If the CONTRIBUTING[.md] file exists, Github will show a link to it to anyone who files an issue on Github or opens a pull request on Github. This files points folks to the OpenStack wiki page which provides the proper instructions on how to contribute to OpenStack. See also <https://github.com/blog/1184-contributing-guidelines>. Change-Id: I8fef06b71aa993c4c68a1ec92c39a540318aaf31
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If you would like to contribute to the development of OpenStack,
you must follow the steps in the "If you're a developer, start here"
section of this page: [http://wiki.openstack.org/HowToContribute](http://wiki.openstack.org/HowToContribute#If_you.27re_a_developer.2C_start_here:)
Once those steps have been completed, changes to OpenStack
should be submitted for review via the Gerrit tool, following
the workflow documented at [http://wiki.openstack.org/GerritWorkflow](http://wiki.openstack.org/GerritWorkflow).
Pull requests submitted through GitHub will be ignored.
Bugs should be filed [on Launchpad](https://bugs.launchpad.net/cinder),
not in GitHub's issue tracker.