
When hosts are filtered for a request, and no host passes all the filters, operators can only see the last filter run; they have no visibility into which filter removed which host. This attempts to improve this situation by tracking the hosts remaining after each filter is run and the number of hosts removed. If no host is left, that information along with volume ID of the request would be logged. Since that can be a lot of information, it will call LOG.info with just the counts for all but the final filter, which will contain the last deleted host names, LOG.debug will output the full record of each filter and the hosts remaining after each step. This will better enable operators to determine why a particular host was not selected. Change-Id: I3baf75a4a4430c55b30dde1cae86fa5e195ec6d3
You have come across a storage service for an open cloud computing service. It has identified itself as Cinder. It was abstracted from the Nova project.
- Wiki: http://wiki.openstack.org/Cinder
- Developer docs: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/cinder
Getting Started
If you'd like to run from the master branch, you can clone the git repo:
For developer information please see HACKING.rst
You can raise bugs here http://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder
Python client