From 0ed1bae46f8bb65130985cbb1eb7b14cd1199379 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jay S Bryant <>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 15:21:27 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Remove unused gettextutils from oslo-incubator

Now that the old config generator code has been replaced/removed
we can now also remove gettextutils.  The generator was the last
hold-out in our code still using that obsolete code.

This patch removes the unneeded file and also updates the i18n code
that was monkey patching in support for using the _() and _LX()
functions in gettextutils.

Change-Id: Ib29915b13bd7f0173637ac6d1881f1ca06b713d6
related-bug: 1381563
 cinder/                              |  20 -
 cinder/openstack/common/config/  |   0
 cinder/openstack/common/config/ | 307 -------------
 cinder/openstack/common/     | 479 --------------------
 openstack-common.conf                       |   4 -
 5 files changed, 810 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 cinder/openstack/common/config/
 delete mode 100644 cinder/openstack/common/config/
 delete mode 100644 cinder/openstack/common/

diff --git a/cinder/ b/cinder/
index 1b3965bf0ee..b798d831437 100644
--- a/cinder/
+++ b/cinder/
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ See .
 import oslo_i18n as i18n
-from cinder.openstack.common import gettextutils
 DOMAIN = 'cinder'
 _translators = i18n.TranslatorFactory(domain=DOMAIN)
@@ -50,21 +48,3 @@ def translate(value, user_locale=None):
 def get_available_languages():
     return i18n.get_available_languages(DOMAIN)
-# Parts in oslo-incubator are still using gettextutils._(), _LI(), etc., from
-# oslo-incubator. Until these parts are changed to use oslo.i18n, Cinder
-# needs to do something to allow them to work. One option is to continue to
-# initialize gettextutils, but with the way that Cinder has initialization
-# spread out over mutltiple entry points, we'll monkey-patch
-# gettextutils._(), _LI(), etc., to use our oslo.i18n versions.
-# FIXME(dims): Remove the monkey-patching and update openstack-common.conf and
-# do a sync with oslo-incubator to remove gettextutils once oslo-incubator
-# isn't using oslo-incubator gettextutils any more.
-gettextutils._ = _
-gettextutils._LI = _LI
-gettextutils._LW = _LW
-gettextutils._LE = _LE
-gettextutils._LC = _LC
diff --git a/cinder/openstack/common/config/ b/cinder/openstack/common/config/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
diff --git a/cinder/openstack/common/config/ b/cinder/openstack/common/config/
deleted file mode 100644
index a376b2b3437..00000000000
--- a/cinder/openstack/common/config/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2012 SINA Corporation
-# Copyright 2014 Cisco Systems, Inc.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-"""Extracts OpenStack config option info from module(s)."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-import argparse
-import imp
-import os
-import re
-import socket
-import sys
-import textwrap
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_utils import importutils
-import six
-import stevedore.named
-from cinder.openstack.common import gettextutils
-STROPT = "StrOpt"
-BOOLOPT = "BoolOpt"
-INTOPT = "IntOpt"
-FLOATOPT = "FloatOpt"
-LISTOPT = "ListOpt"
-DICTOPT = "DictOpt"
-MULTISTROPT = "MultiStrOpt"
-    STROPT: 'string value',
-    BOOLOPT: 'boolean value',
-    INTOPT: 'integer value',
-    FLOATOPT: 'floating point value',
-    LISTOPT: 'list value',
-    DICTOPT: 'dict value',
-    MULTISTROPT: 'multi valued',
-OPTION_REGEX = re.compile(r"(%s)" % "|".join([STROPT, BOOLOPT, INTOPT,
-                                              FLOATOPT, LISTOPT, DICTOPT,
-                                              MULTISTROPT]))
-PY_EXT = ".py"
-BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
-                                       "../../../../"))
-def raise_extension_exception(extmanager, ep, err):
-    raise
-def generate(argv):
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description='generate sample configuration file',
-    )
-    parser.add_argument('-m', dest='modules', action='append')
-    parser.add_argument('-l', dest='libraries', action='append')
-    parser.add_argument('srcfiles', nargs='*')
-    parsed_args = parser.parse_args(argv)
-    mods_by_pkg = dict()
-    for filepath in parsed_args.srcfiles:
-        pkg_name = filepath.split(os.sep)[1]
-        mod_str = '.'.join(['.'.join(filepath.split(os.sep)[:-1]),
-                            os.path.basename(filepath).split('.')[0]])
-        mods_by_pkg.setdefault(pkg_name, list()).append(mod_str)
-    # NOTE(lzyeval): place top level modules before packages
-    pkg_names = sorted(pkg for pkg in mods_by_pkg if pkg.endswith(PY_EXT))
-    ext_names = sorted(pkg for pkg in mods_by_pkg if pkg not in pkg_names)
-    pkg_names.extend(ext_names)
-    # opts_by_group is a mapping of group name to an options list
-    # The options list is a list of (module, options) tuples
-    opts_by_group = {'DEFAULT': []}
-    if parsed_args.modules:
-        for module_name in parsed_args.modules:
-            module = _import_module(module_name)
-            if module:
-                for group, opts in _list_opts(module):
-                    opts_by_group.setdefault(group, []).append((module_name,
-                                                                opts))
-    # Look for entry points defined in libraries (or applications) for
-    # option discovery, and include their return values in the output.
