diskimage-builder images ======================== Images built using diskimage-builder_ are recommended for production use on real hardware. The recommended distributions are: * CentOS 8 (regular and stream) * Debian Buster (``debian-minimal`` element) The following should work but receive only limited testing and support: * CentOS 7 (using Python 3.6) * openSUSE Leap 15.1 * Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Building -------- ... with the helper script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To build an image using ``ironic-python-agent-builder``, run: .. code-block:: shell ironic-python-agent-builder You can add other diskimage-builder_ elements via the ``-e`` flag: .. code-block:: shell ironic-python-agent-builder -e --release 8 centos-minimal You can specify the base name of the target images: .. code-block:: shell ironic-python-agent-builder -o my-ipa --release 8 centos-minimal You can specify the arch of the target image by setting ``ARCH`` environment variable (default is amd64): .. code-block:: shell export ARCH=aarch64 ironic-python-agent-builder -o my-ipa --release 8-stream centos ... with diskimage-builder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can also use diskimage-builder_ directly. First you need to set the ``ELEMENTS_PATH`` variable to the correct location: * If installed with ``pip install --user``, use: .. code-block:: bash export ELEMENTS_PATH=$HOME/.local/share/ironic-python-agent-builder/dib * On Fedora/CentOS/RHEL (installed via ``sudo pip install`` or from packages): .. code-block:: bash export ELEMENTS_PATH=/usr/share/ironic-python-agent-builder/dib * On Debian and its derivatives, if installed with ``sudo pip install``: .. code-block:: bash export ELEMENTS_PATH=/usr/local/share/ironic-python-agent-builder/dib Now you can build an image adding the ``ironic-python-agent-ramdisk`` element, for example: .. code-block:: shell export DIB_RELEASE=8 disk-image-create -o ironic-python-agent \ ironic-python-agent-ramdisk centos-minimal To use a specific branch of ironic-python-agent, use: .. code-block:: bash export DIB_REPOREF_ironic_python_agent=origin/stable/queens export DIB_REPOREF_requirements=origin/stable/queens To build ironic-lib from source, do: .. code-block:: bash export IRONIC_LIB_FROM_SOURCE=true # Optionally: #export DIB_REPOREF_ironic_lib= To build image for architectures other than amd64, you can either set the ``ARCH`` environment variable or use ``-a`` to specify the target architecture: .. code-block:: shell disk-image-create -a arm64 -o ironic-python-agent \ ironic-python-agent-ramdisk fedora ISO Images ~~~~~~~~~~ Additionally, the IPA ramdisk can be packaged inside of an ISO for use with some virtual media drivers. Use the ``iso-image-create`` script in ``ironic-python-agent-builder`` repository, passing it the initrd and the kernel, for example: .. code-block:: console ./tools/iso-image-create -o /path/to/output.iso -i /path/to/ipa.initrd -k /path/to/ipa.kernel This is a generic tool that can be used to combine any initrd and kernel into a suitable ISO for booting, and so should work against any IPA ramdisk. Advanced options ---------------- Disabling rescue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default rescue mode is enabled in the images. Since it allows to set root password on the ramdisk by anyone on the network, you may disable it if the rescue feature is not supported. Set the following before building the image: .. code-block:: bash export DIB_IPA_ENABLE_RESCUE=false SSH access ~~~~~~~~~~ SSH access can be added to DIB built IPA images with the dynamic-login_ or the devuser_ element. The *dynamic-login* element allows the operator to inject an SSH key at boot time via the kernel command line parameters: * Add ``sshkey="ssh-rsa "`` to ``pxe_append_params`` setting in the ``ironic.conf`` file. .. warning:: Quotation marks around the public key are important! * Restart the ironic-conductor. .. note:: This element is added to the published images by default. The *devuser* element allows creating a user at build time, for example: .. code-block:: bash export DIB_DEV_USER_USERNAME=username export DIB_DEV_USER_PWDLESS_SUDO=yes export DIB_DEV_USER_AUTHORIZED_KEYS=$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub disk-image-create debian ironic-python-agent-ramdisk devuser Consistent Network Interface Naming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Base cloud images normally disable consistent network interface naming by inserting an empty udev rule. Include ``stable-interface-names`` element if you want to have consistent network interface naming whenever it is required for instance image or deploy image. .. code-block:: bash ironic-python-agent-builder -e stable-interface-names --release 8 centos-minimal .. _diskimage-builder: https://docs.openstack.org/diskimage-builder .. _dynamic-login: https://docs.openstack.org/diskimage-builder/latest/elements/dynamic-login/README.html .. _devuser: https://docs.openstack.org/diskimage-builder/latest/elements/devuser/README.html