The general openstack, openstack-dev, openstack-operators and openstack-sigs mailing lists have been deprecated since November 19 and are slated to be removed on December 3. Merging this on that date will ensure any further replies to messages from those lists are rerouted to the new openstack-discuss mailing list for the foreseeable future. The openstack-tc list is included in this batch as it has already been closed down with a recommendation to send further such communications to the openstack-discuss ML. Additionally remove the Puppet mailman resource for the openstack-sigs ML so it won't be automatically recreated after it gets deleted (the other lists predate our use of Puppet for this purpose). Clean up the corresponding -owner spam rejection aliases since these addresses will no longer be accepting E-mail anyway. Change-Id: I9a7fae465c3f6bdcf3ebbadb8926eb4feb8fad79
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# == Class: openstack_project::lists
class openstack_project::lists(
$listpassword = ''
) {
class { 'mailman':
multihost => true,
# Disable inactive admins
user::virtual::disable { 'oubiwann': }
user::virtual::disable { 'rockstar': }
include bup
bup::site { 'ord.rax':
backup_user => 'bup-lists',
backup_server => 'backup01.ord.rax.ci.openstack.org',
# Begin user servicable parts
mailman::site { 'openstack':
default_email_host => 'lists.openstack.org',
default_url_host => 'lists.openstack.org',
# en has customized templates, don't install it here
install_languages => ['de', 'fr', 'it', 'ko', 'ru', 'vi', 'zh_TW'],
file { '/srv/mailman/openstack/templates/en':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'list',
mode => '0644',
recurse => true,
require => File['/srv/mailman/openstack/templates'],
source => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/mailman/html-templates-en',
mailman::site { 'zuul':
default_email_host => 'lists.zuul-ci.org',
default_url_host => 'lists.zuul-ci.org',
mailman::site { 'airship':
default_email_host => 'lists.airshipit.org',
default_url_host => 'lists.airshipit.org',
mailman::site { 'starlingx':
default_email_host => 'lists.starlingx.io',
default_url_host => 'lists.starlingx.io',
# Add new mailing lists below this line
mailman_list { 'mailman@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'nobody@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'The mailman site list',
mailman_list { 'openstack-es@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'flavio@redhat.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Lista de correo acerca de OpenStack en español',
mailman_list { 'openstack-fr@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'erwan@erwan.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the OpenStack french user group',
mailman_list { 'openstack-de@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'christian@berendt.io',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List for German-speaking OpenStack users',
mailman_list { 'openstack-i18n@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'guoyingc@cn.ibm.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the OpenStack Internationalization team.',
mailman_list { 'openstack-i18n-de@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'robert.simai@suse.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the German OpenStack Internationalization team.',
mailman_list { 'openstack-ir@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'Roozbeh.Shafiee@Gmail.Com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack IRAN Community Discussions in Persian/Farsi',
mailman_list { 'openstack-it@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'stefano@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussioni su OpenStack in italiano',
mailman_list { 'openstack-el@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'aparathyras@stackmasters.eu',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the OpenStack Greek User Group',
mailman_list { 'openstack-travel-committee@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'communitymngr@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Private discussions for the OpenStack Travel Program Committee for Hong Kong Summit 2013.',
mailman_list { 'openstack-personas@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'pieter.c.kruithof-jr@hp.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'A group of designers, researchers, developers, writers and users that are creating a set of personas for OpenStack that are intended to help drive development around the needs of our users.',
mailman_list { 'openstack-vi@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'hang.tran@dtt.vn',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions in Vietnamese - please add Vietnamese translation here',
mailman_list { 'openstack-tw@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'macjacktw@hotmail.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack Taiwan User Group 臺灣使用者郵件群組)',
mailman_list { 'openstack-ko@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'ianyrchoi@gmail.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack Korea Community Discussions in Korean (오픈스택 한국 커뮤니티 메일링리스트)',
mailman_list { 'openstack-ru@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'ilyaalekseyev@acm.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Рассылка для обсуждения OpenStack на русском',
mailman_list { 'openstack-zh@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'yeluaiesec@gmail.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack社区中文讨论群组',
mailman_list { 'nov-2013-track-chairs@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'claire@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination of tracks at OpenStack Summit April 2013',
mailman_list { 'openstack-track-chairs@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'claire@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination of tracks at OpenStack Summits',
mailman_list { 'summitsponsors@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'claire@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination among OpenStack Summit event sponsors',
mailman_list { 'openstack-sos@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'dms@danplanet.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination of activities for Significant Others at Summits',
mailman_list { 'elections-committee@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'markmc@redhat.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Foundation Elections Committee',
mailman_list { 'defcore-committee@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'josh@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Foundation Core Definition Committee',
