diff --git a/cinder/tests/unit/test_solidfire.py b/cinder/tests/unit/test_solidfire.py
index 369a17f6516..6a6018a17d9 100644
--- a/cinder/tests/unit/test_solidfire.py
+++ b/cinder/tests/unit/test_solidfire.py
@@ -499,43 +499,48 @@ class SolidFireVolumeTestCase(test.TestCase):
                           sfv._get_sfaccount_by_name, 'some-name')
-    @mock.patch.object(solidfire.SolidFireDriver, '_issue_api_request')
-    @mock.patch.object(solidfire.SolidFireDriver, '_create_template_account')
-    def test_delete_volume(self,
-                           _mock_create_template_account,
-                           _mock_issue_api_request):
-        _mock_issue_api_request.return_value = self.mock_stats_data
-        _mock_create_template_account.return_value = 1
+    def test_delete_volume(self):
         testvol = {'project_id': 'testprjid',
                    'name': 'test_volume',
                    'size': 1,
                    'id': 'a720b3c0-d1f0-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66',
                    'created_at': timeutils.utcnow(),
                    'provider_id': '1 5 None',
+                   'multiattach': True
         fake_sfaccounts = [{'accountID': 5,
                             'name': 'testprjid',
                             'targetSecret': 'shhhh',
                             'username': 'john-wayne'}]
-        def _fake_do_v_create(project_id, params):
-            return project_id, params
+        get_vol_result = [{'volumeID': 5,
+                           'name': 'test_volume',
+                           'accountID': 25,
+                           'sliceCount': 1,
+                           'totalSize': 1 * units.Gi,
+                           'enable512e': True,
+                           'access': "readWrite",
+                           'status': "active",
+                           'attributes': {},
+                           'qos': None,
+                           'iqn': 'super_fake_iqn'}]
-        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        mod_conf = self.configuration
+        mod_conf.sf_enable_vag = True
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=mod_conf)
         with mock.patch.object(sfv,
                                return_value=fake_sfaccounts), \
-                mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                                  '_issue_api_request',
-                                  side_effect=self.fake_issue_api_request), \
-                mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                                  '_get_account_create_availability',
-                                  return_value=fake_sfaccounts[0]), \
-                mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                                  '_do_volume_create',
-                                  side_effect=_fake_do_v_create):
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_get_volumes_for_account',
+                              return_value=get_vol_result), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_issue_api_request'), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_remove_volume_from_vags') as rem_vol:
+            rem_vol.assert_called_with(get_vol_result[0]['volumeID'])
     def test_delete_volume_no_volume_on_backend(self):
         fake_sfaccounts = [{'accountID': 5,
@@ -1112,73 +1117,11 @@ class SolidFireVolumeTestCase(test.TestCase):
                 sfv, '_issue_api_request', side_effect=_fake_issue_api_req):
             self.assertEqual(5, sfv._get_sf_volume(test_name, 8)['volumeID'])
-    def test_create_vag(self):
-        global counter
-        counter = 0
-        def _trick_get_vag(vag_name):
-            # On the second call to get_vag we want to return a fake VAG
-            # result as required by logic of _sf_initialize_connection.
-            global counter
-            vag = {'attributes': {},
-                   'deletedVolumes': [],
-                   'initiators': [],
-                   'name': 'TESTIQN',
-                   'volumeAccessGroupID': 1,
-                   'volumes': [],
-                   'virtualNetworkIDs': []}
-            if counter == 1:
-                return [vag]
-            counter += 1
+    def test_sf_init_conn_with_vag(self):
+        # Verify with the _enable_vag conf set that we correctly create a VAG.
         mod_conf = self.configuration
         mod_conf.sf_enable_vag = True
         sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=mod_conf)
-        testvol = {'project_id': 'testprjid',
-                   'name': 'testvol',
-                   'size': 1,
-                   'id': 'a720b3c0-d1f0-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66',
-                   'volume_type_id': None,
-                   'provider_location': ' iqn.2010-01.com.'
