#!/usr/bin/env bash # ``upgrade-tempest`` echo "*********************************************************************" echo "Begin $0" echo "*********************************************************************" cleanup() { set +o errexit echo "*********************************************************************" echo "ERROR: Abort $0" echo "*********************************************************************" # Kill ourselves to signal any calling process trap 2; kill -2 $$ } trap cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM # This script exits on an error so that errors don't compound and you see # only the first error that occurred. set -o errexit # Keep track of the grenade directory # GRENADE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Source params source $GRENADE_DIR/grenaderc # Source params source $GRENADE_DIR/functions # Determine what system we are running on. This provides ``os_VENDOR``, # ``os_RELEASE``, ``os_UPDATE``, ``os_PACKAGE``, ``os_CODENAME`` # and ``DISTRO`` GetDistro # Set for DevStack compatibility TOP_DIR=$TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR cd $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR # note; openrc sources functions & stackrc source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/openrc FILES=$TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/files # Get functions from current DevStack # Ensure all services libraries are sourced early to correctly populate # TEMPEST_SERVICES. source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/cinder source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/glance source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/horizon source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/keystone source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/neutron source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/nova source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/swift # The following devstack libraries may have dependencies on service-specific # environment variables, they must be loaded after. source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/rpc_backend source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/apache source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/tls source $TARGET_DEVSTACK_DIR/lib/tempest # Print the commands being run so that we can see the command that triggers # an error. It is also useful for following allowing as the install occurs. set -o xtrace # install_tempest() install_tempest # calls upgrade-tempest for specific release upgrade_project tempest $GRENADE_DIR $BASE_DEVSTACK_BRANCH $TARGET_DEVSTACK_BRANCH OS_USERNAME=admin if $(source $BASE_DEVSTACK_DIR/stackrc; is_service_enabled neutron); then Q_L3_ENABLED="True" fi if [[ -f $BASE_RELEASE_DIR/tempest/etc/tempest.conf ]]; then # Use the same config to target smoke tests. cp $BASE_RELEASE_DIR/tempest/etc/tempest.conf $TARGET_RELEASE_DIR/tempest/etc/tempest.conf else configure_tempest fi install_tempest_plugins DEST=$DEST_BACKUP set +o xtrace echo "*********************************************************************" echo "SUCCESS: End $0" echo "*********************************************************************"