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# The options in this file can be overridden in 'globals.yml'
# The "temp" files that are created before merge need to stay persistent due
# to the fact that ansible will register a "change" if it has to create them
# again. Persistent files allow for idempotency
container_config_directory: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files"
# The directory to merge custom config files the kolla's config files
node_custom_config: "/etc/kolla/config"
# The project to generate configuration files for
project: ""
# The directory to store the config files on the destination node
node_config_directory: "/etc/kolla/{{ project }}"
# Kolla options
# Which orchestration engine to use. Valid options are [ ANSIBLE, KUBERNETES ]
orchestration_engine: "ANSIBLE"
# Valid options are [ COPY_ONCE, COPY_ALWAYS ]
config_strategy: "COPY_ALWAYS"
# Valid options are [ centos, oraclelinux, ubuntu ]
kolla_base_distro: "centos"
# Valid options are [ binary, source ]
kolla_install_type: "binary"
kolla_internal_vip_address: "{{ kolla_internal_address }}"
kolla_internal_fqdn: "{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}"
kolla_external_vip_address: "{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}"
kolla_external_fqdn: "{{ kolla_internal_fqdn if kolla_external_vip_address == kolla_internal_vip_address else kolla_external_vip_address }}"
kolla_enable_sanity_checks: "no"
kolla_enable_sanity_keystone: "{{ kolla_enable_sanity_checks }}"
kolla_enable_sanity_glance: "{{ kolla_enable_sanity_checks }}"
kolla_enable_sanity_cinder: "{{ kolla_enable_sanity_checks }}"
kolla_enable_sanity_swift: "{{ kolla_enable_sanity_checks }}"
kolla_dev_repos_directory: "/opt/stack/"
kolla_dev_repos_git: "https://git.openstack.org/openstack"
kolla_dev_repos_pull: "no"
kolla_dev_mode: "no"
# kolla-kubernetes
# By default, Kolla API services bind to the network address assigned
# to the api_interface. Allow the bind address to be an override. In
# some cases (Kubernetes), the api_interface address is not known
# until container runtime, and thus it is necessary to bind to all
# interfaces "". When used outside of Kubernetes, binding to
# all interfaces may present a security issue, and thus is not
# recommended.
api_interface_address: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + api_interface]['ipv4']['address'] if orchestration_engine == 'ANSIBLE' else '' }}"
# Chrony options
# A list contains ntp servers
- 0.pool.ntp.org
- 1.pool.ntp.org
- 2.pool.ntp.org
- 3.pool.ntp.org
# Database options
database_address: "{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}"
database_user: "root"
database_port: "3306"
# Docker options
docker_namespace: "kolla"
# Valid options are [ never, on-failure, always, unless-stopped ]
docker_restart_policy: "unless-stopped"
# '0' means unlimited retries
docker_restart_policy_retry: "10"
# Common options used throughout Docker
auth_email: "{{ docker_registry_email }}"
auth_password: "{{ docker_registry_password }}"
auth_registry: "{{ docker_registry }}"
auth_username: "{{ docker_registry_username }}"
KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY: "{{ config_strategy }}"
restart_policy: "{{ docker_restart_policy }}"
restart_retries: "{{ docker_restart_policy_retry }}"
# keepalived options
# Arbitrary unique number from 0..255
keepalived_virtual_router_id: "51"
# Networking options
network_interface: "eth0"
neutron_external_interface: "eth1"
kolla_external_vip_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
api_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
storage_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
cluster_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
tunnel_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
bifrost_network_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
dns_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
tunnel_interface_address: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + tunnel_interface]['ipv4']['address'] if orchestration_engine == 'ANSIBLE' else '' }}"
# Valid options are [ openvswitch, linuxbridge, sfc ]
neutron_plugin_agent: "openvswitch"
