#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2013, AT&T Labs, Yun Mao # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """pylint error checking.""" import json import re import sys from pylint import lint from pylint.reporters import text from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO ignore_codes = [ # Note(maoy): E1103 is error code related to partial type inference "E1103" ] ignore_messages = [ # Note(maoy): this error message is the pattern of E0202. It should be # ignored for cinder.tests modules "An attribute affected in cinder.tests", # Note(fengqian): this error message is the pattern of [E0611]. "No name 'urllib' in module '_MovedItems'", # Note(e0ne): this error message is for SQLAlchemy update() calls # It should be ignored because use six module to keep py3.X compatibility. # in DB schema migrations. "No value passed for parameter 'dml'", # Note(xyang): these error messages are for the code [E1101]. # They should be ignored because 'sha256' and 'sha224' are functions in # 'hashlib'. "Module 'hashlib' has no 'sha256' member", "Module 'hashlib' has no 'sha224' member", # Note(aarefiev): this error message is for SQLAlchemy rename calls in # DB migration(033_add_encryption_unique_key). "Instance of 'Table' has no 'rename' member", # NOTE(geguileo): these error messages are for code [E1101], and they can # be ignored because a SQLAlchemy ORM class will have __table__ member # during runtime. "Class 'ConsistencyGroup' has no '__table__' member", "Class 'CGSnapshot' has no '__table__' member", "Class 'Group' has no '__table__' member", "Class 'GroupSnapshot' has no '__table__' member", # NOTE(xyang): this error message is for code [E1120] when checking if # there are already 'groups' entries in 'quota_classes' `in DB migration # (078_add_groups_and_group_volume_type_mapping_table). "No value passed for parameter 'functions' in function call", # NOTE(dulek): This one is related to objects. "No value passed for parameter 'id' in function call", # NOTE(geguileo): v3 common manage class for volumes and snapshots "Instance of 'ManageResource' has no 'volume_api' member", "Instance of 'ManageResource' has no '_list_manageable_view' member", ] # Note(maoy): We ignore cinder.tests for now due to high false # positive rate. ignore_modules = ["cinder/tests/"] # Note(thangp): E0213, E1101, and E1102 should be ignored for only # cinder.object modules. E0213 and E1102 are error codes related to # the first argument of a method, but should be ignored because the method # is a remotable class method. E1101 is error code related to accessing a # non-existent member of an object, but should be ignored because the object # member is created dynamically. objects_ignore_codes = ["E0213", "E1101", "E1102"] # NOTE(dulek): We're ignoring messages related to non-existent objects in # cinder.objects namespace. This is because this namespace is populated when # registering the objects, and pylint is unable to detect that. objects_ignore_regexp = "Module 'cinder.objects' has no '.*' member" objects_ignore_modules = ["cinder/objects/"] KNOWN_PYLINT_EXCEPTIONS_FILE = "tools/pylint_exceptions" class LintOutput(object): _cached_filename = None _cached_content = None def __init__(self, filename, lineno, line_content, code, message, lintoutput): self.filename = filename self.lineno = lineno self.line_content = line_content self.code = code self.message = message self.lintoutput = lintoutput @classmethod def from_line(cls, line): m = re.search(r"(\S+):(\d+): \[(\S+)(, \S+)?] (.*)", line) if m is None: return None matched = m.groups() filename, lineno, code, message = (matched[0], int(matched[1]), matched[2], matched[-1]) if cls._cached_filename != filename: with open(filename) as f: cls._cached_content = list(f.readlines()) cls._cached_filename = filename line_content = cls._cached_content[lineno - 1].rstrip() return cls(filename, lineno, line_content, code, message, line.rstrip()) @classmethod def from_msg_to_dict(cls, msg): """Convert pylint output to a dict From the output of pylint msg, to a dict, where each key is a unique error identifier, value is a list of LintOutput """ result = {} for line in msg.splitlines(): obj = cls.from_line(line) if obj is None or obj.is_ignored(): continue key = obj.key() if key not in result: result[key] = [] result[key].append(obj) return result def is_ignored(self): if self.code in ignore_codes: return True if any(self.filename.startswith(name) for name in ignore_modules): return True if any(msg in self.message for msg in ignore_messages): return True if re.match(objects_ignore_regexp, self.message): return True if (self.code in objects_ignore_codes and any(self.filename.startswith(name) for name in objects_ignore_modules)): return True if (self.code in objects_ignore_codes and any(self.filename.startswith(name) for name in objects_ignore_modules)): return True return False def key(self): if self.code in ["E1101", "E1103"]: # These two types of errors are like Foo class has no member bar. # We discard the source code so that the error will be ignored # next time another Foo.bar is encountered. return self.message, "" return self.message, self.line_content.strip() def json(self): return json.dumps(self.__dict__) def review_str(self): return ("File %(filename)s\nLine %(lineno)d:%(line_content)s\n" "%(code)s: %(message)s" % {'filename': self.filename, 'lineno': self.lineno, 'line_content': self.line_content, 'code': self.code, 'message': self.message}) class ErrorKeys(object): @classmethod def print_json(cls, errors, output=sys.stdout): print("# automatically generated by tools/lintstack.py", file=output) for i in sorted(errors.keys()): print(json.dumps(i), file=output) @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): keys = set() for line in open(filename): if line and line[0] != "#": d = json.loads(line) keys.add(tuple(d)) return keys def run_pylint(): buff = StringIO() reporter = text.TextReporter(output=buff) args = [ "--msg-template='{path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}'", "-E", "cinder"] lint.Run(args, reporter=reporter, exit=False) val = buff.getvalue() buff.close() return val def generate_error_keys(msg=None): print("Generating", KNOWN_PYLINT_EXCEPTIONS_FILE) if msg is None: msg = run_pylint() errors = LintOutput.from_msg_to_dict(msg) with open(KNOWN_PYLINT_EXCEPTIONS_FILE, "w") as f: ErrorKeys.print_json(errors, output=f) def validate(newmsg=None): print("Loading", KNOWN_PYLINT_EXCEPTIONS_FILE) known = ErrorKeys.from_file(KNOWN_PYLINT_EXCEPTIONS_FILE) if newmsg is None: print("Running pylint. Be patient...") newmsg = run_pylint() errors = LintOutput.from_msg_to_dict(newmsg) print("Unique errors reported by pylint: was %d, now %d." % (len(known), len(errors))) passed = True for err_key, err_list in errors.items(): for err in err_list: if err_key not in known: print(err.lintoutput) print() passed = False if passed: print("Congrats! pylint check passed.") redundant = known - set(errors.keys()) if redundant: print("Extra credit: some known pylint exceptions disappeared.") for i in sorted(redundant): print(json.dumps(i)) print("Consider regenerating the exception file if you will.") else: print("Please fix the errors above. If you believe they are false " "positives, run 'tools/lintstack.py generate' to overwrite.") sys.exit(1) def usage(): print("""Usage: tools/lintstack.py [generate|validate] To generate pylint_exceptions file: tools/lintstack.py generate To validate the current commit: tools/lintstack.py """) def main(): option = "validate" if len(sys.argv) > 1: option = sys.argv[1] if option == "generate": generate_error_keys() elif option == "validate": validate() else: usage() if __name__ == "__main__": main()