Zuul swift plugin checks for auth_version in zuul.conf. If swift not found this option, it assumes 2.0 as default. This patch add the possibility to specify which version you want to use, allowing custom versions. It will be good in future when version 3.0 releases. Change-Id: I1ffd327feba8d290bf05291b022fff00af454c48
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336 lines
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# Copyright 2012-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
# Copyright 2012 Antoine "hashar" Musso
# Copyright 2012 Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Class: zuul
class zuul (
$vhost_name = $::fqdn,
$serveradmin = "webmaster@${::fqdn}",
$gearman_server = '',
$internal_gearman = true,
$gerrit_server = '',
$gerrit_user = '',
$gerrit_baseurl = '',
$zuul_ssh_private_key = '',
$url_pattern = '',
$status_url = "https://${::fqdn}/",
$zuul_url = '',
$git_source_repo = 'https://git.openstack.org/openstack-infra/zuul',
$job_name_in_report = false,
$revision = 'master',
$statsd_host = '',
$git_email = '',
$git_name = '',
$smtp_host = 'localhost',
$smtp_port = 25,
$smtp_default_from = "zuul@${::fqdn}",
$smtp_default_to = "zuul.reports@${::fqdn}",
$swift_authurl = '',
$swift_auth_version = '',
$swift_user = '',
$swift_key = '',
$swift_tenant_name = '',
$swift_region_name = '',
$swift_default_container = '',
$swift_default_logserver_prefix = '',
) {
include apache
include pip
$packages = [
'gcc', # yappi requires this to build
package { $packages:
ensure => present,
package { 'yappi':
ensure => present,
provider => pip,
require => Class['pip'],
# A lot of things need yaml, be conservative requiring this package to avoid
# conflicts with other modules.
if ! defined(Package['python-yaml']) {
package { 'python-yaml':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(Package['python-paramiko']) {
package { 'python-paramiko':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(Package['python-daemon']) {
package { 'python-daemon':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(Package['yui-compressor']) {
package { 'yui-compressor':
ensure => present,
user { 'zuul':
ensure => present,
home => '/home/zuul',
shell => '/bin/bash',
gid => 'zuul',
managehome => true,
require => Group['zuul'],
group { 'zuul':
ensure => present,
vcsrepo { '/opt/zuul':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => $revision,
source => $git_source_repo,
exec { 'install_zuul' :
command => 'pip install /opt/zuul',
path => '/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin/',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Vcsrepo['/opt/zuul'],
require => Class['pip'],
file { '/etc/zuul':
ensure => directory,
# TODO: We should put in notify either Service['zuul'] or Exec['zuul-reload']
# at some point, but that still has some problems.
file { '/etc/zuul/zuul.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'zuul',
mode => '0400',
content => template('zuul/zuul.conf.erb'),
require => [
file { '/etc/default/zuul':
ensure => present,
mode => '0444',
content => template('zuul/zuul.default.erb'),
file { '/var/log/zuul':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'zuul',
require => User['zuul'],
file { '/var/run/zuul':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'zuul',
group => 'zuul',
require => User['zuul'],
file { '/var/run/zuul-merger':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'zuul',
group => 'zuul',
require => User['zuul'],
file { '/var/lib/zuul':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'zuul',
group => 'zuul',
file { '/var/lib/zuul/git':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'zuul',
require => File['/var/lib/zuul'],
file { '/var/lib/zuul/ssh':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'zuul',
group => 'zuul',
mode => '0500',
require => File['/var/lib/zuul'],
file { '/var/lib/zuul/ssh/id_rsa':
owner => 'zuul',
group => 'zuul',
mode => '0400',
require => File['/var/lib/zuul/ssh'],
content => $zuul_ssh_private_key,
file { '/var/lib/zuul/www':
ensure => directory,
require => File['/var/lib/zuul'],
package { 'libjs-jquery':
ensure => present,
file { '/var/lib/zuul/www/jquery.min.js':
ensure => link,
target => '/usr/share/javascript/jquery/jquery.min.js',
require => [File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],
vcsrepo { '/opt/twitter-bootstrap':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'v3.1.1',
source => 'https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap.git',
file { '/var/lib/zuul/www/bootstrap':
ensure => link,
target => '/opt/twitter-bootstrap/dist',
require => [File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],
vcsrepo { '/opt/jquery-visibility':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'master',
source => 'https://github.com/mathiasbynens/jquery-visibility.git',
exec { 'install-jquery-visibility':
command => 'yui-compressor -o /var/lib/zuul/www/jquery-visibility.min.js /opt/jquery-visibility/jquery-visibility.js',
path => 'bin:/usr/bin',
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Vcsrepo['/opt/jquery-visibility'],
require => [File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],
vcsrepo { '/opt/graphitejs':
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
revision => 'master',
source => 'https://github.com/prestontimmons/graphitejs.git',
file { '/var/lib/zuul/www/jquery.graphite.js':
ensure => link,
target => '/opt/graphitejs/jquery.graphite.js',
require => [File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],
file { '/var/lib/zuul/www/index.html':
ensure => link,
target => '/opt/zuul/etc/status/public_html/index.html',
require => File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],
file { '/var/lib/zuul/www/styles':
ensure => link,
target => '/opt/zuul/etc/status/public_html/styles',
require => File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],
file { '/var/lib/zuul/www/zuul.app.js':
ensure => link,
target => '/opt/zuul/etc/status/public_html/zuul.app.js',
require => File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],
file { '/var/lib/zuul/www/jquery.zuul.js':
ensure => link,
target => '/opt/zuul/etc/status/public_html/jquery.zuul.js',
require => File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],
file { '/var/lib/zuul/www/images':
ensure => link,
target => '/opt/zuul/etc/status/public_html/images',
require => File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],
file { '/etc/init.d/zuul':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
source => 'puppet:///modules/zuul/zuul.init',
file { '/etc/init.d/zuul-merger':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
source => 'puppet:///modules/zuul/zuul-merger.init',
apache::vhost { $vhost_name:
port => 443,
priority => '50',
template => 'zuul/zuul.vhost.erb',
if ! defined(A2mod['rewrite']) {
a2mod { 'rewrite':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(A2mod['proxy']) {
a2mod { 'proxy':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(A2mod['proxy_http']) {
a2mod { 'proxy_http':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(A2mod['cache']) {
a2mod { 'cache':
ensure => present,
if ! defined(A2mod['mem_cache']) {
a2mod { 'mem_cache':
ensure => present,