IBM branding name 'Spectrum Virtualize family' is changed to 'Storage Virtualize family'. Made the branding name change at all the places in documentation. Also, Corrected the hyperlink for 'IBM Documentation' by removing "en" in the link. Instead of making english as default, the link will redirect based on the browser regional language settings. Change-Id: Icd668ee471e6b2e33b20f6abcfb7510a4e5e79bb
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.. _cinder-storwize:
.. list-table:: Description of IBM Storage Virtualize family driver configuration options
:header-rows: 1
:class: config-ref-table
* - Configuration option = Default value
- Description
* - **[DEFAULT]**
* - ``san_ip`` =
- (String) IP address of SAN controller.
* - ``san_login`` = ``admin``
- (String) Username for SAN controller.
* - ``san_password`` =
- (String) Password for SAN controller.
* - ``san_private_key`` =
- (String) Filename of private key to use for SSH authentication.
* - ``san_ssh_port`` = ``22``
- (Port number) SSH port to use with SAN.
* - ``ssh_conn_timeout`` = ``30``
- (Integer) SSH connection timeout in seconds.
* - ``ssh_min_pool_conn`` = ``1``
- (Integer) Minimum SSH connections in the pool.
* - ``ssh_max_pool_conn`` = ``5``
- (Integer) Maximum SSH connections in the pool.
* - ``storwize_san_secondary_ip`` = ``None``
- (String) Specifies secondary management IP or hostname to be used if san_ip is invalid or becomes inaccessible.
* - ``storwize_svc_allow_tenant_qos`` = ``False``
- (Boolean) Allow tenants to specify QoS on create.
* - ``storwize_svc_flashcopy_rate`` = ``50``
- (Integer) Specifies the Storage Virtualize family FlashCopy copy rate to be used when creating a full volume copy. The default is rate is 50, and the valid rates are 1-100.
* - ``storwize_svc_clean_rate`` = ``50``
- (Integer) Specifies the Storwize cleaning rate for the mapping. The default rate is 50, and the valid rates are 0-150.
* - ``storwize_svc_flashcopy_timeout`` = ``120``
- (Integer) Maximum number of seconds to wait for FlashCopy to be prepared.
* - ``storwize_svc_iscsi_chap_enabled`` = ``True``
- (Boolean) Configure CHAP authentication for iSCSI connections. (Default: Enabled)
* - ``storwize_svc_multihostmap_enabled`` = ``True``
- (Boolean) DEPRECATED: This option no longer has any affect. It is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.
* - ``storwize_svc_multipath_enabled`` = ``False``
- (Boolean) Connect with multipath (FC only; iSCSI multipath is controlled by Nova).
* - ``storwize_svc_stretched_cluster_partner`` = ``None``
- (String) If operating in stretched cluster mode, specify the name of the pool in which mirrored copies are stored. For example: "pool2"
* - ``storwize_svc_vol_autoexpand`` = ``True``
- (Boolean) Storage system autoexpand parameter for volumes (True/False).
* - ``storwize_svc_vol_compression`` = ``False``
- (Boolean) Storage system compression option for volumes.
* - ``storwize_svc_vol_easytier`` = ``True``
- (Boolean) Enable Easy Tier for volumes.
* - ``storwize_svc_vol_grainsize`` = ``256``
- (Integer) Storage system grain size parameter for volumes (32/64/128/256)
* - ``storwize_svc_vol_iogrp`` = ``0``
- (Integer) The I/O group in which to allocate volumes
* - ``storwize_svc_vol_nofmtdisk`` = ``False``
- (Boolean) Specifies that the volume not be formatted during creation.
* - ``storwize_svc_vol_rsize`` = ``2``
- (Integer) Storage system space-efficiency parameter for volumes (percentage).
* - ``storwize_svc_vol_warning`` = ``0``
- (Integer) Storage system threshold for volume capacity warnings (percentage).
* - ``storwize_svc_volpool_name`` = ``volpool``
- (List) Comma separated list of storage system storage pools for volumes.
* - ``storwize_svc_mirror_pool`` = ``None``
- (String) Specifies the name of the pool in which mirrored copy is stored. For example: "pool2"
* - ``storwize_svc_retain_aux_volume`` = ``False``
- (Boolean) Defines an optional parameter to retain an auxiliary volume in a mirror relationship upon deletion of the primary volume or moving it to a non-mirror relationship.
* - ``storwize_peer_pool`` = ``None``
- (String) Specifies the name of the peer pool for a HyperSwap volume. The peer pool must exist on the other site.
* - ``storwize_preferred_host_site`` = ``{}``
- (Dictionary) Specifies the site information for host. One WWPN or multi-WWPNs used in the host can be specified. For example: storwize_preferred_host_site=site1:wwpn1,site2:wwpn2&wwpn3 or storwize_preferred_host_site=site1:iqn1,site2:iqn2
* - ``cycle_period_seconds`` = ``300``
- (Integer) Defines an optional cycle period that applies to Global Mirror relationships with a cycling mode of multi. A Global Mirror relationship using the multi cycling_mode performs a complete cycle at most once each period. The default is 300 seconds, and the valid seconds are 60-86400.
* - ``storwize_portset`` = ``None``
- (String) Specifies the name of the portset in which the host is to be created.