A warning was being generated by the user messages documentation build because it was pointing to a module that no longer existed. I updated the link so that instead of pointing to message/resource_types it points to message/message_field . Change-Id: I77b7aaf337075274fa1dae7df03da028ea049913
Cinder Contributor Documentation
This directory is intended to hold any documentation that relates to how to contirbute to Cinder or how the project is managed. Some of this content was previous under 'developer' in openstack-manuals. The content of the documentation, however, goes beyond just developers to anyone contributing to the project, thus the change in naming.
The full spec for organization of documentation may be seen in the OS Manuals Migration Spec <https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/docs-specs/specs/pike/os-manuals-migration.html>.