-                                        'solidfire:87hg.uuid-2cc06226-cc'
-                                        '74-4cb7-bd55-14aed659a0cc.4060 0',
-                   'provider_auth': 'CHAP stack-1-a60e2611875f40199931f2'
-                                    'c76370d66b 2FE0CQ8J196R',
-                   'provider_geometry': '4096 4096',
-                   'created_at': timeutils.utcnow(),
-                   'provider_id': "1 1 1"
-                   }
-        connector = {'initiator': 'iqn.2012-07.org.fake:01'}
-        def add_volume_to_vag_check(vol_id, vag_id):
-            self.assertEqual(1, vol_id)
-            self.assertEqual(1, vag_id)
-        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                               '_create_vag',
-                               return_value=1), \
-            mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                              '_get_vags',
-                              side_effect=_trick_get_vag), \
-            mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                              '_add_initiator_to_vag'), \
-            mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                              '_add_volume_to_vag',
-                              side_effect=add_volume_to_vag_check):
-            sfv.initialize_connection(testvol, connector)
-    def test_remove_vag(self):
-        vag = {'attributes': {},
-               'deletedVolumes': [],
-               'initiators': [],
-               'name': 'TESTIQN',
-               'volumeAccessGroupID': 1,
-               'volumes': [1],
-               'virtualNetworkIDs': []}
         testvol = {'project_id': 'testprjid',
                    'name': 'testvol',
                    'size': 1,
@@ -1194,55 +1137,384 @@ class SolidFireVolumeTestCase(test.TestCase):
                    'provider_id': "1 1 1"
         connector = {'initiator': 'iqn.2012-07.org.fake:01'}
-        mod_conf = self.configuration
-        mod_conf.sf_enable_vag = True
-        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=mod_conf)
-        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                               '_get_vags',
-                               return_value=[vag]), \
-            mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                              '_remove_vag') as mock_rem_vag:
-            sfv.terminate_connection(testvol, connector, force=False)
-            mock_rem_vag.assert_called_with(vag['volumeAccessGroupID'])
-    def test_remove_volume_from_vag(self):
-        vag = {'attributes': {},
-               'deletedVolumes': [],
-               'initiators': [],
-               'name': 'TESTIQN',
-               'volumeAccessGroupID': 1,
-               'volumes': [1, 2],
-               'virtualNetworkIDs': []}
-        testvol = {'project_id': 'testprjid',
-                   'name': 'testvol',
-                   'size': 1,
-                   'id': 'a720b3c0-d1f0-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66',
-                   'volume_type_id': None,
-                   'provider_location': ' iqn.2010-01.com.'
-                                        'solidfire:87hg.uuid-2cc06226-cc'
-                                        '74-4cb7-bd55-14aed659a0cc.4060 0',
-                   'provider_auth': 'CHAP stack-1-a60e2611875f40199931f2'
-                                    'c76370d66b 2FE0CQ8J196R',
-                   'provider_geometry': '4096 4096',
-                   'created_at': timeutils.utcnow(),
-                   'provider_id': "1 1 1"
-                   }
-        connector = {'initiator': 'iqn.2012-07.org.fake:01'}
-        mod_conf = self.configuration
-        mod_conf.sf_enable_vag = True
-        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=mod_conf)
         provider_id = testvol['provider_id']
         vol_id = int(sfv._parse_provider_id_string(provider_id)[0])
+        vag_id = 1
         with mock.patch.object(sfv,
-                               '_get_vags',
-                               return_value=[vag]), \
+                               '_safe_create_vag',
+                               return_value=vag_id) as create_vag, \
-                              '_remove_vag') as mock_rem_vag, \
+                              '_add_volume_to_vag') as add_vol:
+            sfv._sf_initialize_connection(testvol, connector)
+            create_vag.assert_called_with(connector['initiator'],
+                                          vol_id)
+            add_vol.assert_called_with(vol_id,
+                                       connector['initiator'],
+                                       vag_id)
+    def test_sf_term_conn_with_vag_rem_vag(self):
+        # Verify we correctly remove an empty VAG on detach.