# The default ports used by each service.
aodh_api_port: "8042"
barbican_api_port: "9311"
ceilometer_api_port: "8777"
congress_api_port: "1789"
cloudkitty_api_port: "8889"
designate_api_port: "9001"
designate_bind_port: "53"
designate_mdns_port: "5354"
designate_rndc_port: "953"
freezer_api_port: "9090"
iscsi_port: "3260"
gnocchi_api_port: "8041"
mariadb_port: "{{ database_port }}"
mariadb_wsrep_port: "4567"
mariadb_ist_port: "4568"
mariadb_sst_port: "4444"
panko_api_port: "8977"
rabbitmq_port: "5672"
rabbitmq_management_port: "15672"
rabbitmq_cluster_port: "25672"
rabbitmq_epmd_port: "4369"
mongodb_port: "27017"
mongodb_web_port: "28017"
haproxy_stats_port: "1984"
keystone_public_port: "5000"
keystone_admin_port: "35357"
keystone_ssh_port: "8023"
glance_api_port: "9292"
glance_registry_port: "9191"
octavia_api_port: "9876"
octavia_health_manager_port: "5555"
placement_api_port: "8780"
nova_api_port: "8774"
nova_metadata_port: "8775"
nova_novncproxy_port: "6080"
nova_spicehtml5proxy_port: "6082"
nova_serialproxy_port: "6083"
neutron_server_port: "9696"
cinder_api_port: "8776"
memcached_port: "11211"
swift_proxy_server_port: "8080"
swift_object_server_port: "6000"
swift_account_server_port: "6001"
swift_container_server_port: "6002"
swift_rsync_port: "10873"
sahara_api_port: "8386"
heat_api_port: "8004"
heat_api_cfn_port: "8000"
horizon_port: "80"
murano_api_port: "8082"
ironic_api_port: "6385"
ironic_inspector_port: "5050"
magnum_api_port: "9511"
solum_application_deployment_port: "9777"
solum_image_builder_port: "9778"
rgw_port: "6780"
mistral_api_port: "8989"
Make Heka send logs to Elasticsearch This patch includes changes relative to integrating Heka with Elasticsearch and Kibana. The main change is the addition of an Heka ElasticSearchOutput plugin to make Heka send the logs it collects to Elasticsearch. Since Logstash is not used the enable_elk deploy variable is renamed to enable_central_logging. If enable_central_logging is false then Elasticsearch and Kibana are not started, and Heka won't attempt to send logs to Elasticsearch. By default enable_central_logging is set to false. If enable_central_logging is set to true after deployment then the Heka container needs to be recreated (for Heka to get the new configuration). The Kibana configuration used property names that are deprecated in Kibana 4.2. This is changed to use non-deprecated property names. Previously logs read from files and from Syslog had a different Type in Heka. This is changed to always use "log" for the Type. In this way just one index instead of two is used in Elasticsearch, making things easier to the user on the visualization side. The HAProxy configuration is changed to add entries for Kibana. Kibana server is now accessible via the internal VIP, and also via the external VIP if there's one configured. The HAProxy configuration is changed to add an entry for Elasticsearch. So Elasticsearch is now accessible via the internal VIP. Heka uses that channel for communicating with Elasticsearch. Note that currently the Heka logs include "Plugin elasticsearch_output" errors when Heka starts. This occurs when Heka starts processing logs while Elasticsearch is not yet started. These are transient errors that go away when Elasticsearch is ready. And with buffering enabled on the ElasticSearchOuput plugin logs will be buffered and then retransmitted when Elasticsearch is ready. Change-Id: I6ff7a4f0ad04c4c666e174693a35ff49914280bb Implements: blueprint central-logging-service
2016-02-24 16:05:36 +01:00
kibana_server_port: "5601"
elasticsearch_port: "9200"
manila_api_port: "8786"
watcher_api_port: "9322"
influxdb_admin_port: "8083"
influxdb_http_port: "8086"
senlin_api_port: "8778"
trove_api_port: "8779"
etcd_client_port: "2379"
etcd_peer_port: "2380"
karbor_api_port: "8799"
kuryr_port: "23750"
searchlight_api_port: "9393"
grafana_server_port: "3000"
tacker_server_port: "9890"
fluentd_syslog_port: "5140"
zun_api_port: "9517"
ovsdb_port: "6640"
skydive_analyzer_port: "8085"
skydive_agents_port: "8090"
public_protocol: "{{ 'https' if kolla_enable_tls_external | bool else 'http' }}"
internal_protocol: "http"
admin_protocol: "http"
# OpenStack options
openstack_release: "auto"
openstack_logging_debug: "False"
openstack_region_name: "RegionOne"
# In the context of multi-regions, list here the name of all your regions.
- "{{ openstack_region_name }}"
openstack_service_workers: "{{ [ansible_processor_vcpus, 5]|min if orchestration_engine == 'ANSIBLE' else '1'}}"
# Optionally allow Kolla to set sysctl values
set_sysctl: "yes"
# Valid options are [ novnc, spice ]
nova_console: "novnc"
# OpenStack authentication string. You should only need to override these if you
# are changing the admin tenant/project or user.
auth_url: "{{ admin_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_admin_port }}"
username: "admin"
password: "{{ keystone_admin_password }}"
project_name: "admin"
domain_name: "default"
