Eric Harney 7f629facb4 Hacking: Remove C306, C308 checks
These block usage of methods that no longer
exist in oslo.utils 6.0.0+.  Since they have
been removed, we don't need a hacking check
for this.

Change-Id: If0345c863b1750eaca3097f240fde9b976ac442e
2023-09-14 15:18:58 -04:00

386 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 OpenStack Foundation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import ast
import re
from hacking import core
Guidelines for writing new hacking checks
- Use only for Cinder specific tests. OpenStack general tests
should be submitted to the common 'hacking' module.
- Pick numbers in the range N3xx. Find the current test with
the highest allocated number and then pick the next value.
- Keep the test method code in the source file ordered based
on the N3xx value.
- List the new rule in the top level HACKING.rst file
- Add test cases for each new rule to
# NOTE(thangp): Ignore N323 pep8 error caused by importing cinder objects
UNDERSCORE_IMPORT_FILES = ['cinder/objects/',
mutable_default_args = re.compile(r"^\s*def .+\((.+=\{\}|.+=\[\])")
translated_log = re.compile(
string_translation = re.compile(r"(.)*_\(\s*('|\")")
underscore_import_check = re.compile(r"(.)*i18n\s+import(.)* _$")
underscore_import_check_multi = re.compile(r"(.)*i18n\s+import(.)* _, (.)*")
# We need this for cases where they have created their own _ function.
custom_underscore_check = re.compile(r"(.)*_\s*=\s*(.)*")
no_print_statements = re.compile(r"\s*print\s*\(.+\).*")
dict_constructor_with_list_copy_re = re.compile(r".*\bdict\((\[)?(\(|\[)")
logging_instance = re.compile(
assert_True = re.compile(
r".*assertEqual\(True, .*\)")
class BaseASTChecker(ast.NodeVisitor):
"""Provides a simple framework for writing AST-based checks.
Subclasses should implement visit_* methods like any other AST visitor
implementation. When they detect an error for a particular node the
method should call ``self.add_error(offending_node)``. Details about
where in the code the error occurred will be pulled from the node
Subclasses should also provide a class variable named CHECK_DESC to
be used for the human readable error message.
def __init__(self, tree, filename):
"""This object is created automatically by pep8.
:param tree: an AST tree
:param filename: name of the file being analyzed
(ignored by our checks)
self._tree = tree
self._errors = []
def run(self):
"""Called automatically by pep8."""
return self._errors
def add_error(self, node, message=None):
"""Add an error caused by a node to the list of errors for pep8."""
# Need to disable pylint check here as it doesn't catch CHECK_DESC
# being defined in the subclasses.
message = message or self.CHECK_DESC # pylint: disable=E1101
error = (node.lineno, node.col_offset, message, self.__class__)
def _check_call_names(self, call_node, names):
if isinstance(call_node, ast.Call):
if isinstance(call_node.func, ast.Name):
if in names:
return True
return False
def no_translate_logs(logical_line, filename):
"""Check for 'LOG.*(_('
Starting with the Pike series, OpenStack no longer supports log
translation. We shouldn't translate logs.
- This check assumes that 'LOG' is a logger.
- Use filename so we can start enforcing this in specific folders
instead of needing to do so all at once.
if translated_log.match(logical_line):
yield(0, "C312: Log messages should not be translated!")
def no_mutable_default_args(logical_line):
msg = "N322: Method's default argument shouldn't be mutable!"
if mutable_default_args.match(logical_line):
yield (0, msg)
def check_explicit_underscore_import(logical_line, filename):
"""Check for explicit import of the _ function
We need to ensure that any files that are using the _() function
to translate messages are explicitly importing the _ function. We
can't trust unit test to catch whether the import has been
added so we need to check for it here.
# Build a list of the files that have _ imported. No further
# checking needed once it is found.
if file in filename:
if (underscore_import_check.match(logical_line) or
underscore_import_check_multi.match(logical_line) or
elif string_translation.match(logical_line):
yield(0, "N323: Found use of _() without explicit import of _ !")
class CheckLoggingFormatArgs(BaseASTChecker):
"""Check for improper use of logging format arguments.
LOG.debug("Volume %s caught fire and is at %d degrees C and climbing.",
('volume1', 500))
The format arguments should not be a tuple as it is easy to miss.
name = 'check_logging_format_args'
version = '1.0'
CHECK_DESC = 'C310 Log method arguments should not be a tuple.'
'debug', 'info',
'warn', 'warning',
'error', 'exception',
'critical', 'fatal',
'trace', 'log'
def _find_name(self, node):
"""Return the fully qualified name or a Name or Attribute."""
if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
elif (isinstance(node, ast.Attribute)
and isinstance(node.value, (ast.Name, ast.Attribute))):
method_name = node.attr
obj_name = self._find_name(node.value)
if obj_name is None:
return None
return obj_name + '.' + method_name
elif isinstance(node, str):
return node
else: # could be Subscript, Call or many more
return None
def visit_Call(self, node):
"""Look for the 'LOG.*' calls."""
