Normally this isn't an issue because we run logrotate more frequently than our weekly cron to upgrade and reboot zuul. But if you need to manually run the playbook and are referring to the crontab entry to determine how to run the playbook then the resulting command could truncate a recent run. Simply append to the file in all cases to avoid this. Change-Id: I393741317cccaf447912b1f1517e846c32ee7677
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- hosts: bridge.openstack.org:!disabled
name: "Bridge: configure the bastion host"
- iptables
- edit-secrets-script
- install-docker
# Skip as no arm64 support available; only used for gate testing,
# where we can't mix arm64 and x86 nodes, so need a minimally
# working bridge to drive the tests for mirrors/nodepool
# etc. things.
- name: Install openshift/kubectl
when: ansible_architecture != 'aarch64'
- include_role:
name: install-osc-container
- include_role:
name: install-kubectl
- include_role:
name: configure-kubectl
- include_role:
name: configure-openstacksdk
openstacksdk_config_template: clouds/bridge_all_clouds.yaml.j2
- name: Get rid of all-clouds.yaml
state: absent
path: '/etc/openstack/all-clouds.yaml'
- name: Install rackspace DNS backup tool
name: rax-dns-backup
- name: Make ansible log directory
path: '/var/log/ansible'
state: directory
owner: root
mode: 0755
- name: Automated Zuul cluster reboots and updates
# Note this is run via cron because a zuul job can't run this playbook
# as the playbook relies on all jobs ending for graceful stops on the
# executors.
name: "Zuul cluster restart"
# Start Sundays at 00:01 UTC.
# Estimated completion time Sunday at 18:00 UTC.
minute: 1
hour: 0
weekday: 6
job: "flock -n /var/run/zuul_reboot.lock /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook -f 20 /home/zuul/src/opendev.org/opendev/system-config/playbooks/zuul_reboot.yaml >> /var/log/ansible/zuul_reboot.log 2>&1"
- name: Rotate Zuul restart logs
name: logrotate
logrotate_file_name: /var/log/ansible/zuul_reboot.log
logrotate_frequency: weekly