- project: check: jobs: - cinder-tempest-dsvm-lvm-lio-barbican: voting: false - cinder-tox-compliance - cinder-tox-bandit-baseline: voting: false - nova-multiattach - openstack-tox-functional-py35: branches: ^(?!driverfixes/).*$ irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^api-ref/.*$ - ^cinder/hacking/.*$ - ^cinder/locale/.*$ - ^cinder/tests/unit.*$ - ^contrib/block-box.*$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ gate: jobs: - cinder-tox-compliance - nova-multiattach - openstack-tox-functional-py35: branches: ^(?!driverfixes/).*$ irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^api-ref/.*$ - ^cinder/hacking/.*$ - ^cinder/locale/.*$ - ^cinder/tests/unit.*$ - ^contrib/block-box.*$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ - job: # Previously named legacy-tempest-dsvm-full-lio name: cinder-tempest-dsvm-lvm-lio-barbican parent: legacy-dsvm-base run: playbooks/legacy/cinder-tempest-dsvm-lvm-lio-barbican/run.yaml post-run: playbooks/legacy/cinder-tempest-dsvm-lvm-lio-barbican/post.yaml timeout: 10800 required-projects: - openstack-infra/devstack-gate - openstack/barbican - openstack/python-barbicanclient - openstack/tempest - openstack/os-brick irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^api-ref/.*$ - ^cinder/hacking/.*$ - ^cinder/locale/.*$ - ^cinder/tests/functional.*$ - ^cinder/tests/unit.*$ - ^contrib/block-box.*$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ - ^tools/.*$ - job: # Test that all drivers follow the defined interface name: cinder-tox-compliance parent: openstack-tox timeout: 2400 vars: tox_envlist: compliance required-projects: - openstack/requirements files: - ^cinder/volume/driver.py - ^cinder/volume/drivers/.*$ - ^cinder/interface/.*$ - ^cinder/backup/.*$ - ^cinder/zonemanager/.*$ - job: # Security testing for known issues name: cinder-tox-bandit-baseline parent: openstack-tox timeout: 2400 vars: tox_envlist: bandit-baseline required-projects: - openstack/requirements irrelevant-files: - ^.*\.rst$ - ^api-ref/.*$ - ^cinder/hacking/.*$ - ^cinder/locale/.*$ - ^cinder/tests/functional.*$ - ^cinder/tests/unit.*$ - ^contrib/block-box.*$ - ^doc/.*$ - ^releasenotes/.*$ - ^setup.cfg$ - ^tools/.*$