148 lines
4.7 KiB
148 lines
4.7 KiB
#!/bin/bash -e
# Common utility functions used across all nova charms.
# Load the common OpenStack helper library.
if [[ -e $CHARM_DIR/lib/openstack-common ]] ; then
. $CHARM_DIR/lib/openstack-common
juju-log "Couldn't load $CHARM_DIR/lib/opentack-common." && exit 1
set_or_update() {
# Update config flags in nova.conf or api-paste.ini.
# Config layout changed in Folsom, so this is now OpenStack release specific.
local rel=$(get_os_codename_package "nova-common")
. $CHARM_DIR/lib/nova/$rel
nova_set_or_update $@
function set_config_flags() {
# Set user-defined nova.conf flags from deployment config
juju-log "$CHARM: Processing config-flags."
flags=$(config-get config-flags)
if [[ "$flags" != "None" && -n "$flags" ]] ; then
for f in $(echo $flags | sed -e 's/,/ /g') ; do
k=$(echo $f | cut -d= -f1)
v=$(echo $f | cut -d= -f2)
set_or_update "$k" "$v"
configure_volume_service() {
local svc="$1"
local cur_vers="$(get_os_codename_package "nova-common")"
case "$svc" in
set_or_update "volume_api_class" "nova.volume.cinder.API" ;;
# nova-volume only supported before grizzly.
[[ "$cur_vers" == "essex" ]] || [[ "$cur_vers" == "folsom" ]] &&
set_or_update "volume_api_class" "nova.volume.api.API"
*) juju-log "$CHARM ERROR - configure_volume_service: Invalid service $svc"
return 1 ;;
function configure_network_manager {
local manager="$1"
echo "$CHARM: configuring $manager network manager"
case $1 in
set_or_update "network_manager" "nova.network.manager.FlatManager"
set_or_update "network_manager" "nova.network.manager.FlatDHCPManager"
if [[ "$CHARM" == "nova-compute" ]] ; then
local flat_interface=$(config-get flat-interface)
local ec2_host=$(relation-get ec2_host)
set_or_update flat_inteface "$flat_interface"
set_or_update ec2_dmz_host "$ec2_host"
# Ensure flat_interface has link.
if ip link show $flat_interface >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
ip link set $flat_interface up
# work around (LP: #1035172)
if [[ -e /dev/vhost-net ]] ; then
iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -p udp --dport 68 -j CHECKSUM \
local local_ip=$(get_ip `unit-get private-address`)
[[ -n $local_ip ]] || {
juju-log "Unable to resolve local IP address"
exit 1
set_or_update "network_api_class" "nova.network.quantumv2.api.API"
set_or_update "quantum_auth_strategy" "keystone"
set_or_update "core_plugin" "$QUANTUM_CORE_PLUGIN" "$QUANTUM_CONF"
set_or_update "bind_host" "" "$QUANTUM_CONF"
if [ "$QUANTUM_PLUGIN" == "ovs" ]; then
set_or_update "tenant_network_type" "gre" $QUANTUM_PLUGIN_CONF "OVS"
set_or_update "enable_tunneling" "True" $QUANTUM_PLUGIN_CONF "OVS"
set_or_update "tunnel_id_ranges" "1:1000" $QUANTUM_PLUGIN_CONF "OVS"
set_or_update "local_ip" "$local_ip" $QUANTUM_PLUGIN_CONF "OVS"
*) juju-log "ERROR: Invalid network manager $1" && exit 1 ;;
function trigger_remote_service_restarts() {
# Trigger a service restart on all other nova nodes that have a relation
# via the cloud-controller interface.
# possible relations to other nova services.
local relations="cloud-compute nova-volume-service"
for rel in $relations; do
local r_ids=$(relation-ids $rel)
for r_id in $r_ids ; do
juju-log "$CHARM: Triggering a service restart on relation $r_id."
relation-set -r $r_id restart-trigger=$(uuid)
do_openstack_upgrade() {
# update openstack components to those provided by a new installation source
# it is assumed the calling hook has confirmed that the upgrade is sane.
local rel="$1"
local packages=$@
orig_os_rel=$(get_os_codename_package "nova-common")
new_rel=$(get_os_codename_install_source "$rel")
# Backup the config directory.
local stamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d%M%S")
tar -pcf /var/lib/juju/$CHARM-backup-$stamp.tar $CONF_DIR
# load the release helper library for pre/post upgrade hooks specific to the
# release we are upgrading to.
. $CHARM_DIR/lib/nova/$new_rel
# new release specific pre-upgrade hook
nova_pre_upgrade "$orig_os_rel"
# Setup apt repository access and kick off the actual package upgrade.
configure_install_source "$rel"
apt-get update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get --option Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold -y \
install --no-install-recommends $packages
# new release sepcific post-upgrade hook
nova_post_upgrade "$orig_os_rel"