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    This release includes support for Glance multiple stores.  An
    operator may now specify which Glance store will be used when
    a volume is uploaded to Glance as an image.  Some details
    about this feature:

    * This feature is not directly user-facing.  To enable it, an
      operator must add the field ``image_service:store_id`` in the
      volume-type extra-specs.  The value of the field is a valid
      store identifier (``id``) configured in Glance, which may be
      discovered by making a ``GET /v2/info/stores`` call to the
      Image Service API.
    * If ``image_service:store_id`` is not set in the extra-specs for a
      volume-type, then any volume of that type uploaded as an image will
      be uploaded to the default store in Glance.
    * The ``image_service:store_id`` can only be set in the extra-specs
      for a volume-type when multiple glance stores are configured.
    * Cinder validates proposed Glance store identifiers by contacting
      Glance at the time the ``image_service:store_id`` is added to a
      volume-type's extra-specs.  Thus the Image Service API must be
      available when a volume-type is updated.