+        mod_conf = self.configuration
+        mod_conf.sf_enable_vag = True
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=mod_conf)
+        testvol = {'project_id': 'testprjid',
+                   'name': 'testvol',
+                   'size': 1,
+                   'id': 'a720b3c0-d1f0-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66',
+                   'volume_type_id': None,
+                   'provider_location': ' iqn.2010-01.com.'
+                                        'solidfire:87hg.uuid-2cc06226-cc'
+                                        '74-4cb7-bd55-14aed659a0cc.4060 0',
+                   'provider_auth': 'CHAP stack-1-a60e2611875f40199931f2'
+                                    'c76370d66b 2FE0CQ8J196R',
+                   'provider_geometry': '4096 4096',
+                   'created_at': timeutils.utcnow(),
+                   'provider_id': "1 1 1",
+                   'multiattach': False
+                   }
+        connector = {'initiator': 'iqn.2012-07.org.fake:01'}
+        vag_id = 1
+        vags = [{'attributes': {},
+                 'deletedVolumes': [],
+                 'initiators': [connector['initiator']],
+                 'name': 'fakeiqn',
+                 'volumeAccessGroupID': vag_id,
+                 'volumes': [1],
+                 'virtualNetworkIDs': []}]
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_get_vags_by_name',
+                               return_value=vags), \
-                              '_remove_volume_from_vag') as mock_rem_vol_vag:
-            sfv.terminate_connection(testvol, connector, force=False)
-            mock_rem_vol_vag.assert_called_with(vol_id,
-                                                vag['volumeAccessGroupID'])
-            mock_rem_vag.assert_not_called()
+                              '_remove_vag') as rem_vag:
+            sfv._sf_terminate_connection(testvol, connector, False)
+            rem_vag.assert_called_with(vag_id)
+    def test_sf_term_conn_with_vag_rem_vol(self):
+        # Verify we correctly remove a the volume from a non-empty VAG.
+        mod_conf = self.configuration
+        mod_conf.sf_enable_vag = True
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=mod_conf)
+        testvol = {'project_id': 'testprjid',
+                   'name': 'testvol',
+                   'size': 1,
+                   'id': 'a720b3c0-d1f0-11e1-9b23-0800200c9a66',
+                   'volume_type_id': None,
+                   'provider_location': ' iqn.2010-01.com.'
+                                        'solidfire:87hg.uuid-2cc06226-cc'
+                                        '74-4cb7-bd55-14aed659a0cc.4060 0',
+                   'provider_auth': 'CHAP stack-1-a60e2611875f40199931f2'
+                                    'c76370d66b 2FE0CQ8J196R',
+                   'provider_geometry': '4096 4096',
+                   'created_at': timeutils.utcnow(),
+                   'provider_id': "1 1 1",
+                   'multiattach': False
+                   }
+        provider_id = testvol['provider_id']
+        vol_id = int(sfv._parse_provider_id_string(provider_id)[0])
+        connector = {'initiator': 'iqn.2012-07.org.fake:01'}
+        vag_id = 1
+        vags = [{'attributes': {},
+                 'deletedVolumes': [],
+                 'initiators': [connector['initiator']],
+                 'name': 'fakeiqn',
+                 'volumeAccessGroupID': vag_id,
+                 'volumes': [1, 2],
+                 'virtualNetworkIDs': []}]
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_get_vags_by_name',
+                               return_value=vags), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_remove_volume_from_vag') as rem_vag:
+            sfv._sf_terminate_connection(testvol, connector, False)
+            rem_vag.assert_called_with(vol_id, vag_id)
+    def test_safe_create_vag_simple(self):
+        # Test the sunny day call straight into _create_vag.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        iqn = 'fake_iqn'
+        vol_id = 1
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_get_vags_by_name',
+                               return_value=[]), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_create_vag') as mock_create_vag:
+            sfv._safe_create_vag(iqn, vol_id)
+            mock_create_vag.assert_called_with(iqn, vol_id)
+    def test_safe_create_vag_matching_vag(self):
+        # Vag exists, resuse.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        iqn = 'TESTIQN'
