:orphan: Install and configure the backup service ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Optionally, install and configure the backup service. For simplicity, this configuration uses the Block Storage node and the Object Storage (swift) driver, thus depending on the `Object Storage service `_. .. note:: You must :ref:`install and configure a storage node ` prior to installing and configuring the backup service. Install and configure components -------------------------------- .. note:: Perform these steps on the Block Storage node. #. Install the packages: .. code-block:: console # apt install cinder-backup 2. Edit the ``/etc/cinder/cinder.conf`` file and complete the following actions: * In the ``[DEFAULT]`` section, configure backup options: .. path /etc/cinder/cinder.conf .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] # ... backup_driver = cinder.backup.drivers.swift backup_swift_url = SWIFT_URL Replace ``SWIFT_URL`` with the URL of the Object Storage service. The URL can be found by showing the object-store API endpoints: .. code-block:: console $ openstack catalog show object-store Finalize installation --------------------- Restart the Block Storage backup service: .. code-block:: console # service cinder-backup restart