# These roles are required for Kolla to be operation, however a savvy deployer
# could disable some of these required roles and run their own services.
enable_glance: "yes"
enable_haproxy: "yes"
enable_keystone: "yes"
enable_mariadb: "yes"
enable_memcached: "yes"
enable_neutron: "yes"
enable_nova: "yes"
enable_rabbitmq: "yes"
# Additional optional OpenStack features and services are specified here
enable_aodh: "no"
enable_barbican: "no"
enable_cadf_notifications: "no"
enable_ceilometer: "no"
enable_central_logging: "no"
enable_ceph: "no"
enable_ceph_rgw: "no"
enable_chrony: "no"
enable_cinder: "no"
enable_cinder_backend_hnas_iscsi: "no"
enable_cinder_backend_hnas_nfs: "no"
enable_cinder_backend_iscsi: "no"
enable_cinder_backend_lvm: "no"
enable_cinder_backend_nfs: "no"
enable_cloudkitty: "no"
enable_congress: "no"
enable_designate: "no"
enable_etcd: "no"
enable_freezer: "no"
enable_gnocchi: "no"
enable_grafana: "no"
enable_heat: "yes"
enable_horizon: "yes"
enable_horizon_cloudkitty: "{{ enable_cloudkitty | bool }}"
enable_horizon_freezer: "{{ enable_freezer | bool }}"
enable_horizon_ironic: "{{ enable_ironic | bool }}"
enable_horizon_karbor: "{{ enable_karbor | bool }}"
enable_horizon_magnum: "{{ enable_magnum | bool }}"
enable_horizon_manila: "{{ enable_manila | bool }}"
enable_horizon_mistral: "{{ enable_mistral | bool }}"
enable_horizon_murano: "{{ enable_murano | bool }}"
enable_horizon_neutron_lbaas: "{{ enable_neutron_lbaas | bool }}"
enable_horizon_sahara: "{{ enable_sahara | bool }}"
enable_horizon_searchlight: "{{ enable_searchlight | bool }}"
enable_horizon_senlin: "{{ enable_senlin | bool }}"
enable_horizon_solum: "{{ enable_solum | bool }}"
enable_horizon_tacker: "{{ enable_tacker | bool }}"
enable_horizon_trove: "{{ enable_trove | bool }}"
enable_horizon_watcher: "{{ enable_watcher | bool }}"
enable_influxdb: "no"
enable_ironic: "no"
enable_iscsid: "{{ enable_cinder_backend_iscsi | bool or enable_cinder_backend_lvm | bool or enable_ironic | bool }}"
enable_karbor: "no"
enable_kuryr: "no"
enable_magnum: "no"
enable_manila: "no"
enable_manila_backend_generic: "no"
enable_manila_backend_hnas: "no"
enable_mistral: "no"
enable_mongodb: "no"
enable_multipathd: "no"
enable_murano: "no"
enable_neutron_vpnaas: "no"
enable_neutron_dvr: "no"
enable_neutron_lbaas: "no"
enable_neutron_fwaas: "no"
enable_neutron_qos: "no"
enable_neutron_agent_ha: "no"
enable_neutron_bgp_dragent: "no"
enable_nova_serialconsole_proxy: "no"
enable_octavia: "no"
enable_openvswitch: "{{ neutron_plugin_agent != 'linuxbridge' | bool }}"
enable_osprofiler: "no"
enable_panko: "no"
enable_rally: "no"
enable_sahara: "no"
enable_searchlight: "no"
enable_senlin: "no"
enable_skydive: "no"
enable_solum: "no"
enable_swift: "no"
enable_tacker: "no"
enable_telegraf: "no"
enable_tempest: "no"
enable_trove: "no"
enable_vmtp: "no"
enable_watcher: "no"
enable_zun: "no"
ironic_keystone_user: "ironic"
neutron_keystone_user: "neutron"
nova_keystone_user: "nova"
designate_keystone_user: "designate"
# Nova fake driver and the number of fake driver per compute node
enable_nova_fake: "no"
num_nova_fake_per_node: 5
# Monitoring options are specified here
enable_collectd: "no"
# Clean images options are specified here
enable_destroy_images: "no"
# Logging options
elasticsearch_address: "{{ kolla_internal_vip_address }}"
elasticsearch_protocol: "{{ internal_protocol }}"
enable_elasticsearch: "{{ 'yes' if enable_central_logging | bool or enable_freezer | bool or enable_osprofiler | bool or enable_skydive | bool else 'no' }}"
enable_kibana: "{{ 'yes' if enable_central_logging | bool else 'no' }}"
# RabbitMQ options
rabbitmq_user: "openstack"
rabbitmq_version: "rabbitmq_server-3.6/plugins/rabbitmq_clusterer-3.6.x.ez/rabbitmq_clusterer-3.6.x-667f92b0/ebin"
# HAProxy options
haproxy_user: "openstack"