# extract the obj_name and method_name
if isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute):
obj_name = self._find_name(node.func.value)
if isinstance(node.func.value, ast.Name):
method_name = node.func.attr
elif isinstance(node.func.value, ast.Attribute):
obj_name = self._find_name(node.func.value)
method_name = node.func.attr
else: # could be Subscript, Call or many more
return super(CheckLoggingFormatArgs, self).generic_visit(node)
# obj must be a logger instance and method must be a log helper
if (obj_name != 'LOG'
or method_name not in self.LOG_METHODS):
return super(CheckLoggingFormatArgs, self).generic_visit(node)
# the call must have arguments
if not len(node.args):
return super(CheckLoggingFormatArgs, self).generic_visit(node)
# any argument should not be a tuple
for arg in node.args:
if isinstance(arg, ast.Tuple):
return super(CheckLoggingFormatArgs, self).generic_visit(node)
class CheckOptRegistrationArgs(BaseASTChecker):
"""Verifying the registration of options are well formed
This class creates a check for single opt or list/tuple of
opts when register_opt() or register_opts() are being called.
name = 'check_opt_registrationg_args'
version = '1.0'
CHECK_DESC = ('C311: Arguments being passed to register_opt/register_opts '
'must be a single option or list/tuple of options '
'respectively. Options must also end with _opt or _opts '
singular_method = 'register_opt'
plural_method = 'register_opts'
register_methods = [
def _find_name(self, node):
"""Return the fully qualified name or a Name or Attribute."""
if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
elif (isinstance(node, ast.Attribute)
and isinstance(node.value, (ast.Name, ast.Attribute))):
method_name = node.attr
obj_name = self._find_name(node.value)
if obj_name is None:
return None
return obj_name + '.' + method_name
elif isinstance(node, str):
return node
else: # could be Subscript, Call or many more
return None
def _is_list_or_tuple(self, obj):
return isinstance(obj, (ast.List, ast.Tuple))
def visit_Call(self, node):
"""Look for the register_opt/register_opts calls."""
# extract the obj_name and method_name
if isinstance(node.func, ast.Attribute):
if not isinstance(node.func.value, ast.Name):
return (super(CheckOptRegistrationArgs,
method_name = node.func.attr
# obj must be instance of register_opt() or register_opts()
if method_name not in self.register_methods:
return (super(CheckOptRegistrationArgs,
if len(node.args) > 0:
argument_name = self._find_name(node.args[0])
if argument_name:
if (method_name == self.singular_method and
not argument_name.lower().endswith('opt')):
elif (method_name == self.plural_method and
not argument_name.lower().endswith('opts')):
# This covers instances of register_opt()/register_opts()
# that are registering the objects directly and not
# passing in a variable referencing the options being
# registered.
if (method_name == self.singular_method and
elif (method_name == self.plural_method and not
return super(CheckOptRegistrationArgs, self).generic_visit(node)
def check_datetime_now(logical_line, noqa):
if noqa:
msg = ("C301: Found "
"Please use timeutils.utcnow() from oslo_utils.")
if '' in logical_line:
yield(0, msg)
def check_no_print_statements(logical_line, filename, noqa):
# CLI and utils programs do need to use 'print()' so
# we shouldn't check those files.
if noqa:
if "cinder/cmd" in filename or "tools/" in filename:
if re.match(no_print_statements, logical_line):
msg = ("C303: print() should not be used. "
"Please use LOG.[info|error|warning|exception|debug]. "
"If print() must be used, use '# noqa' to skip this check.")
yield(0, msg)
def dict_constructor_with_list_copy(logical_line):
msg = ("N336: Must use a dict comprehension instead of a dict constructor "
"with a sequence of key-value pairs.")
if dict_constructor_with_list_copy_re.match(logical_line):
yield (0, msg)
def no_test_log(logical_line, filename, noqa):
if ('cinder/tests' not in filename or noqa):
msg = "C309: Unit tests should not perform logging."
if logging_instance.match(logical_line):
yield (0, msg)
def validate_assertTrue(logical_line, filename):
# Note: a comparable check cannot be implemented for
# assertFalse(), because assertFalse(None) passes.
# Therefore, assertEqual(False, value) is required to
# have the strongest test.
if 'cinder/tests/unit' not in filename:
if re.match(assert_True, logical_line):
msg = ("C313: Unit tests should use assertTrue(value) instead"
" of using assertEqual(True, value).")
yield(0, msg)
third_party_mock = re.compile("^import.mock")
from_third_party_mock = re.compile("^from.mock.import")
def no_third_party_mock(logical_line):
# We should only use unittest.mock, not the third party mock library that
# was needed for py2 support.
if (re.match(third_party_mock, logical_line) or
re.match(from_third_party_mock, logical_line)):
msg = ('C337: Unit tests should use the standard library "mock" '
'module, not the third party mock lib.')
yield(0, msg)
def no_log_warn(logical_line):
"""Disallow 'LOG.warn('
Use LOG.warning() instead of Deprecated LOG.warn().
msg = ("C338: LOG.warn is deprecated, please use LOG.warning!")
if "LOG.warn(" in logical_line:
yield (0, msg)