We are in the process of upgrading the AFS servers to focal. As explained by auristor (extracted from IRC below) we need 3 servers to actually perform HA with the ubik protocol: the ubik quorum is defined by the list of voting primary ip addresses as specified in the ubik service's CellServDB file. The server with the lowest ip address gets 1.5 votes and the others 1 vote. To win election requires greater than 50% of the votes. In a two server configuration there are a total of 2.5 votes to cast. 1.5 > 2.5/2 so afsdb02.openstack.org always wins regardless of what afsdb01.openstack.org says. And afsb01.openstack.org can never win because 1 < 2.5/2. by adding a third ubik server to the quorum, the total votes cast are 3.5 and it always requires the vote of two servers to elect a winner ... if afsdb03 is added with the highest ip address, then either afsdb01 or afsdb02 can be elected Add a third server which is a focal host and related configuration. Change-Id: I59e562dd56d6cbabd2560e4205b3bd36045d48c2
An ansible role to configure an OpenAFS client
This role uses system packages where available, but for platforms or architectures where they are not available will require external builds. Defaults will pick external packages from OpenStack Infra builds, but you should evaluate if this is suitable for your environment.
This role configures the host to be an OpenAFS client. Because OpenAFS is very reliant on distribution internals, kernel versions and host architecture this role has limited platform support. Currently supported are
- Debian family with system packages available
- Ubuntu LTS family with external 1.8 series packages
- CentOS 7 and 8 with external packages
Role Variables