haproxy_enable_external_vip: "{{ 'no' if kolla_external_vip_address == kolla_internal_vip_address else 'yes' }}"
kolla_enable_tls_external: "no"
kolla_external_fqdn_cert: "{{ node_config_directory }}/certificates/haproxy.pem"
kolla_external_fqdn_cacert: "{{ node_config_directory }}/certificates/haproxy-ca.crt"
# Kibana options
kibana_user: "kibana"
kibana_log_prefix: "flog"
# Keystone options
keystone_admin_url: "{{ admin_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_admin_port }}"
keystone_internal_url: "{{ internal_protocol }}://{{ kolla_internal_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_public_port }}"
keystone_public_url: "{{ public_protocol }}://{{ kolla_external_fqdn }}:{{ keystone_public_port }}"
# Valid options are [ uuid, fernet ]
keystone_token_provider: "uuid"
fernet_token_expiry: 86400
keystone_default_user_role: "_member_"
# Glance options
glance_backend_file: "{{ not enable_ceph | bool }}"
glance_backend_ceph: "{{ enable_ceph }}"
glance_backend_vmware: "no"
# Ceilometer options
# Valid options are [ mongodb, mysql, gnocchi ]
ceilometer_database_type: "mongodb"
# Valid options are [ mongodb, gnocchi, panko ]
ceilometer_event_type: "mongodb"
# Barbican options
# Valid options are [ simple_crypto, p11_crypto ]
barbican_crypto_plugin: "simple_crypto"
barbican_library_path: "/usr/lib/libCryptoki2_64.so"
### Panko options
# Valid options are [ mongodb, mysql ]
panko_database_type: "mysql"
# Gnocchi options
# Vaid options are [file, ceph]
gnocchi_backend_storage: "{{ 'ceph' if enable_ceph|bool else 'file' }}"
# Cinder options
cinder_backend_ceph: "{{ enable_ceph }}"
cinder_volume_group: "cinder-volumes"
cinder_backup_driver: "nfs"
cinder_backup_share: ""
cinder_backup_mount_options_nfs: ""
# Cloudkitty options
# Valid options are [ ceilometer, gnocchi ]
cloudkitty_collector_backend: "ceilometer"
# Designate options
# Valid options are [ bind9 ]
designate_backend: "bind9"
designate_ns_record: "sample.openstack.org"
# Neutron options
neutron_bgp_router_id: ""
neutron_bridge_name: "br-ex"
# Nova options
nova_backend_ceph: "{{ enable_ceph }}"
nova_backend: "{{ 'rbd' if nova_backend_ceph | bool else 'default' }}"
# Horizon options
horizon_backend_database: "{{ enable_murano | bool }}"
# Octavia options
# Load balancer topology options are [ SINGLE, ACTIVE_STANDBY ]
octavia_loadbalancer_topology: "SINGLE"
# Ceph options
# Ceph can be setup with a caching to improve performance. To use the cache you
# must provide separate disks than those for the OSDs
ceph_enable_cache: "no"
external_ceph_cephx_enabled: "yes"
# Ceph is not able to determine the size of a cache pool automatically,
# so the configuration on the absolute size is required here, otherwise the flush/evict will not work.
ceph_target_max_bytes: ""
ceph_target_max_objects: ""
# Valid options are [ forward, none, writeback ]
ceph_cache_mode: "writeback"
# Valid options are [ ext4, btrfs, xfs ]
ceph_osd_filesystem: "xfs"
# Set to 'yes-i-really-really-mean-it' to force wipe disks with existing partitions for OSDs. Only
# set if you understand the consequences!
ceph_osd_wipe_disk: ""
# These are /etc/fstab options. Comma separated, no spaces (see fstab(8))
ceph_osd_mount_options: "defaults,noatime"
# A requirement for using the erasure-coded pools is you must setup a cache tier
# Valid options are [ erasure, replicated ]
ceph_pool_type: "replicated"
# Integrate Ceph Rados Object Gateway with OpenStack keystone
enable_ceph_rgw_keystone: "no"
ceph_cinder_pool_name: "volumes"
ceph_cinder_backup_pool_name: "backups"
ceph_glance_pool_name: "images"
ceph_gnocchi_pool_name: "gnocchi"
ceph_nova_pool_name: "vms"
ceph_erasure_profile: "k=4 m=2 ruleset-failure-domain=host"
ceph_rule: "default host {{ 'indep' if ceph_pool_type == 'erasure' else 'firstn' }}"
ceph_cache_rule: "cache host firstn"
# VMware - OpenStack WMware support