This enables the new eavesdrop01.opendev.org server in all current channels. Puppet has been disabled on the old server and we will manually stop supybot/meetbot and mirgrate logs before this applies. Change-Id: I4a422bb9589c8a8761191313a656f8377e93422f
177 lines
4.4 KiB
177 lines
4.4 KiB
limnoria_default_nick: opendevtest
limnoria_default_nickserv_password: 'abc123'
limnoria_default_user: 'Opendev IRC Services'
limnoria_directories_conf: /var/lib/limnoria/opendev/conf
limnoria_directories_data: /var/lib/limnoria/opendev/data
limnoria_directories_data_tmp: /var/lib/limnoria/opendev/data/tmp
limnoria_directories_data_web: /var/lib/limnoria/opendev/data/web
limnoria_directories_log: /var/lib/limnoria/opendev/logs
password: ''
servers: irc4.oftc.net:6697
channels: "{{ limnoria_oftc_channels | join(' ') }}"
ssl: 'True'
# ###
# # Determines what networks the bot will connect to.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks: {{ limnoria_networks }}
# ###
# # Determines what certificate file (if any) the bot will use to connect
# # with SSL sockets to oftc.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.certfile:
# ###
# # Space-separated list of channels the bot will join only on oftc.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.channels: #opendev
# ###
# # Determines what key (if any) will be used to join the channel.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.channels.key:
# ###
# # Determines the bot's ident string, if the server doesn't provide one
# # by default. If empty, defaults to supybot.ident.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.ident:
# ###
# # Determines what nick the bot will use on this network. If empty,
# # defaults to supybot.nick.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.nick:
# ###
# # Determines what password will be used on oftc. Yes, we know that
# # technically passwords are server-specific and not network-specific,
# # but this is the best we can do right now.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.password:
# ###
# # Deprecated config value, keep it to False.
# #
# # Default value: False
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.requireStarttls: False
# ###
# # Determines what SASL ECDSA key (if any) will be used on oftc. The
# # public key must be registered with NickServ for SASL ECDSA-
# # NIST256P-CHALLENGE to work.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.sasl.ecdsa_key:
# ###
# # Determines what SASL mechanisms will be tried and in which order.
# #
# # Default value: ecdsa-nist256p-challenge external plain
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.sasl.mechanisms: ecdsa-nist256p-challenge external plain
# ###
# # Determines what SASL password will be used on oftc.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.sasl.password:
# ###
# # Determines whether the bot will abort the connection if the none of
# # the enabled SASL mechanism succeeded.
# #
# # Default value: False
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.sasl.required: False
# ###
# # Determines what SASL username will be used on oftc. This should be the
# # bot's account name.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.sasl.username:
# ###
# # Space-separated list of servers the bot will connect to for oftc. Each
# # will be tried in order, wrapping back to the first when the cycle is
# # completed.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.servers: irc.oftc.net:6697
# ###
# # If not empty, determines the hostname:port of the socks proxy that
# # will be used to connect to this network.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.socksproxy:
# ###
# # Determines whether the bot will attempt to connect with SSL sockets to
# # oftc.
# #
# # Default value: True
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.ssl: True
# ###
# # A certificate that is trusted to verify certificates of this network
# # (aka. Certificate Authority).
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.ssl.authorityCertificate:
# ###
# # Space-separated list of fingerprints of trusted certificates for this
# # network. Supported hash algorithms are: md5, sha1, sha224, sha256,
# # sha384, and sha512. If non-empty, Certification Authority signatures
# # will not be used to verify certificates.
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.ssl.serverFingerprints:
# ###
# # Determines what user modes the bot will request from the server when
# # it first connects. If empty, defaults to supybot.protocols.irc.umodes
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.umodes:
# ###
# # Determines the real name which the bot sends to the server. If empty,
# # defaults to supybot.user
# #
# # Default value:
# ###
# supybot.networks.oftc.user: