Clark Boylan 8cd8784825 Fix haproxy access to rsyslogd on Noble
Ubuntu Noble ships with an enforcing rsyslogd apparmor profile. This
profile prevents our haproxy container from opening the syslog socket we
bind mount into the container. I discussed this in #ubuntu-security
which resulted in this issue:

which includes many details on what is going on. This change implements
the suggested workaround for our haproxy nodes. I believe this is the
only place we are currently attempting to directly access rsyslog
sockets from within containers.

The tl;dr on the fix is that we have to tell rsyslogd to attach
disconnected connections as the container runs in a different filesystem
namespace which disconnects the paths for the socket. Unfortunately
sarnold indicates that we have to edit the primary profile configuration
file as this flag applies to the top level of the profile. We cannot use
one of the files this profile #includes.

Change-Id: I4e09211a1bdc4dfbf3012a66e79c181c6fb957a4
2025-02-13 08:30:37 -08:00

112 lines
2.8 KiB

- name: Install socat for haproxy management
name: socat
state: present
- name: Ensure haproxy volume directories exists
# Note on the host side we create everything under /var/lib/haproxy to
# make rsyslog apparmor rules for /var/lib/haproxy/dev/log happy.
# But within the containers /var/haproxy paths are still used.
state: directory
path: "/var/lib/haproxy/{{ item }}"
owner: 1000
group: 1000
- etc
- run
- dev
- name: Ensure haproxy config template available
- haproxy_config_template is defined
- name: Fix rsyslog apparmor profile on Noble and newer
when: ansible_distribution_version is version('24.04', '>=')
- name: Edit rsyslogd apparmor profile
path: /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.rsyslogd
regexp: '^profile rsyslogd /usr/sbin/rsyslogd {'
line: 'profile rsyslogd /usr/sbin/rsyslogd flags=(attach_disconnected) {'
register: profile_update
- name: Reload rsyslogd apparmor profile
command: apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.rsyslogd
when: profile_update.changed
- name: Write rsyslog file
src: rsyslog.d/49-haproxy.conf
dest: /etc/rsyslog.d/
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
register: _rsyslog_added
- name: Restart rsyslog if config updates
name: rsyslog
state: restarted
when: _rsyslog_added.changed
- name: Add haproxy log rotation
name: logrotate
logrotate_file_name: '/var/log/haproxy.log'
- name: Write haproxy config file
src: '{{ haproxy_config_template }}'
dest: /var/lib/haproxy/etc/haproxy.cfg
owner: 1000
group: 1000
mode: 0644
notify: Reload haproxy
# Copy in testing CA so the container can see it. When running under
# Zuul this CA is created by the test framework. We use it to
# validate the https check path
- name: Check for OpenDev Infra CA (test only)
path: /etc/opendev-ca/ca.crt
register: _opendev_ca_crt
- name: Copy in OpenDev Infra CA (test only)
src: /etc/opendev-ca/ca.crt
dest: /var/lib/haproxy/etc/
when: _opendev_ca_crt.stat.exists
- name: Ensure docker compose configuration directory
path: /etc/haproxy-docker
state: directory
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
- name: Install docker-compose configuration
src: docker-compose.yaml.j2
dest: /etc/haproxy-docker/docker-compose.yaml
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
notify: Reload haproxy
- name: Run docker-compose pull
cmd: docker-compose pull
chdir: /etc/haproxy-docker/
- name: Run docker-compose up
cmd: docker-compose up -d
chdir: /etc/haproxy-docker/
- name: Run docker prune to cleanup unneeded images
cmd: docker image prune -f