+        vags = [{'attributes': {},
+                 'deletedVolumes': [],
+                 'initiators': [iqn],
+                 'name': iqn,
+                 'volumeAccessGroupID': 1,
+                 'volumes': [1, 2],
+                 'virtualNetworkIDs': []}]
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_get_vags_by_name',
+                               return_value=vags), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_create_vag') as create_vag, \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_add_initiator_to_vag') as add_iqn:
+            vag_id = sfv._safe_create_vag(iqn, None)
+            self.assertEqual(vag_id, vags[0]['volumeAccessGroupID'])
+            create_vag.assert_not_called()
+            add_iqn.assert_not_called()
+    def test_safe_create_vag_reuse_vag(self):
+        # Reuse a matching vag.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        iqn = 'TESTIQN'
+        vags = [{'attributes': {},
+                 'deletedVolumes': [],
+                 'initiators': [],
+                 'name': iqn,
+                 'volumeAccessGroupID': 1,
+                 'volumes': [1, 2],
+                 'virtualNetworkIDs': []}]
+        vag_id = vags[0]['volumeAccessGroupID']
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_get_vags_by_name',
+                               return_value=vags), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_add_initiator_to_vag',
+                              return_value = vag_id) as add_init:
+            res_vag_id = sfv._safe_create_vag(iqn, None)
+            self.assertEqual(res_vag_id, vag_id)
+            add_init.assert_called_with(iqn, vag_id)
+    def test_create_vag_iqn_fail(self):
+        # Attempt to create a VAG with an already in-use initiator.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        iqn = 'TESTIQN'
+        vag_id = 1
+        vol_id = 42
+        def throw_request(method, params, version):
+            msg = 'xExceededLimit: {}'.format(params['initiators'][0])
+            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(message=msg)
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_issue_api_request',
+                               side_effect=throw_request), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_safe_create_vag',
+                              return_value=vag_id) as create_vag, \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_purge_vags') as purge_vags:
+            res_vag_id = sfv._create_vag(iqn, vol_id)
+            self.assertEqual(res_vag_id, vag_id)
+            create_vag.assert_called_with(iqn, vol_id)
+            purge_vags.assert_not_called()
+    def test_create_vag_limit_fail(self):
+        # Attempt to create a VAG with VAG limit reached.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        iqn = 'TESTIQN'
+        vag_id = 1
+        vol_id = 42
+        def throw_request(method, params, version):
+            msg = 'xExceededLimit'
+            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(message=msg)
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_issue_api_request',
+                               side_effect=throw_request), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_safe_create_vag',
+                              return_value=vag_id) as create_vag, \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_purge_vags') as purge_vags:
+            res_vag_id = sfv._create_vag(iqn, vol_id)
+            self.assertEqual(res_vag_id, vag_id)
+            create_vag.assert_called_with(iqn, vol_id)
+            purge_vags.assert_called_with()
+    def test_add_initiator_duplicate(self):
+        # Thrown exception should yield vag_id.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        iqn = 'TESTIQN'
+        vag_id = 1
+        def throw_request(method, params, version):
+            msg = 'xAlreadyInVolumeAccessGroup'
+            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(message=msg)
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_issue_api_request',
+                               side_effect=throw_request):
+            res_vag_id = sfv._add_initiator_to_vag(iqn, vag_id)
+            self.assertEqual(vag_id, res_vag_id)
+    def test_add_initiator_missing_vag(self):
+        # Thrown exception should result in create_vag call.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        iqn = 'TESTIQN'
+        vag_id = 1
+        def throw_request(method, params, version):
+            msg = 'xVolumeAccessGroupIDDoesNotExist'
