Clark Boylan bf658dacda Add support for Xenial ESM repos to our base roles
This will run the ua tool to attach an UA token and to enable the
esm-infra repos. We also update unattended upgrades to auto pull
security updates from the ESM repos.

Change-Id: Ifb487d12df7b799d5fd2973d56741e0757bc4d4f
2021-05-04 08:46:06 -07:00

50 lines
1.6 KiB

- name: Remove Rackspace APT repo
path: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ospc.list
state: absent
register: rax_apt_repo_removed
- name: Remove Rackspace signing key
when: rax_apt_repo_removed.changed
command: apt-key del 4096R/CB1EF1DB
- name: Configure apt retries
mode: 0444
src: 80retry
dest: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80retry
- name: Disable apt translations
mode: 0444
src: 90no-translations
dest: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90no-translations
- name: Replace sources.list file
src: 'sources.list.{{ ansible_facts.lsb.codename }}.{{ ansible_facts.architecture }}'
dest: /etc/apt/sources.list
notify: Update apt cache
- name: Configure Ubuntu ESM
# Note technically this requires ubuntu-advantage-tools to be installed
# but the above notify to update apt caches won't have run by the time
# we get here. That should be ok because the Xenial nodes have all been
# around long enough to have ua installed.
- name: Get UA status
command: "ua status"
register: uastatus
- name: Attach UA
command: "ua attach --no-auto-enable {{ ubuntu_advantage_token }}"
when: "'This machine is not attached to a UA subscription.' in uastatus.stdout"
no_log: true
- name: Enable ESM
command: "ua enable esm-infra"
when: "'esm-infra yes enabled' not in uastatus.stdout"
- ubuntu_advantage_token is defined
- enable_ubuntu_esm is defined and enable_ubuntu_esm
- ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu'
- ansible_distribution_release == 'xenial'