diff --git a/doc/source/devref/genconfig.rst b/doc/source/devref/genconfig.rst
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index 00000000000..f7a055770b6
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+++ b/doc/source/devref/genconfig.rst
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+Generation of Sample Configuration Options
+This file is dynamically created through the following commands and is used
+in the generation of the cinder.conf.sample file by the oslo config generator.
+It is kept in tree because deployers cannot run tox -e genconfig due to
+dependency issues. To generate this file only, use the command 'tox -e genopts'.
+To generate the cinder.conf.sample file use the command 'tox -e genconfig'.
+tox -e genconfig
+This command will generate a new cinder.conf.sample file by running the
+cinder/tools/config/generate_sample.sh script.
+tox -e genopts
+This command dynamically generates the opts.py file only in the
+event that new configuration options have been added. To do this it
+runs the generate_sample.sh with the --nosamplefile option.
+This script will check that the opts.py file exists and if it does, it
+will then create a temp opts.py file to verify that the current opts.py
+file is up to date with all new configuration options that may have been
+added. If it is not up to date it will suggest the generation of a new
+file using 'tox -e genopts'.
+This script is responsible for calling the generate_cinder_opts.py file
+which dynamically generates the opts.py file by parsing through the entire
+cinder project.  All instances of CONF.register_opt() and CONF.register_opts()
+are collected and the needed arguments are pulled out of those methods. A
+list of the options being registered is created to be written to the opts.py file.
+Later, the oslo config generator takes in the opts.py file, parses through
+those lists and creates the sample file.
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