+            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(message=msg)
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_issue_api_request',
+                               side_effect=throw_request), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_safe_create_vag',
+                              return_value=vag_id) as mock_create_vag:
+            res_vag_id = sfv._add_initiator_to_vag(iqn, vag_id)
+            self.assertEqual(vag_id, res_vag_id)
+            mock_create_vag.assert_called_with(iqn)
+    def test_add_volume_to_vag_duplicate(self):
+        # Thrown exception should yield vag_id
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        iqn = 'TESTIQN'
+        vag_id = 1
+        vol_id = 42
+        def throw_request(method, params, version):
+            msg = 'xAlreadyInVolumeAccessGroup'
+            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(message=msg)
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_issue_api_request',
+                               side_effect=throw_request):
+            res_vag_id = sfv._add_volume_to_vag(vol_id, iqn, vag_id)
+            self.assertEqual(res_vag_id, vag_id)
+    def test_add_volume_to_vag_missing_vag(self):
+        # Thrown exception should yield vag_id
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        iqn = 'TESTIQN'
+        vag_id = 1
+        vol_id = 42
+        def throw_request(method, params, version):
+            msg = 'xVolumeAccessGroupIDDoesNotExist'
+            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(message=msg)
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_issue_api_request',
+                               side_effect=throw_request), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_safe_create_vag',
+                              return_value=vag_id) as mock_create_vag:
+            res_vag_id = sfv._add_volume_to_vag(vol_id, iqn, vag_id)
+            self.assertEqual(res_vag_id, vag_id)
+            mock_create_vag.assert_called_with(iqn, vol_id)
+    def test_remove_volume_from_vag_missing_volume(self):
+        # Volume not in VAG, throws.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        vag_id = 1
+        vol_id = 42
+        def throw_request(method, params, version):
+            msg = 'xNotInVolumeAccessGroup'
+            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(message=msg)
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_issue_api_request',
+                               side_effect=throw_request):
+            sfv._remove_volume_from_vag(vol_id, vag_id)
+    def test_remove_volume_from_vag_missing_vag(self):
+        # Volume not in VAG, throws.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        vag_id = 1
+        vol_id = 42
+        def throw_request(method, params, version):
+            msg = 'xVolumeAccessGroupIDDoesNotExist'
+            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(message=msg)
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_issue_api_request',
+                               side_effect=throw_request):
+            sfv._remove_volume_from_vag(vol_id, vag_id)
+    def test_remove_volume_from_vag_unknown_exception(self):
+        # Volume not in VAG, throws.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        vag_id = 1
+        vol_id = 42
+        def throw_request(method, params, version):
+            msg = 'xUnknownException'
+            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(message=msg)
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_issue_api_request',
+                               side_effect=throw_request):
+            self.assertRaises(exception.SolidFireAPIException,
+                              sfv._remove_volume_from_vag,
+                              vol_id,
+                              vag_id)
+    def test_remove_volume_from_vags(self):
+        # Remove volume from several VAGs.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        vol_id = 42
+        vags = [{'volumeAccessGroupID': 1,
+                 'volumes': [vol_id]},
+                {'volumeAccessGroupID': 2,
+                 'volumes': [vol_id, 43]}]
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_base_get_vags',
+                               return_value=vags), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_remove_volume_from_vag') as rem_vol:
+            sfv._remove_volume_from_vags(vol_id)
+            self.assertEqual(len(vags), rem_vol.call_count)
+    def test_purge_vags(self):
+        # Remove subset of VAGs.
