Many changes to the Cinder REST API require changes to the consumers of the API. For example, If we need to add a required parameter to a method that is called by Nova, we'd need both the Nova calling code and the cinderclient that Nova uses to change. But newer Cinder versions with the change must work with older Nova versions, and there is no mechanism for this at the moment. Adding microversions will solve this problem. With microversions, the highest supported version will be negotiated by a field in the HTTP header that is sent to the Cinder API. In the case where the field 'versions' is not sent (i.e. clients and scripts that pre-date this change), then the lowest supported version would be used. In order to ensure that the API consumer is explicitly asking for a microversioned API, a new endpoint v3 is added, which is identical to API version v2. This means that our new Cinder API v3 would be the default, and consumers of the API that wished to use a newer version could do so by using that endpoint and a microversion in the HTTP header. New tests for microversioned API features on endpoint /v3 should be added to cinder/tests/unit/api/v3/ directory. Existing functionality will be tested via the .../v2/ unit tests. DocImpact APIImpact Implements: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/cinder-api-microversions Change-Id: I48cdbbc900c2805e59ee9aebc3b1c64aed3212ae
Building the docs
- Sphinx
You'll need sphinx (the python one) and if you are using the virtualenv you'll need to install it in the virtualenv specifically so that it can load the cinder modules.
pip install Sphinx
- Graphviz
Some of the diagrams are generated using the
language from Graphviz.sudo apt-get install graphviz
Use make
Just type make:
% make
Look in the Makefile for more targets.
Generate the code.rst file so that Sphinx will pull in our docstrings:
% ./generate_autodoc_index.sh > source/code.rst
Run `sphinx_build`:
% sphinx-build -b html source build/html
Use tox
The easiest way to build the docs and avoid dealing with all dependencies is to let tox prepare a virtualenv and run the build_sphinx target inside the virtualenv:
% cd ..
% tox -e docs
The docs have been built
Check out the build directory to find them. Yay!