From 1ecd1afc3b4994b6d061de704c456069e40fde40 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Eduardo Gonzalez <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 23:24:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Cleanup sfc useless doc

Showing the CLI installed does not verify SFC is working at all.
Refer to updated link with process to create a chain.

networking-sfc is already installed in neutron,not needed to
use custom  builds anymore.

Change-Id: Ib92482eba6e27ef1e856f0a54aeb4cdfc0495117
 doc/source/reference/networking-guide.rst | 62 +----------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 61 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/source/reference/networking-guide.rst b/doc/source/reference/networking-guide.rst
index 04f29f3d4c..86b299c496 100644
--- a/doc/source/reference/networking-guide.rst
+++ b/doc/source/reference/networking-guide.rst
@@ -42,71 +42,11 @@ the following:
     enable_neutron_sfc: "yes"
-Networking-SFC is an additional Neutron plugin. For SFC to work, this plugin
-has to be installed in ``neutron-server`` container as well. Modify the
-configuration file ``/etc/kolla/kolla-build.conf`` and add the following
-    [neutron-server-plugin-networking-sfc]
-    type = git
-    location =
-    reference = mitaka
-Verify the build and deploy operation of Networking-SFC container. Successful
-deployment will bring up an SFC container in the list of running containers.
-Run the following command to login into the ``neutron-server`` container:
-    docker exec -it neutron_server bash
-Neutron should provide the following CLI extensions.
-    #neutron help|grep port
-    port-chain-create                 [port_chain] Create a Port Chain.
-    port-chain-delete                 [port_chain] Delete a given Port Chain.
-    port-chain-list                   [port_chain] List Port Chains that belong
-                                      to a given tenant.
-    port-chain-show                   [port_chain] Show information of a
-                                      given Port Chain.
-    port-chain-update                 [port_chain] Update Port Chain's
-                                      information.
-    port-pair-create                  [port_pair] Create a Port Pair.
-    port-pair-delete                  [port_pair] Delete a given Port Pair.
-    port-pair-group-create            [port_pair_group] Create a Port Pair
-                                      Group.
-    port-pair-group-delete            [port_pair_group] Delete a given
-                                      Port Pair Group.
-    port-pair-group-list              [port_pair_group] List Port Pair Groups
-                                      that belongs to a given tenant.
-    port-pair-group-show              [port_pair_group] Show information of a
-                                      given Port Pair Group.
-    port-pair-group-update            [port_pair_group] Update Port Pair
-                                      Group's information.
-    port-pair-list                    [port_pair] List Port Pairs that belongs
-                                      to a given tenant.
-    port-pair-show                    [port_pair] Show information of a given
-                                      Port Pair.
-    port-pair-update                  [port_pair] Update Port Pair's
-                                      information.
 For setting up a testbed environment and creating a port chain, please refer
-to the following link:
-For the source code, please refer to the following link:
+to `networking-sfc documentation <>`_:
 Neutron VPNaaS (VPN-as-a-Service)