Firmware Removal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default the element removes some firmware blobs to reduce the image size. The list can be found below this paragraph. The majority of these firmware images are used by SoCs, WI-FI chips, some GPUs and Smartnics which are unlikely to be encountered. If you want to override this, change the ``IPA_REMOVE_FIRMWARE`` environment variable to a comma-separated list of directories or files under ``/usr/lib/firmware``. Set it to an empty string to disable firmware removal. Fimrware removed: * ``amdgpu`` * ``netronome`` * ``qcom`` * ``ti-communication`` * ``ti-keystone`` * ``ueagle-atm`` * ``rsi`` * ``mrvl`` * ``brcm`` * ``mediatek`` * ``ath10k`` * ``rtlwifi`` Available Elements ------------------ Ironic Python Agent (IPA) Extra Hardware ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This element adds the `hardware `_ python package to the Ironic Python Agent (IPA) ramdisk. It also installs several package dependencies of the ``hardware`` module. The ``hardware`` package provides improves hardware introspection capabilities and supports benchmarking. This functionality may be enabled by adding the ``extra-hardware`` collector in the ``[DEFAULT] inspection_collectors`` option or the ``ipa-inspection-collectors`` kernel command line argument. The following environment variables may be set to configure the element when doing a source-based installation: * ``DIB_IPA_HARDWARE_PACKAGE`` the full ``hardware`` Python package descriptor to use. If unset, ``DIB_IPA_HARDWARE_VERSION`` will be used. * ``DIB_IPA_HARDWARE_VERSION`` the version of the ``hardware`` package to install when ``DIB_IPA_HARDWARE_PACKAGE`` is unset. If unset, the latest version will be installed. ironic-python-agent-ramdisk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Builds a ramdisk with ironic-python-agent. More information can be found at: https://docs.openstack.org/ironic-python-agent/latest/ Beyond installing the ironic-python-agent, this element does the following: * Installs the ``dhcp-all-interfaces`` so the node, upon booting, attempts to obtain an IP address on all available network interfaces. * Disables the ``iptables`` service on SysV and systemd based systems. * Disables the ``ufw`` service on Upstart based systems. * Installs packages required for the operation of the ironic-python-agent:: ``qemu-utils`` ``parted`` ``hdparm`` ``util-linux`` * When installing from source, ``python-dev`` and ``gcc`` are also installed in order to support source based installation of ironic-python-agent and its dependencies. * Install the certificate if any, which is set to the environment variable ``DIB_IPA_CERT`` for validating the authenticity by ironic-python-agent. The certificate can be self-signed certificate or CA certificate. * Compresses initramfs with command specified in environment variable ``DIB_IPA_COMPRESS_CMD``, which is 'gzip' by default. This command should listen for raw data from stdin and write compressed data to stdout. Command can be with arguments. * Configures rescue mode if ``DIB_IPA_ENABLE_RESCUE`` is not set to ``false``. This element outputs two files: * ``$IMAGE-NAME.initramfs``: The deploy ramdisk file containing the ironic-python-agent (IPA) service. * ``$IMAGE-NAME.kernel``: The kernel binary file. .. note:: The package based install currently only enables the service when using the systemd init system. This can easily be changed if there is an agent package which includes upstart or sysv packaging. .. note:: Using the ramdisk will require at least 1.5GB of ram ironic-python-agent-tls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adds TLS support to ironic-python-agent-ramdisk. By default this element will enable TLS API support in IPA with a self-signed certificate and key created at build time. Optionally, you can provide your own SSL certifiate and key, and optionally CA, via the following environment variables. They should be set to an accessible path on the build systems filesystem. If set, they will be copied into the built ramdisk, and IPA will be configured to use them. The environment variables are: * ``DIB_IPA_CERT_FILE`` should point to the TLS certificate for ramdisk use. * ``DIB_IPA_KEY_FILE`` should point to the private key matching ``DIB_IPA_CERT_FILE``. You can configure the generated certificate with the following environment variables: * ``DIB_IPA_CERT_HOSTNAME`` the CN for the generated certificate. Defaults to "ipa-ramdisk.example.com". * ``DIB_IPA_CERT_EXPIRATION`` expiration, in days, for the certificate. Defaults to 1095 (three years). Note that the certificates generated by this element are self-signed, and any nodes using them will need to set agent_verify_ca=False in driver_info. This element can also configure client certificate validation in IPA. If you wish to validate client certificates, set ``DIB_IPA_CA_FILE`` to a CA file you wish IPA client connections to be validated against. This CA file will be copied into the built ramdisk, and IPA will be configured to use it.