+        sfv = solidfire.SolidFireDriver(configuration=self.configuration)
+        vags = [{'initiators': [],
+                 'volumeAccessGroupID': 1,
+                 'deletedVolumes': [],
+                 'volumes': [],
+                 'attributes': {'openstack': True}},
+                {'initiators': [],
+                 'volumeAccessGroupID': 2,
+                 'deletedVolumes': [],
+                 'volumes': [],
+                 'attributes': {'openstack': False}},
+                {'initiators': [],
+                 'volumeAccessGroupID': 3,
+                 'deletedVolumes': [1],
+                 'volumes': [],
+                 'attributes': {'openstack': True}},
+                {'initiators': [],
+                 'volumeAccessGroupID': 4,
+                 'deletedVolumes': [],
+                 'volumes': [1],
+                 'attributes': {'openstack': True}},
+                {'initiators': ['fakeiqn'],
+                 'volumeAccessGroupID': 5,
+                 'deletedVolumes': [],
+                 'volumes': [],
+                 'attributes': {'openstack': True}}]
+        with mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                               '_base_get_vags',
+                               return_value=vags), \
+            mock.patch.object(sfv,
+                              '_remove_vag') as rem_vag:
+            sfv._purge_vags()
+            # Of the vags provided there is only one that is valid for purge
+            # based on the limits of no initiators, volumes, deleted volumes,
+            # and features the openstack attribute.
+            self.assertEqual(1, rem_vag.call_count)
+            rem_vag.assert_called_with(1)
diff --git a/cinder/volume/drivers/solidfire.py b/cinder/volume/drivers/solidfire.py
index 2021ea2a9dd..3a6745a063c 100644
--- a/cinder/volume/drivers/solidfire.py
+++ b/cinder/volume/drivers/solidfire.py
@@ -97,6 +97,12 @@ sf_opts = [
 CONF = cfg.CONF
+# SolidFire API Error Constants
+xExceededLimit = 'xExceededLimit'
+xAlreadyInVolumeAccessGroup = 'xAlreadyInVolumeAccessGroup'
+xVolumeAccessGroupIDDoesNotExist = 'xVolumeAccessGroupIDDoesNotExist'
+xNotInVolumeAccessGroup = 'xNotInVolumeAccessGroup'
 def retry(exc_tuple, tries=5, delay=1, backoff=2):
     def retry_dec(f):
@@ -819,57 +825,153 @@ class SolidFireDriver(san.SanISCSIDriver):
         vlist = sorted(vlist, key=lambda k: k['volumeID'])
         return vlist
-    def _create_vag(self, vag_name):
+    def _create_vag(self, iqn, vol_id=None):
         """Create a volume access group(vag).
            Returns the vag_id.
-        params = {'name': vag_name}
-        result = self._issue_api_request('CreateVolumeAccessGroup',
-                                         params,
-                                         version='7.0')
-        return result['result']['volumeAccessGroupID']
+        vag_name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '-', iqn)
+        params = {'name': vag_name,
+                  'initiators': [iqn],
+                  'volumes': [vol_id],
+                  'attributes': {'openstack': True}}
+        try:
+            result = self._issue_api_request('CreateVolumeAccessGroup',
+                                             params,
+                                             version='7.0')
+            return result['result']['volumeAccessGroupID']
+        except exception.SolidFireAPIException as error:
+            if xExceededLimit in error.msg:
+                if iqn in error.msg:
+                    # Initiator double registered.
+                    return self._safe_create_vag(iqn, vol_id)
+                else:
+                    # VAG limit reached. Purge and start over.
+                    self._purge_vags()
+                    return self._safe_create_vag(iqn, vol_id)
+            else:
+                raise
-    def _get_vags(self, vag_name):
-        """Retrieve SolidFire volume access group objects by name.
+    def _safe_create_vag(self, iqn, vol_id=None):
+        # Potential race condition with simultaneous volume attaches to the
+        # same host. To help avoid this, VAG creation makes a best attempt at
+        # finding and using an existing VAG.
-           Returns an array of vags with a matching name value.
-           Returns an empty array if there are no matches.
-        """
+        vags = self._get_vags_by_name(iqn)
+        if vags:
+            # Filter through the vags and find the one with matching initiator
+            vag = next((v for v in vags if iqn in v['initiators']), None)
+            if vag:
+                return vag['volumeAccessGroupID']
+            else:
+                # No matches, use the first result, add initiator IQN.
