Ian Wienand 0cfedd2318 Add static site
We are trying to replace

The main landing page serves meeting information which has been moved
to a static site served from AFS at  Redirect
everything to there.

The IRC logs are currently still hosted on eavesdrop01, so while we
work on migrating these, proxy<irclogs|meetings>
to this server.

Note this will be a no-op until we move the DNS, but we should make
the eavesdrop acme records before merging.

Change-Id: I5c9c23e619dbe930a77f657b5cd6fdd862034301
2021-06-03 14:34:20 +10:00

Generate letsencrypt certificates

This must run after the letsencrypt-install-acme-sh, letsencrypt-request-certs and letsencrypt-install-txt-records roles. It will run the process to create the certificates on the host.

Role Variables

If set to True, will locally generate self-signed certificates in the same locations the real script would, instead of contacting letsencrypt. This is set during gate testing as the authentication tokens are not available.

If set to True will use the letsencrypt staging environment, rather than make production requests. Useful during initial provisioning of hosts to avoid affecting production quotas.

The same variable as described in letsencrypt-request-certs.