-    #
-    # Each entry point should be a function returning an iterable
-    # of pairs with the group name (or None for the default group)
-    # and the list of Opt instances for that group.
-    if parsed_args.libraries:
-        loader = stevedore.named.NamedExtensionManager(
-            'oslo.config.opts',
-            names=list(set(parsed_args.libraries)),
-            invoke_on_load=False,
-            on_load_failure_callback=raise_extension_exception
-        )
-        for ext in loader:
-            for group, opts in ext.plugin():
-                opt_list = opts_by_group.setdefault(group or 'DEFAULT', [])
-                opt_list.append((, opts))
-    for pkg_name in pkg_names:
-        mods = mods_by_pkg.get(pkg_name)
-        mods.sort()
-        for mod_str in mods:
-            if mod_str.endswith('.__init__'):
-                mod_str = mod_str[:mod_str.rfind(".")]
-            mod_obj = _import_module(mod_str)
-            if not mod_obj:
-                raise RuntimeError("Unable to import module %s" % mod_str)
-            for group, opts in _list_opts(mod_obj):
-                opts_by_group.setdefault(group, []).append((mod_str, opts))
-    print_group_opts('DEFAULT', opts_by_group.pop('DEFAULT', []))
-    for group in sorted(opts_by_group.keys()):
-        print_group_opts(group, opts_by_group[group])
-def _import_module(mod_str):
-    try:
-        if mod_str.startswith('bin.'):
-            imp.load_source(mod_str[4:], os.path.join('bin', mod_str[4:]))
-            return sys.modules[mod_str[4:]]
-        else:
-            return importutils.import_module(mod_str)
-    except Exception as e:
-        sys.stderr.write("Error importing module %s: %s\n" % (mod_str, str(e)))
-        return None
-def _is_in_group(opt, group):
-    "Check if opt is in group."
-    for value in group._opts.values():
-        # NOTE(llu): Temporary workaround for bug #1262148, wait until
-        # newly released oslo.config support '==' operator.
-        if not(value['opt'] != opt):
-            return True
-    return False
-def _guess_groups(opt, mod_obj):
-    # is it in the DEFAULT group?
-    if _is_in_group(opt, cfg.CONF):
-        return 'DEFAULT'
-    # what other groups is it in?
-    for value in cfg.CONF.values():
-        if isinstance(value, cfg.CONF.GroupAttr):
-            if _is_in_group(opt, value._group):
-                return
-    raise RuntimeError(
-        "Unable to find group for option %s, "
-        "maybe it's defined twice in the same group?"
-        %
-    )
-def _list_opts(obj):
-    def is_opt(o):
-        return (isinstance(o, cfg.Opt) and
-                not isinstance(o, cfg.SubCommandOpt))
-    opts = list()
-    for attr_str in dir(obj):
-        attr_obj = getattr(obj, attr_str)
-        if is_opt(attr_obj):
-            opts.append(attr_obj)
-        elif (isinstance(attr_obj, list) and
-              all(map(lambda x: is_opt(x), attr_obj))):
-            opts.extend(attr_obj)
-    ret = {}
-    for opt in opts:
-        ret.setdefault(_guess_groups(opt, obj), []).append(opt)
-    return ret.items()
-def print_group_opts(group, opts_by_module):
-    print("[%s]" % group)
-    print('')
-    for mod, opts in opts_by_module:
-        print('#')
-        print('# Options defined in %s' % mod)
-        print('#')
-        print('')
-        for opt in opts:
-            _print_opt(opt)
-        print('')
-def _get_my_ip():
-    try:
-        csock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
-        csock.connect(('', 80))
-        (addr, port) = csock.getsockname()
-        csock.close()
-        return addr
-    except socket.error:
-        return None
-def _sanitize_default(name, value):
-    """Set up a reasonably sensible default for pybasedir, my_ip and host."""