+                vag_id = vags[0]['volumeAccessGroupID']
+                return self._add_initiator_to_vag(iqn, vag_id)
+        return self._create_vag(iqn, vol_id)
+    def _base_get_vags(self):
         params = {}
         vags = self._issue_api_request(
+        return vags
+    def _get_vags_by_name(self, iqn):
+        """Retrieve SolidFire volume access group objects by name.
+           Returns an array of vags with a matching name value.
+           Returns an empty array if there are no matches.
+        """
+        vags = self._base_get_vags()
+        vag_name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '-', iqn)
         matching_vags = [vag for vag in vags if vag['name'] == vag_name]
         return matching_vags
     def _add_initiator_to_vag(self, iqn, vag_id):
+        # Added a vag_id return as there is a chance that we might have to
+        # create a new VAG if our target VAG is deleted underneath us.
         params = {"initiators": [iqn],
                   "volumeAccessGroupID": vag_id}
-        self._issue_api_request('AddInitiatorsToVolumeAccessGroup',
-                                params,
-                                version='7.0')
+        try:
+            self._issue_api_request('AddInitiatorsToVolumeAccessGroup',
+                                    params,
+                                    version='7.0')
+            return vag_id
+        except exception.SolidFireAPIException as error:
+            if xAlreadyInVolumeAccessGroup in error.msg:
+                return vag_id
+            elif xVolumeAccessGroupIDDoesNotExist in error.msg:
+                # No locking means sometimes a VAG can be removed by a parallel
+                # volume detach against the same host.
+                return self._safe_create_vag(iqn)
+            else:
+                raise
-    def _add_volume_to_vag(self, vol_id, vag_id):
+    def _add_volume_to_vag(self, vol_id, iqn, vag_id):
+        # Added a vag_id return to be consistent with add_initiator_to_vag. It
+        # isn't necessary but may be helpful in the future.
         params = {"volumeAccessGroupID": vag_id,
                   "volumes": [vol_id]}
-        self._issue_api_request('AddVolumesToVolumeAccessGroup',
-                                params,
-                                version='7.0')
+        try:
+            self._issue_api_request('AddVolumesToVolumeAccessGroup',
+                                    params,
+                                    version='7.0')
+            return vag_id
+        except exception.SolidFireAPIException as error:
+            if xAlreadyInVolumeAccessGroup in error.msg:
+                return vag_id
+            elif xVolumeAccessGroupIDDoesNotExist in error.msg:
+                return self._safe_create_vag(iqn, vol_id)
+            else:
+                raise
     def _remove_volume_from_vag(self, vol_id, vag_id):
         params = {"volumeAccessGroupID": vag_id,
                   "volumes": [vol_id]}
-        self._issue_api_request('RemoveVolumesFromVolumeAccessGroup',
-                                params,
-                                version='7.0')
+        try:
+            self._issue_api_request('RemoveVolumesFromVolumeAccessGroup',
+                                    params,
+                                    version='7.0')
+        except exception.SolidFireAPIException as error:
+            if xNotInVolumeAccessGroup in error.msg:
+                pass
+            elif xVolumeAccessGroupIDDoesNotExist in error.msg:
+                pass
+            else:
+                raise
+    def _remove_volume_from_vags(self, vol_id):
+        # Due to all sorts of uncertainty around multiattach, on volume
+        # deletion we make a best attempt at removing the vol_id from VAGs.
+        vags = self._base_get_vags()
+        targets = [v for v in vags if vol_id in v['volumes']]
+        for vag in targets:
+            self._remove_volume_from_vag(vol_id, vag['volumeAccessGroupID'])
     def _remove_vag(self, vag_id):
         params = {"volumeAccessGroupID": vag_id}
-        self._issue_api_request('DeleteVolumeAccessGroup',
-                                params,
-                                version='7.0')
+        try:
+            self._issue_api_request('DeleteVolumeAccessGroup',
+                                    params,
+                                    version='7.0')
+        except exception.SolidFireAPIException as error:
+            if xVolumeAccessGroupIDDoesNotExist not in error.msg:
+                raise
+    def _purge_vags(self, limit=10):
+        # Purge up to limit number of VAGs that have no active volumes,
+        # initiators, and an OpenStack attribute. Purge oldest VAGs first.