mailman_list { 'interop-wg@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'chris@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Foundation Board Interoperability Working Group',
mailman_list { 'ambassadors@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'tom@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Private discussions between OpenStack Ambassadors',
mailman_list { 'openstack-content@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'margie@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions of the OpenStack Content team',
mailman_list { 'superuser@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'lauren@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions for Superuser editorial advisors to collaborate, and for readers to be able to contact the editorial team to make suggestions, provide feedback',
mailman_list { 'admin-cert-wg@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'heidi@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Collaboration workspace for members of the Certified OpenStack Administrator Working Group of the User Commitee/Board.',
mailman_list { 'openstack-api-consumers@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'mordred@inaugust.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussions around consuming the OpenStack REST APIs and development of API-consuming SDKs and frameworks',
mailman_list { 'enterprise-wg@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'carol.l.barrett@intel.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Collaboration workspace for members of the Win The Enterprise Working Group of the User Commitee/Board.',
mailman_list { 'product-wg@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'stefano@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Collaboration workspace for OpenStack-related Product Managers working group.',
mailman_list { 'tax-affairs@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'seanroberts66@gmail.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'board committee focused on tax issues.',
mailman_list { 'third-party-announce@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'anteaya@anteaya.info',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Announcements for third party CI operators.',
mailman_list { 'women-of-openstack@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'claire@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Women of OpenStack discussion list.',
mailman_list { 'foundation-testing-standards@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'seanroberts66@gmail.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'OpenStack Foundation test standards (for humans, not
drivers) working group list.',
mailman_list { 'analyst-relations@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'lauren@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordination of Analyst Relations Working Group.',
mailman_list { 'app-catalog-admin@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'doc@aedo.net',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Coordinate admin details for OpenStack Community App Catalog.',
mailman_list { 'openstack-i18n-fr@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'jftalta@gmail.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List of the OpenStack Internationalization team, french local group.',
mailman_list { 'release-job-failures@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'doug@doughellmann.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Notification messages for failures from release-related build jobs.',
mailman_list { 'embargo-notice@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'jeremy@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Announcements to stakeholders for embargoed security vulnerabilities.',
mailman_list { 'release-announce@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'thierry@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Announcement of official OpenStack releases.',
mailman_list { 'edge-computing@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'claire@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Organizing efforts around the edge-computing focus area.',
mailman_list { 'openstack-mentoring@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'amy@demarco.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'List to coordinate interactions between mentors and mentees of the OpenStack mentoring program. Also for questions about the mentoring program (i.e. how to get involved, how it works, etc.',
mailman_list { 'mailman@zuul':
require => Mailman::Site['zuul'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'nobody@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'The mailman site list',
mailman_list { 'zuul-announce@zuul':
require => Mailman::Site['zuul'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'corvus@inaugust.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Announcements of Zuul releases and other important information.',
mailman_list { 'zuul-discuss@zuul':
require => Mailman::Site['zuul'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'corvus@inaugust.com',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussion of Zuul usage and development.',
mailman_list { 'mailman@airship':
require => Mailman::Site['airship'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'nobody@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'The mailman site list',
mailman_list { 'airship-announce@airship':
require => Mailman::Site['airship'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'jonathan@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Announcements of Airship releases and other important information.',
mailman_list { 'airship-discuss@airship':
require => Mailman::Site['airship'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'jonathan@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussion of Airship usage and development.',
mailman_list { 'mailman@starlingx':
require => Mailman::Site['starlingx'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'nobody@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'The mailman site list',
mailman_list { 'starlingx-announce@starlingx':
require => Mailman::Site['starlingx'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'jonathan@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Announcements of StarlingX releases and other important information.',
mailman_list { 'starlingx-discuss@starlingx':
require => Mailman::Site['starlingx'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'jonathan@openstack.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussion of StarlingX usage and development.',
mailman_list { 'openstack-discuss@openstack':
require => Mailman::Site['openstack'],
ensure => present,
admin => 'fungi@yuggoth.org',
password => $listpassword,
description => 'Discussion of OpenStack usage and development.',