-    if value.startswith(sys.prefix):
-        # NOTE(jd) Don't use os.path.join, because it is likely to think the
-        # second part is an absolute pathname and therefore drop the first
-        # part.
-        value = os.path.normpath("/usr/" + value[len(sys.prefix):])
-    elif value.startswith(BASEDIR):
-        return value.replace(BASEDIR, '/usr/lib/python/site-packages')
-    elif BASEDIR in value:
-        return value.replace(BASEDIR, '')
-    elif value == _get_my_ip():
-        return ''
-    elif value in (socket.gethostname(), socket.getfqdn()) and 'host' in name:
-        return 'cinder'
-    elif value.strip() != value:
-        return '"%s"' % value
-    return value
-def _print_opt(opt):
-    opt_name, opt_default, opt_help = opt.dest, opt.default,
-    if not opt_help:
-        sys.stderr.write('WARNING: "%s" is missing help string.\n' % opt_name)
-        opt_help = ""
-    opt_type = None
-    try:
-        opt_type =
-    except (ValueError, AttributeError) as err:
-        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % str(err))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    opt_help = u'%s (%s)' % (opt_help,
-                             OPT_TYPES[opt_type])
-    print('#', "\n# ".join(textwrap.wrap(opt_help, WORDWRAP_WIDTH)))
-    if opt.deprecated_opts:
-        for deprecated_opt in opt.deprecated_opts:
-            if
-                deprecated_group = ( if
-                           else "DEFAULT")
-                print('# Deprecated group/name - [%s]/%s' %
-                      (deprecated_group,
-    try:
-        if opt_default is None:
-            print('#%s=<None>' % opt_name)
-        elif opt_type == STROPT:
-            assert(isinstance(opt_default, six.string_types))
-            print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, _sanitize_default(opt_name,
-                                                          opt_default)))
-        elif opt_type == BOOLOPT:
-            assert(isinstance(opt_default, bool))
-            print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, str(opt_default).lower()))
-        elif opt_type == INTOPT:
-            assert(isinstance(opt_default, int) and
-                   not isinstance(opt_default, bool))
-            print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, opt_default))
-        elif opt_type == FLOATOPT:
-            assert(isinstance(opt_default, float))
-            print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, opt_default))
-        elif opt_type == LISTOPT:
-            assert(isinstance(opt_default, list))
-            print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, ','.join(opt_default)))
-        elif opt_type == DICTOPT:
-            assert(isinstance(opt_default, dict))
-            opt_default_strlist = [str(key) + ':' + str(value)
-                                   for (key, value) in opt_default.items()]
-            print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, ','.join(opt_default_strlist)))
-        elif opt_type == MULTISTROPT:
-            assert(isinstance(opt_default, list))
-            if not opt_default:
-                opt_default = ['']
-            for default in opt_default:
-                print('#%s=%s' % (opt_name, default))
-        print('')
-    except Exception:
-        sys.stderr.write('Error in option "%s"\n' % opt_name)
-        sys.exit(1)
-def main():
-    generate(sys.argv[1:])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
diff --git a/cinder/openstack/common/ b/cinder/openstack/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index b0777a1b04d..00000000000
--- a/cinder/openstack/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
-# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
-# All Rights Reserved.
-#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-#    a copy of the License at
-#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#    under the License.
-gettext for openstack-common modules.
-Usual usage in an openstack.common module:
-    from cinder.openstack.common.gettextutils import _
-import copy
-import gettext
-import locale
-from logging import handlers
-import os
-from babel import localedata
-import six
-# FIXME(dhellmann): Remove this when moving to oslo.i18n.
-USE_LAZY = False
-class TranslatorFactory(object):
-    """Create translator functions
-    """
-    def __init__(self, domain, localedir=None):
-        """Establish a set of translation functions for the domain.
-        :param domain: Name of translation domain,
-                       specifying a message catalog.
-        :type domain: str
-        :param lazy: Delays translation until a message is emitted.
-                     Defaults to False.
-        :type lazy: Boolean
-        :param localedir: Directory with translation catalogs.
-        :type localedir: str
-        """
-        self.domain = domain
-        if localedir is None:
-            localedir = os.environ.get(domain.upper() + '_LOCALEDIR')
-        self.localedir = localedir
-    def _make_translation_func(self, domain=None):
-        """Return a new translation function ready for use.