+        vags = self._base_get_vags()
+        targets = [v for v in vags if v['volumes'] == [] and
+                   v['initiators'] == [] and
+                   v['deletedVolumes'] == [] and
+                   v['attributes'].get('openstack')]
+        sorted_targets = sorted(targets,
+                                key=lambda k: k['volumeAccessGroupID'])
+        for vag in sorted_targets[:limit]:
+            self._remove_vag(vag['volumeAccessGroupID'])
     def clone_image(self, context,
                     volume, image_location,
@@ -1022,6 +1124,8 @@ class SolidFireDriver(san.SanISCSIDriver):
         if sf_vol is not None:
             params = {'volumeID': sf_vol['volumeID']}
             self._issue_api_request('DeleteVolume', params)
+            if volume.get('multiattach'):
+                self._remove_volume_from_vags(sf_vol['volumeID'])
             LOG.error(_LE("Volume ID %s was not found on "
                           "the SolidFire Cluster while attempting "
@@ -1409,33 +1513,14 @@ class SolidFireISCSI(iscsi_driver.SanISCSITarget):
            Optionally checks and utilizes volume access groups.
         if self.configuration.sf_enable_vag:
-            raw_iqn = connector['initiator']
-            vag_name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '-', raw_iqn)
-            vag = self._get_vags(vag_name)
+            iqn = connector['initiator']
             provider_id = volume['provider_id']
             vol_id = int(self._parse_provider_id_string(provider_id)[0])
-            if vag:
-                vag_id = vag[0]['volumeAccessGroupID']
-                vag = vag[0]
-            else:
-                vag_id = self._create_vag(vag_name)
-                vag = self._get_vags(vag_name)[0]
-            # TODO(chrismorrell): There is a potential race condition if a
-            # volume is attached and another is detached on the same
-            # host/initiator. The detach may purge the VAG before the attach
-            # has a chance to add the volume to the VAG. Propose combining
-            # add_initiator_to_vag and add_volume_to_vag with a retry on
-            # SFAPI exception regarding nonexistent VAG.
-            # Verify IQN matches.
-            if raw_iqn not in vag['initiators']:
-                self._add_initiator_to_vag(raw_iqn,
-                                           vag_id)
-            # Add volume to vag if not already.
-            if vol_id not in vag['volumes']:
-                self._add_volume_to_vag(vol_id, vag_id)
+            # safe_create_vag may opt to reuse vs create a vag, so we need to
+            # add our vol_id.
+            vag_id = self._safe_create_vag(iqn, vol_id)
+            self._add_volume_to_vag(vol_id, iqn, vag_id)
         # Continue along with default behavior
         return super(SolidFireISCSI, self).initialize_connection(volume,
@@ -1448,13 +1533,15 @@ class SolidFireISCSI(iscsi_driver.SanISCSITarget):
            If the VAG is empty then the VAG is also removed.
         if self.configuration.sf_enable_vag:
-            raw_iqn = properties['initiator']
-            vag_name = re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z]+', '-', raw_iqn)
-            vag = self._get_vags(vag_name)
+            iqn = properties['initiator']
+            vag = self._get_vags_by_name(iqn)
             provider_id = volume['provider_id']
             vol_id = int(self._parse_provider_id_string(provider_id)[0])
-            if vag:
+            if vag and not volume['multiattach']:
+                # Multiattach causes problems with removing volumes from VAGs.
+                # Compromise solution for now is to remove multiattach volumes
+                # from VAGs during volume deletion.
                 vag = vag[0]
                 vag_id = vag['volumeAccessGroupID']
                 if [vol_id] == vag['volumes']: