Instead, either use the bash built-in of type to ensure it exists. Since which is an external dep, things can fail oddly in a constrained environment. Also add a dib-lint test for this. Change-Id: I645029f5b5bfe1198c89ce10fd3246be8636e8af Signed-off-by: Jesse Keating <omgjlk@us.ibm.com>
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105 lines
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echo "Starting HW Discovery"
function cpu_cores() {
hwinfo --cpu | grep -c "Hardware Class: cpu"
function ram() {
# XXX: /proc may not be the best place to get this from, but hwinfo reports weird values (e.g. "1GB + 512MB" on a test VM of mine)
_KB=$(grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{ print $2 }')
echo "$((_KB * 1024)) bytes"
function pxe_mac() {
local bootif_re='BOOTIF=([^ ]+)' _mac
if [[ $(cat /proc/cmdline) =~ $bootif_re ]]; then
# If we were booted using pxelinux and its config file has the
# IPAPPEND 2 stanza under the entry we booted from, then pxelinux
# will have appended a BOOTIF argument to the kernel parameters telling
# us what MAC address we are booting with. From that, we can derive the
# boot interface with no problems.
elif [[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ]] && type efibootmgr &>/dev/null; then
# Likewise, if we booted via the network while running in UEFI mode, and
# efibootmgr is installed, we can determine the MAC address of the nic we
# booted from. It would be good to have code that can also do this using
# efivars or parsing the stuff under /sys/firmware/efi/efivars directly,
# but that is a trickier thing to do.
local -A boot_entries
local bootent_re='^Boot([0-9]{4})'
local efimac_re='MAC\(([0-9a-f]+)'
local k v current_bootent
while read line; do
k="${line%% *}"
v="${line#* }"
if [[ $k = BootCurrent:* ]]; then
current_bootent="${line##BootCurrent: }"
elif [[ $k =~ $bootent_re ]]; then
done < <(efibootmgr -v)
if [[ ${boot_entries["$current_bootent"]} =~ $efimac_re ]]; then
for o in 0 2 4 6 8 10; do
if [[ ! $_mac ]]; then
# If none of the exact methods worked, fall back on the heuristic
# method and just return the mac addresses of all the interfaces
# that have a link. Hopefully whatever consumes this info is smarter
# than we are.
local _info1 _info2 _dev
_info1=$(hwinfo --network|grep -B2 "Link detected: yes"|grep -C1 "HW Address:")
_info2=$(echo "${_info1}"|awk '/Device File: (vlan*|br*)/{for(x=NR-2;x<=NR+2;x++)d[x];}{a[NR]=$0}END{for(i=1;i<=NR;i++)if(!(i in d))print a[i]}')
_dev=$(echo "${_info1}" | grep "Device File:"|awk -F':' {'print $2'}|tr -d ' ')
_mac=$(echo "${_info2}" | grep "HW Address:"|awk -F'ss:' {'print $2'}|tr -d ' ')
echo $_mac
function disk() {
# XXX: This is returning only the first disk discovered, which is very likely to be insufficient on machines that present us with multiple disks
# XXX: This is likely reporting in TB, but the units are not guaranteed. Maybe convert to bytes?
lshw -C disk | grep size | awk -F'(' '{ print $2 }' | tr -d ')' | head -1
function raw_disk() {
hwinfo --disk
function raw_network() {
hwinfo --network
"cpu cores" : "$(cpu_cores)",
"disk size" : "$(disk)",
"ram size" : "$(ram)",
"pxe mac" : "$(pxe_mac)",
"extra data" : {
"raw disk" : "$(raw_disk | base64)",
"raw network" : "$(raw_network | base64)",
# Print the resulting JSON for debugging purposes
# Now submit the JSON
HW_DISCOVERY_URL=$(get_kernel_parameter HW_DISCOVERY_URL)
wget --post-data "hwdiscovery=true&hwdiscovery_data=${HW_DISCOVERY_DATA}" ${HW_DISCOVERY_URL}
sleep 30