tracing [1] https://groups.google.com/g/repo-discuss/c/QUD7_LsEVks/m/kBDEeam4AgAJ Change-Id: Iff438695aa6488fb5886120121946494b1edf003
Run Gerrit.
This role assumes it will have a local MariaDB running adjacent to the Gerrit service. Variables below configure MariaDB connection details.
Role Variables