-        Takes into account whether or not lazy translation is being
-        done.
-        The domain can be specified to override the default from the
-        factory, but the localedir from the factory is always used
-        because we assume the log-level translation catalogs are
-        installed in the same directory as the main application
-        catalog.
-        """
-        if domain is None:
-            domain = self.domain
-        t = gettext.translation(domain,
-                                localedir=self.localedir,
-                                fallback=True)
-        # Use the appropriate method of the translation object based
-        # on the python version.
-        m = t.gettext if six.PY3 else t.ugettext
-        def f(msg):
-            """oslo.i18n.gettextutils translation function."""
-            if USE_LAZY:
-                return Message(msg, domain=domain)
-            return m(msg)
-        return f
-    @property
-    def primary(self):
-        "The default translation function."
-        return self._make_translation_func()
-    def _make_log_translation_func(self, level):
-        return self._make_translation_func(self.domain + '-log-' + level)
-    @property
-    def log_info(self):
-        "Translate info-level log messages."
-        return self._make_log_translation_func('info')
-    @property
-    def log_warning(self):
-        "Translate warning-level log messages."
-        return self._make_log_translation_func('warning')
-    @property
-    def log_error(self):
-        "Translate error-level log messages."
-        return self._make_log_translation_func('error')
-    @property
-    def log_critical(self):
-        "Translate critical-level log messages."
-        return self._make_log_translation_func('critical')
-# NOTE(dhellmann): When this module moves out of the incubator into
-# oslo.i18n, these global variables can be moved to an integration
-# module within each application.
-# Create the global translation functions.
-_translators = TranslatorFactory('cinder')
-# The primary translation function using the well-known name "_"
-_ = _translators.primary
-# Translators for log levels.
-# The abbreviated names are meant to reflect the usual use of a short
-# name like '_'. The "L" is for "log" and the other letter comes from
-# the level.
-_LI = _translators.log_info
-_LW = _translators.log_warning
-_LE = _translators.log_error
-_LC = _translators.log_critical
-# NOTE(dhellmann): End of globals that will move to the application's
-# integration module.
-def enable_lazy():
-    """Convenience function for configuring _() to use lazy gettext
-    Call this at the start of execution to enable the gettextutils._
-    function to use lazy gettext functionality. This is useful if
-    your project is importing _ directly instead of using the
-    gettextutils.install() way of importing the _ function.
-    """
-    global USE_LAZY
-    USE_LAZY = True
-def install(domain):
-    """Install a _() function using the given translation domain.
-    Given a translation domain, install a _() function using gettext's
-    install() function.
-    The main difference from gettext.install() is that we allow
-    overriding the default localedir (e.g. /usr/share/locale) using
-    a translation-domain-specific environment variable (e.g.
-    Note that to enable lazy translation, enable_lazy must be
-    called.
-    :param domain: the translation domain
-    """
-    from six import moves
-    tf = TranslatorFactory(domain)
-    moves.builtins.__dict__['_'] = tf.primary
-class Message(six.text_type):
-    """A Message object is a unicode object that can be translated.
-    Translation of Message is done explicitly using the translate() method.
-    For all non-translation intents and purposes, a Message is simply unicode,
-    and can be treated as such.
-    """
-    def __new__(cls, msgid, msgtext=None, params=None,
-                domain='cinder', *args):
-        """Create a new Message object.
-        In order for translation to work gettext requires a message ID, this
-        msgid will be used as the base unicode text. It is also possible
-        for the msgid and the base unicode text to be different by passing
-        the msgtext parameter.
-        """
-        # If the base msgtext is not given, we use the default translation
-        # of the msgid (which is in English) just in case the system locale is
-        # not English, so that the base text will be in that locale by default.
-        if not msgtext:
-            msgtext = Message._translate_msgid(msgid, domain)
-        # We want to initialize the parent unicode with the actual object that
-        # would have been plain unicode if 'Message' was not enabled.
-        msg = super(Message, cls).__new__(cls, msgtext)
-        msg.msgid = msgid
-        msg.domain = domain
-        msg.params = params
-        return msg
-    def translate(self, desired_locale=None):
-        """Translate this message to the desired locale.
-        :param desired_locale: The desired locale to translate the message to,
-                               if no locale is provided the message will be
-                               translated to the system's default locale.
