============================================= Dell EMC PS Series volume driver (Deprecated) ============================================= The Dell PS Series (EqualLogic) volume driver interacts with configured PS Series arrays and supports various operations. .. note:: The Dell PS Series volume driver is moving into maintanence mode in S release and will be removed in the T release. Supported operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Create, delete, attach, and detach volumes. - Create, list, and delete volume snapshots. - Clone a volume. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The OpenStack Block Storage service supports: - Multiple instances of Dell EqualLogic Groups or Dell EqualLogic Group Storage Pools and multiple pools on a single array. - Multiple instances of Dell EqualLogic Groups or Dell EqualLogic Group Storage Pools or multiple pools on a single array. The Dell EqualLogic volume driver's ability to access the EqualLogic Group is dependent upon the generic block storage driver's SSH settings in the ``/etc/cinder/cinder.conf`` file (see :ref:`block-storage-sample-configuration-file` for reference). .. config-table:: :config-target: PS Series cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.ps Default (single-instance) configuration --------------------------------------- The following sample ``/etc/cinder/cinder.conf`` configuration lists the relevant settings for a typical Block Storage service using a single Dell EqualLogic Group: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] # Required settings volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.ps.PSSeriesISCSIDriver san_ip = IP_EQLX san_login = SAN_UNAME san_password = SAN_PW eqlx_group_name = EQLX_GROUP eqlx_pool = EQLX_POOL # Optional settings san_thin_provision = true|false use_chap_auth = true|false chap_username = EQLX_UNAME chap_password = EQLX_PW eqlx_cli_max_retries = 5 san_ssh_port = 22 ssh_conn_timeout = 30 san_private_key = SAN_KEY_PATH ssh_min_pool_conn = 1 ssh_max_pool_conn = 5 In this example, replace the following variables accordingly: IP_EQLX The IP address used to reach the Dell EqualLogic Group through SSH. This field has no default value. SAN_UNAME The user name to login to the Group manager via SSH at the ``san_ip``. Default user name is ``grpadmin``. SAN_PW The corresponding password of SAN_UNAME. Not used when ``san_private_key`` is set. Default password is ``password``. EQLX_GROUP The group to be used for a pool where the Block Storage service will create volumes and snapshots. Default group is ``group-0``. EQLX_POOL The pool where the Block Storage service will create volumes and snapshots. Default pool is ``default``. This option cannot be used for multiple pools utilized by the Block Storage service on a single Dell EqualLogic Group. EQLX_UNAME The CHAP login account for each volume in a pool, if ``use_chap_auth`` is set to ``true``. Default account name is ``chapadmin``. EQLX_PW The corresponding password of EQLX_UNAME. The default password is randomly generated in hexadecimal, so you must set this password manually. SAN_KEY_PATH (optional) The filename of the private key used for SSH authentication. This provides password-less login to the EqualLogic Group. Not used when ``san_password`` is set. There is no default value. In addition, enable thin provisioning for SAN volumes using the default ``san_thin_provision = true`` setting. Multiple back-end configuration ------------------------------- The following example shows the typical configuration for a Block Storage service that uses two Dell EqualLogic back ends: .. code-block:: ini enabled_backends = backend1,backend2 san_ssh_port = 22 ssh_conn_timeout = 30 san_thin_provision = true [backend1] volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.ps.PSSeriesISCSIDriver volume_backend_name = backend1 san_ip = IP_EQLX1 san_login = SAN_UNAME san_password = SAN_PW eqlx_group_name = EQLX_GROUP eqlx_pool = EQLX_POOL [backend2] volume_driver = cinder.volume.drivers.dell_emc.ps.PSSeriesISCSIDriver volume_backend_name = backend2 san_ip = IP_EQLX2 san_login = SAN_UNAME san_password = SAN_PW eqlx_group_name = EQLX_GROUP eqlx_pool = EQLX_POOL In this example: - Thin provisioning for SAN volumes is enabled (``san_thin_provision = true``). This is recommended when setting up Dell EqualLogic back ends. - Each Dell EqualLogic back-end configuration (``[backend1]`` and ``[backend2]``) has the same required settings as a single back-end configuration, with the addition of ``volume_backend_name``. - The ``san_ssh_port`` option is set to its default value, 22. This option sets the port used for SSH. - The ``ssh_conn_timeout`` option is also set to its default value, 30. This option sets the timeout in seconds for CLI commands over SSH. - The ``IP_EQLX1`` and ``IP_EQLX2`` refer to the IP addresses used to reach the Dell EqualLogic Group of ``backend1`` and ``backend2`` through SSH, respectively. For information on configuring multiple back ends, see `Configure a multiple-storage back end `__.