.. _policy-file: =========== policy.yaml =========== The ``policy.yaml`` file defines additional access controls that apply to the Block Storage service. Prior to Cinder 12.0.0 (the Queens release), a JSON policy file was required to run Cinder. From the Queens release onward, the following hold: * It is possible to run Cinder safely without a policy file, as sensible default values are defined in the code. * If you wish to run Cinder with policies different from the default, you may write a policy file. * Given that JSON does not allow comments, we recommend using YAML to write a custom policy file. (Also, see next item.) * OpenStack has deprecated the use of a JSON policy file since the Wallaby release (Cinder 18.0.0). If you are still using the JSON format, there is a `oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml`__ tool that will migrate your existing JSON-formatted policy file to YAML in a backward-compatible way. .. __: https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.policy/latest/cli/oslopolicy-convert-json-to-yaml.html * If you supply a custom policy file, you only need to supply entries for the policies you wish to change from their default values. For instance, if you want to change the default value of "volume:create", you only need to keep this single rule in your policy config file. * The default policy file location is ``/etc/cinder/policy.yaml``. You may override this by specifying a different file location as the value of the ``policy_file`` configuration option in the ``[oslo_policy]`` section of the the Cinder configuration file. * Instructions for generating a sample ``policy.yaml`` file directly from the Cinder source code can be found in the file ``README-policy.generate.md`` in the ``etc/cinder`` directory in the Cinder `source code repository `_ (or its `github mirror `_). The following provides a listing of the default policies. It is not recommended to copy this file into ``/etc/cinder`` unless you are planning on providing a different policy for an operation that is not the default. .. only:: html The sample policy file can also be viewed in `file form <../../../_static/cinder.policy.yaml.sample>`_. .. literalinclude:: ../../../_static/cinder.policy.yaml.sample