-        :returns: the translated message in unicode
-        """
-        translated_message = Message._translate_msgid(self.msgid,
-                                                      self.domain,
-                                                      desired_locale)
-        if self.params is None:
-            # No need for more translation
-            return translated_message
-        # This Message object may have been formatted with one or more
-        # Message objects as substitution arguments, given either as a single
-        # argument, part of a tuple, or as one or more values in a dictionary.
-        # When translating this Message we need to translate those Messages too
-        translated_params = _translate_args(self.params, desired_locale)
-        translated_message = translated_message % translated_params
-        return translated_message
-    @staticmethod
-    def _translate_msgid(msgid, domain, desired_locale=None):
-        if not desired_locale:
-            system_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()
-            # If the system locale is not available to the runtime use English
-            if not system_locale[0]:
-                desired_locale = 'en_US'
-            else:
-                desired_locale = system_locale[0]
-        locale_dir = os.environ.get(domain.upper() + '_LOCALEDIR')
-        lang = gettext.translation(domain,
-                                   localedir=locale_dir,
-                                   languages=[desired_locale],
-                                   fallback=True)
-        if six.PY3:
-            translator = lang.gettext
-        else:
-            translator = lang.ugettext
-        translated_message = translator(msgid)
-        return translated_message
-    def __mod__(self, other):
-        # When we mod a Message we want the actual operation to be performed
-        # by the parent class (i.e. unicode()), the only thing  we do here is
-        # save the original msgid and the parameters in case of a translation
-        params = self._sanitize_mod_params(other)
-        unicode_mod = super(Message, self).__mod__(params)
-        modded = Message(self.msgid,
-                         msgtext=unicode_mod,
-                         params=params,
-                         domain=self.domain)
-        return modded
-    def _sanitize_mod_params(self, other):
-        """Sanitize the object being modded with this Message.
-        - Add support for modding 'None' so translation supports it
-        - Trim the modded object, which can be a large dictionary, to only
-        those keys that would actually be used in a translation
-        - Snapshot the object being modded, in case the message is
-        translated, it will be used as it was when the Message was created
-        """
-        if other is None:
-            params = (other,)
-        elif isinstance(other, dict):
-            # Merge the dictionaries
-            # Copy each item in case one does not support deep copy.
-            params = {}
-            if isinstance(self.params, dict):
-                for key, val in self.params.items():
-                    params[key] = self._copy_param(val)
-            for key, val in other.items():
-                params[key] = self._copy_param(val)
-        else:
-            params = self._copy_param(other)
-        return params
-    def _copy_param(self, param):
-        try:
-            return copy.deepcopy(param)
-        except Exception:
-            # Fallback to casting to unicode this will handle the
-            # python code-like objects that can't be deep-copied
-            return six.text_type(param)
-    def __add__(self, other):
-        msg = _('Message objects do not support addition.')
-        raise TypeError(msg)
-    def __radd__(self, other):
-        return self.__add__(other)
-    if six.PY2:
-        def __str__(self):
-            # NOTE(luisg): Logging in python 2.6 tries to str() log records,
-            # and it expects specifically a UnicodeError in order to proceed.
-            msg = _('Message objects do not support str() because they may '
-                    'contain non-ascii characters. '
-                    'Please use unicode() or translate() instead.')
-            raise UnicodeError(msg)
-def get_available_languages(domain):
-    """Lists the available languages for the given translation domain.
-    :param domain: the domain to get languages for
-    """
-    if domain in _AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES:
-        return copy.copy(_AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES[domain])
-    localedir = '%s_LOCALEDIR' % domain.upper()
-    find = lambda x: gettext.find(domain,
-                                  localedir=os.environ.get(localedir),
-                                  languages=[x])
-    # NOTE(mrodden): en_US should always be available (and first in case
-    # order matters) since our in-line message strings are en_US
-    language_list = ['en_US']
-    # NOTE(luisg): Babel <1.0 used a function called list(), which was
-    # renamed to locale_identifiers() in >=1.0, the requirements master list
-    # requires >=0.9.6, uncapped, so defensively work with both. We can remove
-    # this check when the master list updates to >=1.0, and update all projects
-    list_identifiers = (getattr(localedata, 'list', None) or
-                        getattr(localedata, 'locale_identifiers'))
-    locale_identifiers = list_identifiers()
-    for i in locale_identifiers:
-        if find(i) is not None:
-            language_list.append(i)
-    # NOTE(luisg): Babel>=1.0,<1.3 has a bug where some OpenStack supported
-    # locales (e.g. 'zh_CN', and 'zh_TW') aren't supported even though they
-    # are perfectly legitimate locales:
-    #
-    # In Babel 1.3 they fixed the bug and they support these locales, but
-    # they are still not explicitly "listed" by locale_identifiers().
-    # That is  why we add the locales here explicitly if necessary so that
-    # they are listed as supported.
-    aliases = {'zh': 'zh_CN',
-               'zh_Hant_HK': 'zh_HK',
-               'zh_Hant': 'zh_TW',
-               'fil': 'tl_PH'}
-    for (locale_, alias) in six.iteritems(aliases):
-        if locale_ in language_list and alias not in language_list:
-            language_list.append(alias)
-    _AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES[domain] = language_list
-    return copy.copy(language_list)
-def translate(obj, desired_locale=None):
-    """Gets the translated unicode representation of the given object.
-    If the object is not translatable it is returned as-is.
-    If the locale is None the object is translated to the system locale.
-    :param obj: the object to translate
-    :param desired_locale: the locale to translate the message to, if None the
-                           default system locale will be used
-    :returns: the translated object in unicode, or the original object if
-              it could not be translated
-    """
-    message = obj
-    if not isinstance(message, Message):
-        # If the object to translate is not already translatable,
-        # let's first get its unicode representation
-        message = six.text_type(obj)
-    if isinstance(message, Message):
-        # Even after unicoding() we still need to check if we are
-        # running with translatable unicode before translating
-        return message.translate(desired_locale)
-    return obj
-def _translate_args(args, desired_locale=None):
-    """Translates all the translatable elements of the given arguments object.
-    This method is used for translating the translatable values in method
-    arguments which include values of tuples or dictionaries.
-    If the object is not a tuple or a dictionary the object itself is
-    translated if it is translatable.
-    If the locale is None the object is translated to the system locale.
-    :param args: the args to translate
-    :param desired_locale: the locale to translate the args to, if None the
-                           default system locale will be used
-    :returns: a new args object with the translated contents of the original
-    """
-    if isinstance(args, tuple):
-        return tuple(translate(v, desired_locale) for v in args)
-    if isinstance(args, dict):
-        translated_dict = {}
-        for (k, v) in six.iteritems(args):
-            translated_v = translate(v, desired_locale)
-            translated_dict[k] = translated_v
-        return translated_dict
-    return translate(args, desired_locale)
-class TranslationHandler(handlers.MemoryHandler):
-    """Handler that translates records before logging them.
-    The TranslationHandler takes a locale and a target logging.Handler object
-    to forward LogRecord objects to after translating them. This handler
-    depends on Message objects being logged, instead of regular strings.
-    The handler can be configured declaratively in the logging.conf as follows:
-        [handlers]
-        keys = translatedlog, translator
-        [handler_translatedlog]
-        class = handlers.WatchedFileHandler
-        args = ('/var/log/api-localized.log',)
-        formatter = context
-        [handler_translator]
-        class = openstack.common.log.TranslationHandler
-        target = translatedlog
-        args = ('zh_CN',)
-    If the specified locale is not available in the system, the handler will
-    log in the default locale.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, locale=None, target=None):
-        """Initialize a TranslationHandler
-        :param locale: locale to use for translating messages
-        :param target: logging.Handler object to forward
-                       LogRecord objects to after translation
-        """
-        # NOTE(luisg): In order to allow this handler to be a wrapper for
-        # other handlers, such as a FileHandler, and still be able to
-        # configure it using logging.conf, this handler has to extend
-        # MemoryHandler because only the MemoryHandlers' logging.conf
-        # parsing is implemented such that it accepts a target handler.
-        handlers.MemoryHandler.__init__(self, capacity=0, target=target)
-        self.locale = locale
-    def setFormatter(self, fmt):
-    def emit(self, record):
-        # We save the message from the original record to restore it
-        # after translation, so other handlers are not affected by this
-        original_msg = record.msg
-        original_args = record.args
-        try:
-            self._translate_and_log_record(record)
-        finally:
-            record.msg = original_msg
-            record.args = original_args
-    def _translate_and_log_record(self, record):
-        record.msg = translate(record.msg, self.locale)
-        # In addition to translating the message, we also need to translate
-        # arguments that were passed to the log method that were not part
-        # of the main message e.g.,'Some message %s'), this_one))
-        record.args = _translate_args(record.args, self.locale)
diff --git a/openstack-common.conf b/openstack-common.conf
index 2827eb527f4..2faec5d23bb 100644
--- a/openstack-common.conf
+++ b/openstack-common.conf
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
 # The list of modules to copy from oslo-incubator